Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 788: Desperate reward task


Before she fell into a coma, Yanyue opened her somewhat tired eyes, and looked at the monster snake with its four wings spread out under the hideous black glow, and suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She knew that that should be Li Yaodao as the main body of the monster race. Even if it had reached the critical point of coma, Yanyue still whispered weakly: "Run, leave me alone..."

After saying this, Yanyue was forcibly pulled into a deep sleep by the numbing poison that filled her body.


The World in the Nuclear Academy, the Imperial Pavilion

At this moment, before the reward task list, many genius students of the Emperor Pavilion have gathered. They seem to be waiting for the task to be refreshed. Fortunately, after the task is refreshed for the first time, they will take away the rewarding task with good spiritual value.

Just stepping out of the imperial pavilion, a beautiful silver-haired shadow in white clothes slowly came here, Long Yiwu’s smart pink eyes, looking at the refreshing reward task list, she stood in the distance when she was free. Watching from the stairs of the attic.

"I have been in retreat for a month, and there is not much spiritual value. It seems that I need to take on two difficult tasks..." Long Yiwu whispered softly.

Although she is the first genius of the Nuclear Academy and the top ten super geniuses, she has hundreds of thousands of spiritual rewards every month, but for Long Yiwu, these are not very useful at all, and will soon be exhausted. .

In the nuclear academy, everything needs spiritual value, and even Long Yiwu is extremely valued, which shows how important this thing is.

"Hehe, guess who I am?"

Suddenly, Long Yiwu's eyes went dark, and at this moment a pair of white hands playfully covered her eyes, smiling.

Hearing this, Long Yiwu's thin lips lifted slightly, and said: "The third child has never smiled before. If you dare to do this, it seems that there is no one else except you, right?"

"It's boring, can't you say that you don't know?" Long Erdie took away her hand speechlessly, her pretty face a little unhappy.

"Where is the third child?" Long Yiwu put his arms around Long Erdie's slender waist, softly speaking.

When a picture of a beautiful girl hugging another beautiful girl appeared, the eyes of many male students of the Emperor's Pavilion suddenly seemed to stare out, and from time to time they looked there.

Those are two of the few goddesses among the students, and their popularity in the nuclear academy is quite high!

In the corner of the huge attic, Yantian God, dressed in black and purple-patterned robe, also quietly took a sip of tea, looking at the reward list from time to time.

However, more often, the youth's gaze is still on Long Yiwu's side.

It seems that as long as the silver-haired girl is there, there is the shadow of Yantian.

Feeling a pair of warm eyes watching, Long Yiwu looked along the source, his pretty face slightly startled.

I saw the handsome Yan Tianshen, smiling to indicate to himself, his attitude was very consistent, quite a warm man.

Facing the friendly gestures from the youth, Long Yiwu always maintained a faint sense of coldness to the outside world, but after all, everyone is a member of the same imperial pavilion, and it is still the first of all courtesy.

Facing the girl who he admired so much to himself, Yan Tian Shen didn't care at all. He seemed to have been used to it, and continued to drink tea and watch the reward list.

"Hey, it's that nasty guy again..." Long Yiwu curled his lips and muttered quietly.

Long Yiwu smiled and shook his head, reached out his hand and tapped the other's little nose Qiong, and said: "You hate the forces behind others, right?"

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