Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 347: The strongest genius

Many cultivators who were waiting and watching were not optimistic when they looked at Li Yaodao.

After all, as the genius of the four major families in the central capital, Lin Tianji's reputation in this session is really too great, even if he is a strong man in other regions, when he hears such a name, his talk changes.

Seeing this genius taking action today, most people thought that Li Yaodao, as a dark horse-level genius, was equally talented, but in front of Lin Tianji, it seemed to be insufficient.

Yao'er shook his head slightly in the crowd, as if he had already seen the outcome.

"Hey, kill him! Kill this arrogant and arrogant fellow!" Gan Lengyun was even more in the dark, constantly smiling and cursing.

As one of the four great geniuses, Qin Jue smashed his hands and said helplessly: "Come on, I have forced Lin to be like this. This is nothing to do. That kid is dead. The strongest genius is serious. It works."

When Wang Ling heard this, he gave a cold snort, but had to admit that Lin Tianji's genius in this session was the strongest. This is an indisputable fact.

The reason why Lin Tianji was able to become the strongest genius of this class was not only because of his highest spiritual power level, but also because of his infinite respect, his identity as an alchemist!

He has the status of alchemist, so he can force Li Yaodao face-to-face, and he won't show any fatigue.

"It's kind of courageous."

Lin Tianji, who had released the strongest soul suppression power, saw that Li Yaodao was able to persist even under his own oppression. His eyes were extremely cold, and the soul oppression was getting stronger and stronger.

Click... Click!

In a blink of an eye, the ground that Yaodao Li was struggling to hold on gradually cracked at this moment, and finally burst open with a bang.


At this moment, Li Yaodao clenched his teeth, blood was bleeding from his gums, but his complexion was always very firm. Whether it was soul power or spiritual power in his body, it was all running frantically, resisting the turbulent pressure. Until now, he finally understood how huge the gap between the Earth Profound Realm and the Sky Profound Realm was, regardless of the strength of the soul power.

The more he thought about the Liu Juelang he had previously killed by chance, the more he felt that he was lucky.

However, when the calculation in his mind was completed, Li Yaodao's heart sank, and the power of the Sky Profound Realm was truly terrifying!

"Don't..." Zhou Yaoyao stubbornly covered her mouth, tears flickering in her eyes, she is like an ant on a hot pot at the moment, she can't do anything, she can only work in a hurry, looking at the black The slim figure made her heart suffer even more.

"Brother Dao..." Xiao Hei was even more angry. He was always communicating with Li Yaodao, but only three words were ordered.

hold on!

"Don't kneel down yet!" With Lin Tianji suddenly shouting, so many eyes were paying attention, he also really got serious, the vigorous spiritual power in his body surged and circulated, and immediately burst out under the gaze of many horrified eyes.

"It's the Sky Profound Realm! This Lin Tianji has hidden his strength!"

"My God, the Sky Profound Realm...this Great Desolate Gate must have his place..."

"It deserves to be the strongest genius among the Four Big Families... this Lin Tianji is too arrogant!"

The eyes around him were full of awe at Lin Tianji, but when he looked at Li Yaodao, he secretly shook his head, even gloating.

To provoke such an invaluable genius, in their opinion, is definitely a misfortune!

"Kneel to my death!"

Lin Tianji, who broke out with all his strength, saw him scream, and his big hand suddenly pressed down. The raging oppression force swept Li Yaodao's body with an even more extreme suppression.

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