Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 779: Wild Blood Spider Forest


In the face of many cullings and violent blood spiders, Li Yaodao constantly waved the clouds in the sky, and the extremely hot virtual dragon swallowed the flames. A mad blood spider became ashes!

Bang bang bang...

Yanyue, who tried to follow her behind her, looked around at both sides, but all the wild blood spiders that suddenly sprang from behind the giant trees on both sides of her body were all smashed into pieces by her whip.

The mad blood spider seems to be the weakest existence in this silent forest, because there are too many, but even so, they are all at the ascension level. From the beginning to the present, Yanyue has only seen stronger and stronger monsters. , And did not find the existence of Tianxu.

"Be careful, among the beasts here, there are some elite monsters. Although they don't have the strength of mine, they still have to be seven to eight stars!"

Yanyue swung the whip to smash the smashed mad blood spider, and whispered behind Li Yaodao.

Wielding the sky cluster clouds burning with the scorching fire, a knife smashed the three mad blood spiders that came to ashes. Li Yaodao stared at the front, grinned, and said: "Are you caring?"

"Yes! I'm caring about you." Yanyue didn't conceal the slightest bit of concealment, a trace of sly in her eyes, and replied: "Because I want to destroy you by myself, so don't die here."

"Didn't we say that we shouldn't hurt each other?" Li Yaodao almost staggered, and the sudden words almost flashed his waist.

A whip exploded with vigorous purple light spiritual power shock wave marks, and the mad blood spider that came close to him flew away. Yanyue seemed to be caught in a bit of entanglement. She bit her teeth and said: "I still... , I still want to kill you."

Li Yaodao couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words, and said the most ruthless words in the most aggrieved tone, this aunt and grandma are no more.

"I said, even if you want to kill me, you have to wait until you leave this **** forbidden forest, right?" Li Yaodao swung the knife and drew out the hot and bright golden light of the sword, and culled the madness who dared to kill all along the way The blood spider was cut to ashes.

Hearing this, Yanyue also knew that her request might be a bit excessive, and she nodded slightly and said: "It's okay, wait until we rush out, maybe I don't want to kill you."

"Thank you so much for not killing." Li Yaodao rolled his eyes.

"Hee hee, you're welcome!" Yanyue said with a smile, and she came back with a little witch's attitude.

Chi Chi!

As the two broke through the siege longer and longer, although the wild blood spiders killed a lot of them along the way, the number was indeed far less than that of this taboo forest. Li Yaodao was also surprised to understand in the explanation of the evolution system.

The area in this taboo forest is even larger than Li Yaodao thought, and this place, which is known as abandoned by the ancient world, was once the most terrifying world field. The monsters living here are all species that existed in ancient times. .

"Yanyue, pay attention to your surroundings. In this forbidden forest, there are not only these spiders, but there are also more terrifying existences." Li Yaodao once again swung his knife to slay the spider monster that came up, and shouted.

"Don't worry, we should be in the wild blood spider forest in the taboo forest. It hasn't been particularly deep. As long as we can break through, the problem will not be big, and there will be no stronger monsters." Yanyue said suddenly.

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