boom! boom! boom...

In the silent world, within the huge spherical tree net, heavy blasts continued to be heard. That voice sounded to Li Yaodao, Luo Tong and others, like a hundred horses charging, one after another!

Feeling the subtle changes in the spherical tree net, and seeing the cracks that began to spread, Li Yaodao's eyes suddenly widened, and he muttered, "Isn't it...I can't control you?"

He knew the power of the pure spirit tree. If he hadn't had the spirit fire in the first place, the spherical tree net could swallow him instantly, and there would be no bones left!

But Yanyue has no spiritual fire, but she can still break through the spherical tree net. Looking at this posture, it seems that it can't stop the opponent's attack intensity.

I saw the huge net, which had already been attacked, began to deform, and the traces of cracks instantly spread...

It has to be said that Yanyue's strength is really not covered, and it is really strong to make people fearful!

Bang! Bang! ...

With more and more cracks in the spherical tree net, the corner of Li Yaodao's mouth was also secretly surprised by Yanyue's explosive power.

This is an absolute nemesis to the Pure Spirit Tree below the Heaven-Through-Sky Realm. Now its blockade power, but in front of Yanyue, it seems a little weak...

"En? Really can't control it?"

Li Yaodao widened his eyes, looked at the violently trembling blockade tree net, and felt the violent aura gradually leaking from the cracks, and immediately the four black wings behind him vibrated suddenly, wanting to swept away in the sky...


Accompanied by a violent explosion, it came out from the spherical tree net, and a violent and majestic purple light burst out from it, and the mountain was swallowed by a wave of tsunami.

In the City of Peace, the two pure spirit trees suddenly withered, losing a lot of their own strength. Not only did they fail to control Yanyue, but also caused them to directly break through, causing their own battle damage.

Even with the blessing of Luotong's power, the Jingling Tree can't break out the previous fierce attack again at this moment!

In the City of Peace, including Roton, along with the law enforcement team and outsiders who are undergoing security checks, they cast their eyes to the sky.

I saw the purple-haired shadow holding a purple whip and flew outright in the air, like a little witch, with violent purple spiritual power spreading all over her body, shocking everywhere.

With the autonomously acting Snake Emperor's whip, the snake head stared at the direction where Li Yaodao was escaping, spit out a snake letter, and specified a certain direction...

Seeing that her Snake Emperor's whip had a direction to guide, Yanyue did not even go to see the people in the city of peace, but her glamorous spiritual eye locked the direction in which Li Yaodao was escaping, her body and spirit wings vibrated suddenly, and she continued to chase. Away.

"Li Yaodao! If you flee to the end of the world, my old lady will kill you too!"

Facing Yanyue Fei body rushing out of the City of Peace, chasing the direction where Li Yaodao, who had already disappeared from the sky, flew away, Luo Tong's throat moved suddenly in the City of Peace.

He swallowed his throat and looked at each other with the man in glasses beside him, both of which read a hint of inquiry from each other's eyes.

"Captain, this kind of thing... Let's report the truth to the newspaper." The man with glasses smiled bitterly.

Hearing this, Luo Tong nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Yanyue and Li Yaodao forcibly broke through the customs and broke the rules. It must be reported truthfully, and there is something."

"The two of them flew to the Forbidden Forest. You must let the people in the courtyard know, otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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