Li Yaodao, who was pulled onto the platform, looked at Long Sanxue's beautiful snow-blue eyes and couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

I saw Long Sanxue loosen the young man’s wrist, pointed to the blue medicine cauldron beside him, and said, “You can directly point out the problem and prove that you are also a not weak alchemist. I want to see how you do it. ."

"Look now?" Li Yaodao raised her eyebrows, surprised.

"Yes, now." Long Sanxue nodded earnestly, looking at the posture, as if the former did not agree, she would not let the other party go.

Looking at the many people in the audience, Li Yaodao coughed lightly and said, "I don't like places with many people, can I make another appointment?"

Many fanatical suitors in the audience heard it, and they were all secretly stunned. They gritted their teeth and had terrifying eyes. If the eyes could kill people, Li Yaodao would have been pierced and shattered.

Hearing that, Long Sanxue turned his eyes, looked at the many figures in the audience, and then fell back to Li Yaodao's body, gently shook his head, and said, "No, I'm usually very busy. You can do it today, and I will take care of dinner! "

Many veterans in the audience were suddenly angry, but they couldn't say anything. They stared at Li Yaodao one by one, as if they were about to tear it apart.

Li Yaodao looked at the girl's persistence, thinking that she was Long Yiwu's own sister, and that she was the youngest and the one who should be favored the most. He felt soft and said nothing, and immediately sat cross-legged in front of Hanlan Ding.

"These are the materials, enough for you to practice." Long Sanxue quickly took out a lot of spiritual grass materials from the space ring, which was as many as three.

Li Yaodao nodded slightly, now that he had reached this point, he had no choice but to practice it.

"Hey, does that guy really dare to practice, and he's not afraid of being embarrassed in public?"

"Who knows, who gave this guy the courage? Dare to use the alchemy technique in front of Senior Sister Long Sanxue? This is not an axe?

"Hey, I want to take a look, this is called Li Yaodao, who can't get off stage for a while, what should I do?"

"It's okay, if that guy fails to pretend to be a match, I guess Senior Sister Long Sanxue can beat that guy violently without us."

Many old students and young people did not leave, but watched with a sneer while whispering in private. They were expecting Li Yaodao to miss the next second.

After all, they don't want each other, there is too much intersection with the goddess in their own minds.

Ignoring the spectacle of the group of brains under the stage, Li Yaodao looked at the blue Hanlan Ding in front of him, feeling that it was more advanced than the Star Ding, as if it was about to be the same level as his teacher's Qiankun Ding, and he was secretly surprised.

It is worthy of being a human royal family, any treasure that comes out is a high-level and other level.

"It is estimated that this Nizi must also have a medicine cauldron similar to Qiankun Ding, but she has not reached the world-passing level, so she is not qualified to use it..."

Thinking briefly in his heart, now that he has reached this point, Li Yaodao can't shrink back naturally, and saw him breathe lightly, and the vigorous soul power fluctuated throughout his body.

The soul force was attached to the palm to form an invisible protective film. When Long Sanxue saw this, she also stepped back a few steps. Looking at the young man sitting cross-legged, she knew that the alchemist was making alchemy and she must not be disturbed.

So she gave many old students present a look, as if she was saying, just look at it honestly, whoever dares to make trouble, beat anyone...

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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