Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 784: The last hole card!


Accompanied by a loud roar, it was full of harsh and extremely uncomfortable roar, which seemed to contain all kinds of anger and shame.

I saw two black-lighted monster figures suddenly leaping into the air, leaping high in the sky, and all the mad blood spiders that appeared in front of them along the way were instantly crushed by the two pitch-black fronts.

Even his own kind did not let go. As the saying goes, tiger poison still doesn't eat its children. Even among monsters, companions did not blatantly slaughter them, but monsters can easily do it.

While they were crushing their companions, those dense gray eyes were staring at Yanyue behind Li Yaodao. It seemed that there was something in the opponent's body that was attracting these monsters.

"Two wandering peaks, be careful!" Yanyue saw the two giant demon spiders flying into the sky, especially when she felt the huge and strange waves of the other side that were comparable to her, and she looked at her pretty face anxiously. Li Yaodao in front of him.

"You just consumed too much. I'll open the way. Those two beasts seem to be more interested in me."

Hearing that, Li Yaodao was pulling the opponent's bright wrist tightly, without letting go, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Yanyue.

Yanyue's pretty face was slightly startled by those gazes that looked like a snake king. For some reason, she suddenly had a trace of fear of Li Yaodao, fear of the blood of the king snake flowing in the other's bones.

"You..." Yanyue didn't know what to say. In such an extremely urgent moment, seeing the two ghostly peak monsters about to be culled, she said anxiously: "Don't you still want to be a hero?"

"I don't want to be a hero!" Li Yaodao shook his head slightly, and Tian Congyun suddenly appeared again, holding it in his hand. At this moment, the obsidian-like eyes of the young man instantly turned crimson.

Even the blade of the sky Congyun changed into the red of the sword at this moment, full of majestic and strange blood evil waves, spreading all around.

Li Yaodao stayed in front of Yanyue, the Yaodao stood in front of him, and said solemnly: "But I and I don't want to stand behind a woman!"

"You guy..." Yanyue was a little angry at the other party and wanted to laugh, but in such an urgent situation, it was obviously not allowed. She took a deep breath and calmly said, "Okay, in that case, I will temporarily Will be your strongest backing, give me your back!"

"Come on!" Li Yaodao responded without pretense.

At this moment, Li Yaodao and Yanyue were back to back, facing the mad blood spiders that were constantly using them in all directions, and the two magic spiders flying from above the dark sky, their expressions were extremely cold.

They know that they must not make any mistakes, otherwise, it will be the end of the group!

Accompanied by the power of the blood of the devil dragon, Li Yaodao's red eyes are full of violent, more powerful and strange spiritual force shock waves, which flood the four directions in the way of poisoning. Come.

At this moment, Li Yaodao began to use his last hole card, which was to burn the blood in his body to forcibly enhance his strength.

"Ding! Host, please note that your bloodline burning can only last for fifteen minutes, because your blood rage is sealed by insidious poison and cannot be consumed for a long time. If you consume too much, you will be forced to fall asleep!"

Facing the voice prompts of the evolution system, Li Yaodao had already expected that the crimson sky clouds, that **** sword light appeared, and the majestic and fierce **** sword light filled the air. Dozens of mad blood spiders on the front, instantly broke!

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