Super Tech Powerhouse

Chapter 84: National enemy

Since the actual occupation of Guangxi. Zhang Shusheng became more and more busy.

After eight or nine years of development, Dongchuan District has become a major place for the Communist Youth League. It has more than 95% of the modern industry of the entire Communist Youth League, more than 85% of secondary and tertiary institutions, and a total industrial output value of 91.43. The ultra-high number of% also accounts for 86.2% of the tax revenue. It can be said that Dongchuan District is the top priority for the development of the militia.

However, with the gradual development of Guangxi, some industrial construction projects have gradually shifted to Guangxi, such as the construction of various large and medium-sized small mines and the construction of Tiandong Oilfield, as well as new steelmaking plants, refineries, and petrochemicals derived from it. Factories, etc. will be included in the priority development goals as a supplement to the second five-year plan.

On the surface, Lu Rongting just formed a strategic offensive and defensive alliance with Dongchuan District. He is still the governor's office of Guangxi. In fact, he has retired to the second line and Guangxi affairs have been completely handed over to the political team sent by Zhang Shusheng.

The Guangxi management team, headed by Wei Sancai and Lu polypropylene, based on the Dongchuan District political team, also recruited Li Zongren to serve as a non-key department deputy under the Guangxi government. Zhang Shusheng had visited Guangxi himself before, except for having an important meeting with the Guangxi leadership. He also talked privately with former Guangxi officials such as Lu polypropylene.

At the same time of political action, Guangxi's military reorganization plan was also carried out simultaneously. In addition to the original military expansion plan of Dongchuan District, Guangxi will separately reorganize the troops of the three divisions on the basis of the original Gui system. The military chiefs and instructors at all levels will be deployed from the militias, saying that it is Guangxi. It is better to say that it is the second reserve of the militia.

At this time, everyone understands that Guangxi has become the actual control area of ​​Zhang Shusheng. Although he did not ascend and shout right, he just sits in the most important place of the militia, but his influence has expanded to the three southwestern provinces, radiating Yunnan Three Guizhou.

Judging from the current situation, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou have become the world of Zhang Shusheng and Tang Jiyao. Neither the North nor South governments can spread their influence. One is that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. There are any orders in the north and south that Zhang Shusheng just let his subordinates Yang Feng and Yin deal with. The other is Tang Jiyao, who is a mature man, occupying the right place at the right time, while resisting the orders of the central government, and always threatens Sichuan. The relatively rich place of Chengyu has always been a big piece of fat in his eyes.

"This is a piece of fat."

Zhang Shusheng looked at a combat plan formulated by the staff in his hand. According to the above timetable, he could send his army into Sichuan by the middle of next year at the latest, and win Panzhihua. Instead of secretly collecting ore locally as it is now. In order to avoid making Sichuan warlords covet the huge iron ore that can make everyone crazy, Zhang Shusheng even asked two foreign companies to set up a small iron ore mine in Panzhihua.

During that time something happened that made him very unhappy. What he originally thought was to give the Southwestern Sichuan warlord named Liu a bit of sweetness, and then open one or two small mines for the time being. As a result, the warlord demanded a lot of money and refused to agree. But when Pan American Kens International came out, it only cost a little money to reach an agreement. This made him have to be wary of a dangerous idea in the hearts of many people at this time or even for a long time to come: Chongyangmeiwai.

However, with the growing demand for steel, several small mines in the Dongcheng District have become increasingly inadequate, and Guangxi's ore has been transported to Dongchuan District too far away. Therefore, only Panzhihua across the river, Became his preferred target.

Since you don't want sweetness, then you have to give you a stick.


"Come in!"

Mao Yun walked in solemnly from the outside.

"District Chief, Deputy Minister Zhao of the Special Situations Department has an emergency report to you."

"Let him come in immediately." Zhang Shusheng put away the battle plan, and Zhao Ziyun basically did nothing good every time he came. He also made a little mental preparation.

Special affairs department is responsible for things. Basically, there are less good things and more bad things. Especially in the past two years, some people from unknown origin have gradually begun to appear in Dongchuan District. Zhao Ziyun's work is even more busy, often working overtime until midnight.

"District Chief." Zhao Ziyun closed the door, saluted a military salute, and then took out a top-secret document from the briefcase and handed it to Zhang Shusheng. "We are lurking in the secret agent of the Kunming military government, saying that Tang Jiyao is working with Japan People secretly contacted to discuss matters concerning cooperation between the two sides, and substantial progress has been made. Unfortunately, the agent could not access higher-level secrets. Tang Jiyao was too cautious this time. "

"What!" Zhang Shusheng hadn't had time to read the report. At first hearing Zhao Ziyun's words, the tea cup in his hand was slightly swayed, and the tea inside was filled with layers of faint waves, and his heart was even more angry.

Cooperation? ? What cooperation did the Japanese and warlords have during this period? Japanese devils never thought of any formal cooperation with anyone in China or any forces throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were all deliberate conspiracies.

From the economic, military, and political realms, the Japanese played the role of invaders in China throughout the early 20th century. Many people think that Japan ’s aggression against China was only in the 1930s and 1940s. In fact, the true aggression against China began in the early 20th century and early 20s.

Sending special agents to sneak into China, secretly draw various military maps, secretly investigate the distribution of resources in various places, secretly collude with local warlords, use various conspiracy and tricks to absorb economic benefits and frame national industries. Strong buying at low prices crowds out national industries. From the beginning, the spokesperson for the South, to Zhang Shuai, who helped the North, as the spokesperson, the Japanese have never settled down.

Tang Jiyao was so crazy that he would go to the Japanese to cooperate.

Suddenly, Zhang Shusheng's mind flashed a thought. Judging by the Japanese's pervasive movements in China at this time, it was most likely that the Japanese found Tang Jiyao. With the common methods of little devils, it is nothing more than military drawdown and economic drawdown, and then draw out some empty checks. With various incentives, from Yuan Datou to the North and South warlords, many people have fallen into the conspiracy scheme compiled by Japanese .

Among them, the unlucky one is Zhang Dashuai. After coming to play with the Japanese, you ended up being blown to death. This is an excellent example.

"Didn't your special affairs department catch a few Japanese secret agents who made a map at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan at the beginning of the year? In your opinion, what exactly is going on? Is there any connection?"

Zhang Shusheng thought that Tang Jiyao was also a human spirit. In the original history, he should have been a thin mountain at this time, and it would be two or three years before Long Yun would oust him from office. But his arrival changed too much. Although the People's League has harvested Guangxi. However, Tang Jiyao also took advantage of the various butterfly effects caused by Zhang Shusheng, and even removed some of his confidants through Zhang Shusheng's hands. He actually used this to reorganize the army, and his power was a little stronger than before.

At this time, Tang Jiyao, facing the only enemy in the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guizhou, did not have the embarrassment of the previous busyness, but was completely determined to obtain greater rights.

In the view of Tang Jiyao, the road to the throne of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou provinces, the throne of southwestern hegemons, was only one Zhang Shusheng behind. As long as Zhang Shusheng is defeated, Sichuan will be indifferent. Going east to Fujian and Guangxi, and west to southwest, all are just around the corner.

Zhao Ziyun had heard the analysis of intelligence analysis experts before his arrival, and those analyses were also written into the report. However, he still answered truthfully. Except for the spies coming to the door, all others are from Japan, and there is a growing trend. "

"These spies are mainly concentrated on the military side? The political side or the economic side?" Zhang Shusheng was already mentally prepared. Although Dongchuan District is a mountainous region, it does not mean that it can never be known.

"Political and military aspects just captured a few Japanese agents operating at the border between Sichuan and Yunnan, but economic activities, and spying activities are very frequent." Zhao Ziyun briefly talked about this year's security work, because Zhang Shusheng has been very secure about security Attention, so not only the Special Situations Department and the Special Investigation Section of the Shusheng Company Commercial Investigation Division can take charge of security work, but also workers in the factory have a high level of security vigilance.

This is why the Japanese were arrested less than a week after they sent someone into an ordinary factory. As for high-end factories, such as pharmaceutical factories, engine factories, and high-precision factories, where security is more stringent, the Japanese have no chance to get involved. Because the group not only uniformly resettled the workers, but also conducted a safety survey for each worker, some special instruments and equipment were also quietly settled in the factory.

Because the factories of the Mindan League adopt a division of labor system, each worker can only know a small part of the process that he is responsible for, and this part of the process may be the smallest part of a production process.

There was a time when a bought-out worker wanted to enter the workshop at night to spy on other processes, but it turned out to be an empty workshop, but still left evidence of his crime. He was arrested as soon as he returned to the dormitory ... ...

When he was arrested, this cautious traitor even forced himself to quibble. In fact, with his thinking, even with the thinking of this era, it is difficult to understand. Somewhere on the roof of the factory, there may be a miniature camera hidden behind a light bulb ...

The gap between the times makes security easier. Many Japanese agents fell on the net without knowing it. Until they got to the secret prison of the Ministry of Special Affairs, they couldn't figure out how they were exposed.

Of course, the gang cannot tell them that it is your sneaky figure that betrayed you, and that your secret radio station betrayed you. It's yours ...

Compared with several mainstream rogue countries in the world, compared with the militias, in some high-tech applications, it is a gap of the times.

Zhang Shusheng opened the report and looked at the statements and analysis in detail, as well as a copy of the intelligence returned by the agent. Half a moment, Tie Qing wrote a line on an order book with his face and handed it to Zhao Ziyun: "Immediately activate the special emotions lurking The second-level agent under Tang Jiyao's forces, this is the corresponding authorization password. I will get detailed collusion between Tang Jiyao and the Japanese in three days! "

Zhao Ziyun was shocked in his heart, but he only had the right to use the third, fourth, and fifth agents of the Special Situations Department, and the second, first, and even stronger agents. As a deputy minister, he even had the code name of those people. Do not know at all. This is the first time a second-level agent has been activated since he took over the post of Deputy Minister of Special Affairs. Although the teacher seemed calm, he felt a kind of tranquility before Zhang Fury from Zhang Shusheng, and even he felt deep fear.

"The Japanese are here, it's not a good sign." Zhao Ziyun secretly said.

After Zhao Ziyun went out, Zhang Shusheng punched him on the table with a punch, and a good purple sand pot was smashed and flew out, and fell to the ground into pieces. Although the student himself has matured, how can he foresee that this is not an ordinary warlord collusion with outsiders, but it will be a dangerous signal: the Japanese are almost ready

"Little devil, if you want to play with ghosts in front of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will collect some interest first so that you can walk around without enough food."

Kunming, Yunnan

An old Ford came from a distance and drove directly into the Kunming military government. A deputy dressed as a man stepped down from the car and went directly into the office of the Overseer.

"Father, I'm back." Tang Jiyaohui, an agitated lie in the office of the deputy, reported. However, Tang Jiyao didn't speak, instead he ran to the doors and windows with a little horror and closed the curtains before taking a deep breath. "Xiao, what's the matter?"

"Father, these Japanese people are really too much. It is not necessary for them to set the negotiation place and time. They are only allowed to go alone." When I thought of myself going to the negotiation twice, I was blindfolded. There was a big fire in my heart ~ ~ But thinking about the negotiation conditions, he even extinguished his anger, only to feel that his spine was cold. "Humph!!"

"Forget it, you can endure the small things, talk about the negotiation." Tang Jiyao was also extremely contradictory, but at this stage, he can only do so. But somehow, in his heart, he had a little more memory of President Yuan Yuan and several other giants who died a few years ago.

I may not have had it before, but like them, they will collude with the Japanese. In his opinion, he would not be willing to do so unless it had huge benefits. "Xiao Xun, in order to prevent our father and son from being ridiculed by the people of the world, how patient you are."

Tang Xiaozhang resisted the fear that had not calmed down until now, and put down the briefcase, but took out a carefully placed document from his clothes. Even his hands were a little hesitant, "Father, you see, these are the fifteen conditions they offer."

"Uh? Let me see." Tang Jiyao hurriedly took the file, opened it, and just watched the first one, and then fell down. "Oh my God, this is for me to sell ... to sell ..."

"Father, father ... come on, come on!" (!)

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