Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 416: Who else is not convinced

Master Lu saw that Huang Yan, who he was so proud of, couldn't hurt Li Yaodao even a little bit, and a storm surged in his heart. His face was startled, and he couldn't help screaming in horror: "This is impossible, how could you have nothing! "

The Huang Yan in his hand, whether it is used to refine alchemy or kill the enemy, is extremely lethal in the same rank, but Master Lu never expected that his strongest flame, not only did not hurt When he arrived at Li Yaodao, he was sucked up by the other party. This scene was like hell.

"It's impossible, this kid cheated!"

"Master Lu's Huang Yan, even the five-star Heavenly Profound Realm powerhouse has to avoid his edge, why is this kid not hurt at all?"

"There is weirdness, Master Lu must have kept it!"

When the other alchemists saw the intact Li Yaodao, they sneered with disdain and sneer, and stopped abruptly, all shocked.

They have known Master Lu for a long time, and they know the strength of Huang Yan. If they are against themselves, they must go all out. Now, they are easily blocked by a young man. Why does this make other alchemy masters feel good about it?

"What?!" The directors sitting around the blue crystal table looked unbelievable, and even Director Lan was slightly moved.

So easy to resolve a third-rank alchemist's flame attack, absolutely extraordinary!

Yaxin's small hand that was tightly squeezed at this moment also gradually relaxed, couldn't help but exhale, and smiled inwardly.

This guy is always scary, not at all worrying.

At that time, Li Yaodao raised his right hand, and the cold black sky burst into flames. The moment the cold fire appeared, all the warmth in the hall of the conference room seemed to be swallowed, and the cold breath enveloped all, which made people shudder.

"Huh, the kid who pretends to be a ghost, the old man wants you to understand what is unshakable strength." Master Lu's facial muscles trembled at this moment, and his heart was surprised when he felt the cold and black flames jumping in Li Yaodao's hands. , Immediately put his hands together, and Huang Yan gradually spread out again.

"go with!"

Li Yaodao just threw the black sky fire out of his palm as if he had lost a ball. The moment the black flames were enveloped by the cold and fierce, Master Lu, who was still releasing Huang Yan, immediately looked shocked.

With such lightning and flint, it was too late to counterattack. Master Lu could only subconsciously control Huang Yan to form a barrier to stop Sen's fierce and brutal black flame.


Along with the violent cold explosion, the entire conference room was filled with violent flames. Director Lan raised his right hand and pressed it down. The waves of majestic spiritual power filled the surrounding area with an irresistible force. The flame shock waves suppressed.

In the next second, Li Yaodao stood still with a sunny smile and held his hand, looking at the hole in the wall where a figure had been exploded in front of him, and immediately looked at other alchemists.

Suddenly, all the alchemists looked at the black-clothed boy in horror, and felt the chilling smile of sunshine, as if they had eaten a child to death, and their faces were extremely ugly.

They were still ridiculing others before, and in the next second, the opponent directly beat Master Lu, the strongest here, out of the wall. This gap can be seen by fools. This Li Yaodao is not only young, but also has his own strength. tyrannical.

The strength of that black flame air fire was truly unmatched.

Li Yaodao looked at the remaining few alchemists with ugly faces and smiled lightly: "Everyone, who else is not convinced? I can take the battle anytime!"

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