Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 774: What I see is not hope, but despair

In the incomparably dark sea of ​​trees, because of the same darkness in the sky, a certain kind of extreme suppression wave formed, and Yanyue was not allowed to fly at all.

Yanyue, who had lost his flying ability, was naturally somewhat compromised in combat effectiveness.

Because of the long battle and the scarcity of spiritual power flow here, Yanyue found that her spiritual power was consumed much faster than usual. Her original magnificent and beautiful posture was also slightly embarrassed at this moment.

Except for the black trees that were blown by the roar of the yin wind, the girl's surroundings were full of broken corpses of mad blood spiders.

Obviously, although the group of wild blood spiders that sneaked on Yanyue before, although they were all in the Immortal Ascension realm and there were many in number, Que still looked so unbearable in front of Yanyue.

For these dark monsters, quantity is their only advantage.

Although Yanyue killed a lot of mad blood spiders, but more dark monsters, in the dense eye pupils on that pitch-black head, not only scarlet, but also blue, there is also a purple black that is deeper than black.

It seemed that Yanyue's battle had attracted more monsters from the Forbidden Forest.

Yanyue looked around and felt the dark giant trees, and the many monsters and beast shadows that gradually appeared, some of them had reached the level of seven-star and eight-star wandering.

Among them, there is also a monster hiding in many dark monsters, a deadly gray demon spider with dense eyes comparable to the peak of the nine stars, and a figure that is completely staring at Yanyue.

This nine-star peak demon spider, obviously, first let the group of wild blood spiders consume Yanyue's spiritual power, and then wait for the opportunity to move.

Worthy of being a dark monster, it is no weaker than humans in terms of intelligence, and knows the importance of wheel warfare!

Seeing the momentum, Yanyue also felt the gas mark of the strongest demon spider. She bit her teeth and looked at the extremely dark sky, suddenly a feeling of powerlessness and despair emerged.

I also came here because of impulse, but I never thought that if Li Yaodao didn't see the figure, he might even get in.

"Li Yaodao, if I die today, I will not let you go as a ghost!" Yanyue screamed, as if venting her inner depression, holding a purple whip, still staring coldly around her, waiting for the next wave of monsters Offense.

It seemed that the time was a bit ripe, the magic spider at the top of the wandering peak made a faint sound mark, and the wild blood spiders that had been commanded nearby, their dense scarlet eyes shimmering, flashed out one after another.


Their culling figures are as fast as the wind, regardless of the darkness in the entire forbidden forest, as if they can't see their fingers, but they who live here from beginning to end will not fear the darkness at all.

Because they are the darkness itself!

Seeing the situation, Yanyue, whose spiritual power was somewhat fragile and frivolous, had to go all out to survive at this moment. Due to the depth of the forbidden forest, the seal that fell in the sky was too powerful and lost the ability to fly.

What makes her even more desperate now is that she has lost her sense of direction and can only blindly break through, until the suppressive force falling in the dark sky is weak, she can fly.

However, Yanyue lost her sense of direction and felt that she was destined to be lost here...

Yanyue, who broke through, once again killed many mad blood spiders along the way, but she found that the opponent couldn't kill them at all, and she had reached the point of depletion.

Spiritual power is gradually withering. In the dark forbidden forest, no external spiritual power can be supplemented at all. At this time, Yanyue sees not hope, but despair...

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