Li Yaodao looked at the streamer gradually dissipating, the ancient scroll was gently falling, and finally came to his palm, feeling the mighty coercion surrounding him, he couldn't help being surprised.

"This hasn't been opened yet, such a powerful wave mark is worthy of the best spiritual skill of Tianliu Sect."

"Hehehe, that's natural. This is the heyday of Tianliu Sect. How can the inheritance of its ancestors be comparable to the skills of ordinary heavenly spirits?" Guling laughed strangely.

Li Yaodao held the scroll in his hand, then looked at the Gu Ling floating in the air, surprised: "I promised you can swear before, you don't have to, I can swear, as long as it doesn't violate the personal bottom line."

"No, I see you pleasing to the eye, I believe you will promise me this condition." Gu Ling waved his hand impatiently, quite surprised in his heart.

After all, the spiritual skills contained in this scroll were tailor-made for the sect masters of the Tianliu sects of the past. However, this boy in black was able to prevent the scroll from rejecting, indicating that there is something inherently different between the two. There should be an inevitable connection.

It is because of this that it will not let the other party continue to swear. After all, this spiritual skill, even if it is obtained by the ordinary strong, if it is not recognized by the spiritual skill, it will still not be able to cultivate and comprehend, it is a waste paper, this spiritual skill The training requirements are extremely demanding.

Li Yaodao was not hypocritical when he heard the words, and cast his gaze again on the ancient scroll in his hand, slowly closing his eyes, releasing a trace of soul power to penetrate it, and simply communicate with this ancient scroll.

With the continuous infiltration and connection of soul power, Li Yaodao does not have any emotional waves, but surrounds the ancient scroll with the most gentle and simple affection. This kind of communication is not as difficult as imagined, as if everything is A matter of course.

The ancient scroll exudes a faint meaning of desolation, but it does not refuse the sudden visit of the soul fluctuations.

When Li Yaodao's soul power filled the whole body of the scroll, he only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and saw that the ancient scroll suddenly exudes a strong light again, and it shrouded it in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Li Yaodao noticed that the picture in front of him had changed. In his soul, he suddenly entered another world, but in reality, he stood still on the spot with his eyes closed.

Seeing this scene, Gu Ling was secretly surprised, watching the teenager shrouded in light, the blue light jumping in the skull's eye sockets, muttering to himself.

"It's really a **** of a ghost, just as soon as you get in touch, you get the approval and connection of spiritual skills?"

At the same time, Li Yaodao, who closed his eyes and disconnected from the outside world, entered a world full of emptiness and desolation in his inner soul.

Here, there is a chilling breath of killing and cold, and in the emptiness of heaven and earth, there are purple and gold pillars of heaven falling from the sky, standing in this desolate and desolate world.

Li Yaodao stared at the purple-gold beams of light falling from the sky with shocked eyes. In the beams of light standing between the sky and the earth, there are looming figures. They look like people, but are full of evil spirits, making people involuntarily frightened. Meaning.

The figures in these purple-golden light beams all focused on one spot, and there was the only mountain in front of them that stood in the sky.

At this time, Li Yaodao, who was watching from the perspective of God, also cast his gaze, and saw a figure dressed in a white robe standing on the top of the mountain, standing between the world and many purple and gold pillars of light!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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