Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 397: Qinghuang Nirvana Thunder

Under the quiet night sky, the scarlet and dim moonlight spilled down on the earth, adding a bit of weirdness to the yellow hill.

Outside the mountain, Gan Yuntian, who was meditating to death, opened those eyes full of hatred in vain after hearing the sound of the broken mountain in front of him, especially when he saw the black mountain with the demon sword on the broken hill. The boy in Yi was unscathed, which made him very furious.

"Little beast, bring your life!"

Accompanied by a thunderous rage, Gan Yuntian leaped up with his axe, and the frenzied spiritual wave marks all over his body were like a howling ghost, which made people panic and uneasy.

Standing on the hills, Li Yaodao looked at the fierce figure that was smashing into his flying body. A touch of murderous intent flashed past the pair of normally calm cosmetic contact lenses, and his right hand slowly grasped the hilt.

However, I didn’t wait for Li Yaodao to move. I saw the vigorous green light dancing with vigorous spiritual power. I saw Qingli’s whole body flashing with the power of blue light and thunder. In her sword-like sword-like treasure, the same green light was seen. In the big release, the strong blue light and thunder, rushing straight above the sky, adding a touch of vigor and violent color to this quiet and dark world.

"Qinghuang extinguishes thunder!"

With a soft drink from Qing Li, the little hand holding the treasure aloft suddenly swung down. Above the sky, the blue light thunders turned into blue light thunder dragons to vent down, and each of them had a level comparable to the peak of the Profound Sky Realm. , You can look around, but dozens of azure thunder dragons comparable to the peak of the Sky Profound Realm have fallen.

"Heavenly blood cuts an axe!"

Seeing all the violent nirvana thunder dragons shrouded, Gan Yuntian was unwilling to show weakness, and the axe in his hand suddenly became extremely bloody. With the addition of spiritual power, it turned into a huge **** color. The shadow of the axe swung out immediately, attacking with the huge blue light thunder dragon falling from the sky.


Although the shadow of the blood axe is arrogant, but it looks outnumbered after all. After being killed with a dozen of the azure thunder dragons, dozens of thunder dragons in the rear follow like a shadow, covering all of them, and ruthlessly penetrate the surrounding earth. , The towering mountains were also devastated by the power of thunder.

"What?!" When Gan Yuntian saw that his strongest attack was broken, his expression was also shocked. He once again looked at the young girl in Tsing Yi who did not know when next to Li Yaodao. There was a sudden sense of death in his instinct, and he wanted to. Turned and fled.

"Amidst my thunder, no one can run!" Qingli once again held the treasure high, swiped it down, and pointed directly at the fleeing Gan Yuntian.

Gradually, the gigantic blue light thunder dragon received instructions from the master, and with the most violent momentum, one after another rushed to the distance. After a violent explosion from the sky and the earth, the blue light that enveloped the sky gradually dissipated, and under the sky, it was restored. The quiet darkness.

In the huge pit, there is still a faint meaning of thunder. At the center of the pit, the Gan Yuntian, which has already become a scorched corpse, has already become completely unrecognizable at this moment, with a strong burning smell permeating. Those who are already dead cannot die again.

The poor man who was once a celebrity in the wasteland has now come to such a fate. If it is known that the Gan Family Martial Arts Hall actually ended in this way, I am afraid it will attract countless sighs.

At that time, two young figures appeared outside the pit cover. Li Yaodao looked at the burnt corpse of Gan Yuntian who was already dead, and helplessly raised his forehead with his right hand, and said, "Actually, you don't need to make a move."

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