In the hall at this time, Li Yaodao glanced briefly, but found that there were already many powerful figures. At a glance, it was estimated that there were no less than twenty people, and among them, there were many geniuses from the four major families.

For a while, everyone was vigilant looking at each other, as if they were afraid of the other's sneak attack, but the four big families stood calmly in front, no one had any thoughts, and even a touch of fear appeared in the eyes of many people.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there will be hidden treasures in this hall." Wang Ling carried a spear with a haughty expression, and immediately under the gaze of many angry eyes, he clenched a fist in his left hand and sneered: "Or It's fun to kill, but the garbage at the beginning is really weak enough that I can't resist a single shot."

The trio of Li Yaodao frowned slightly when they heard this. It turned out that the **** corpse accumulation site on the climbing road they had previously entered was all caused by Wang Ling.

"This person is bloodthirsty, don't mess with subtleties." At this moment, even Yaoer felt the strong hostility of the red-clothed youth and said seriously.

"We have nothing to do with them, it's okay." Li Yaodao nodded slightly, but didn't care much.

They are not muddled here, if they really want to fight, these four geniuses will not work together!

"Brother Dao, do I need to do it?" Xiao Hei asked, always following the other party's will and protecting Zhou Yaoyao at all times.

Yao'er looked at Xiao Hei in surprise, and said in surprise: "So this dog can talk?"

Zhou Yaoyao chuckled, and then forcibly endured it again.

"I'm not a dog, you scold me again. Believe it or not, I will kill you?!" Xiao Hei immediately stood on Zhou Yaoyao's shoulder, grinning, quite a bit of a beast.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously." Yao'er was shocked by the other's momentum, and immediately smirked to ease the embarrassment, but she was shocked in her heart. She looked at Li Yaodao again, with a little more sense of difference.

Where did this guy come from? Even the monsters around him are so special.

Naturally, Li Yaodao didn't care what the former gaze was looking at. Instead, he looked towards the front of the hall, attracted by the spiritual mask, and then followed the mask, it seemed that he could vaguely see a few lights and shadows.

In the light and shadow, there seem to be various implements floating in the shape, such as knives, swords, sticks, armors, etc.

"Ground texture!"

Looking at the treasures in the light and shadow, I felt the powerful waves pervading them. Li Yaodao's eyes tightened when it was time. If it were an ordinary earthenware, he would not be like this, but the treasures here, It turned out to be super superior!

In a sense, the super-high-level geotextile device is stronger than the sky cluster cloud in his hand!

Although Tiancongyun is a growth-type exclusive weapon, it is only a medium-sized ground weapon, and it is naturally inferior to the super-class.

Li Yaodao took a deep breath, and he simply counted. There are eight light and shadows, and a total of eight super-high-quality ground patterns!

First, Linghe, which kept the world running, plus a room of profound spirit pills, now there are eight such powerful treasures.

Such a masterpiece is worthy of the ancient Tianliu Sect, this foundation, even the Turin family of the Demon God Mountain Range, may not have it!

"What are these?" Zhou Yaoyao couldn't feel the shadow in the front mask, and couldn't help asking.

However, even Yaoer shook his head slightly this time, and the two girls unanimously looked at the boy in black.

"It turns out that they are all super-premium ground pattern instruments!" Li Yaodao took a deep breath and explained, then touched the handle of the knife behind him, and said in a deep voice.

"You two, be careful. It is estimated that this will be the Shura blood field soon!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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