Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 770: The horror of the taboo forest

Chi Chi!

At this moment, below the forbidden forest roared by the wind and wind, there were a few pitch-black shadows, which exuded the purest dark waves, but they could hide themselves well with the breath of dense forest.

Their eye-filled heads are staring at Yanyue above the sky, seeming to have treated each other as a delicacy, waiting for an opportunity.

call out!

At the south exit of the Taboo Forest, there were some embarrassed figures in black clothes, and they were rushing out at this moment, and they were covered in dust.

Looking up at the blue sky that emerged again, and the bright sunshine, his spiritual power was light, and all the dust on his body was shaken away. Li Yaodao looked back at the dark forest tree sea that seemed to be gradual, it was his. The nature of the heart is lingering fear.

"Asshole system, didn't you say that those guys were not in a sealed state? Little master, I almost never came back!" Li Yaodao took a deep breath, exhaling fragrance one after another.

"Ding! Don't be angry with the host, I was wronged too. I don't know why they suddenly wake up when you go to the host." The evolution system explained.

"Okay, I don't want to listen to your ink."

Li Yaodao was a little irritable at this moment. The sky clouds in his hands were stained with dark blood. At this moment, the dirty black blood was also set off. The sky clouds did not absorb it, but shattered.

Strangely speaking, when the blood on the clouds in the sky was scattered and scattered, they seemed to be naturally afraid of the bright light, and under the sun's rays, they instantly turned into nothingness.

"This forbidden forest, I don't want to step in again in my life!" Li Yaodao cursed.

When he rushed into the core area of ​​the forbidden forest before, everything was like the scene Yanyue saw later. The world became darker and darker, the sky lost its luster, and the dark sea of ​​trees below became darker and darker. Heart palpitations make people fearful.

And there, there was also an invisible huge dark power, slowly suppressing it, so that Li Yaodao could not keep flying in the air for a long time, and finally landed in the dense forest tree sea below.

However, all of this was not over yet, and the strange thing happened the moment Li Yaodao fell into the sea of ​​trees.

Just when he wanted to find a tree and wanted to hide, waiting for Yanyue to find him, or drag him to leave, he would choose to leave.

But at that time, Li Yaodao never expected that he was the closest to death in history!

Behind him, it was not a tree, but a huge black animal shadow. Its head was full of scarlet eyes, dense scarlet pupils like a hornet's nest, and Li Yaodao's scalp was numb.

And when he saw the dark beast shadow, he realized that his location was not a tree, but a thick dark beast leg!

It was a thick spider leg, not a branch or tree pole!

"If it hadn't been for Lao Tzu's wit, shit, I almost sent myself into the spider's mouth!" When Li Yaodao thought that there were all eyes behind him, he really didn't want to think about it a second time.

"It is estimated that Yanyue can't find me, she should have left long ago?" Li Yaodao looked around, looking back at the sea of ​​trees behind his eyes, like a dark ocean, muttering.

However, in the next second, the evolution of the system caused Li Yaodao's face to change dramatically.

"Ding! Host, she didn't leave, she's still inside..."

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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