Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 418: Registration Office

Looking at such a domineering Gothic ring-shaped huge building, especially the five characters of the Alchemist Guild that are comparable to naked-eye 3D presented on the high gate, reveals the meaning of grandeur.

At the wide and high entrance, people's shadows flow from time to time, but most of them here are dressed in the robes of alchemists. After all, walking in the central capital, the alchemist's clothing is simply a golden sign. Whenever you encounter this on the street People of all respects are all respected.

"I found that human beings are really blessed in this aspect of construction. Although our monster clan also has strong construction skills, it is still somewhat inferior compared to human buildings." Qing Li looked up at the huge circular building. Little face lightly drums.

It seemed that in her arrogant eyes, it was somewhat uncomfortable to see that humans are stronger than monsters.

Li Yaodao nodded with feeling, no matter which world human beings are in, they are comparable to infrastructure crazy demons. Take this alchemist guild alone, if it is placed on the earth, it is definitely a holy place for believers!

"Time waits for no one, we have other things to do, go in."

With that said, Li Yaodao took the lead, and Qing Li immediately followed behind with her little hand on her back.

Stepping into the door of the Alchemy Masters Guild, a strong pill scent rushed over his face, Li Yaodao took a deep breath, feeling that the whole person was refreshed, and looked around.

As a huge power all over the continent, the Alchemist Guild in the Central Capital is only one of them, but its internal scale is extremely wide. It can be roughly divided into three major areas, the alchemy area, the medicinal material trading area, and the newcomer certification office.

However, in the three areas, the medicinal material trading area is simply overwhelmingly popular. Many alchemists have been guarding their booths under the indoor square, with various precious medicinal materials and some strange things in front of them.

The silhouettes of people coming and going are endless and lively.

Compared with the medicinal material trading area, the alchemy area can be described by the word "hot". There are independent alchemy rooms, open the door from time to time to walk out of the alchemists who are full of pride in the spring breeze, and there are also a lot of dusty faces that almost scold their mothers.

At the forefront, like an instructor, there are some consultants there to help every past alchemist.

"Are you going to certify an alchemist?" Qing Li asked Xiao Hei in his arms.

Li Yaodao nodded slightly and said, "Well, are you waiting for me here or waiting for me outside?"

Qing Li groaned for a moment, then vacated a small hand and reached out to Li Yaodao.

"What are you doing?" Li Yaodao was puzzled.

"Give me the card, I'll go to the trading area and just come and find me when you're done." Qingli's green eyes were shining, obviously interested in it.

Seeing this, Li Yaodao didn't think much about it, so he handed the black gold card in his hand to the other party, and exhorted: "You and Xiao Hei are going shopping in the trading area, don't run around!"

"Don't worry!" Qing Li took the black gold card, made a face immediately, and ran to the trading area.

"If you want to find me, use your soul to urge the contract, and you can feel my position!"

Seeing Qingli holding Xiao Hei and disappearing into the crowd in a blink of an eye, Li Yaodao's gaze fell on the alchemy area, suddenly became interested, he found that there was a more advanced golden door in the depths, and couldn't help walking over.

However, just not far away, two more armored figures resembling guards stopped Li Yaodao in front of him, and one of them had a respectful voice and kindly reminded him.

"Sorry, the high-level alchemy room, the minimum requirement is a third-rank high-level alchemist to enter, please also show the rank of the alchemist."

Hearing that, Li Yaodao looked startled, and suddenly remembered that he was not an alchemist, and couldn't help asking: "Well, I want to verify the identity of an alchemist. Where do I go?"

Hearing that, one of the guards pointed to the southwest and explained: "There is the registration office. If you want to authenticate the alchemist, you have to go there first."

"Oh, thank you!"

Li Yaodao smiled and nodded, and then walked towards the registration office...

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