Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 200: Void Dragon Swallowing Power

Facing the big purple handprints slowly printed on the sky, Li Yao continued to shuttle forward without changing his face. He must not look back now, and can only fight for a wave in times of crisis.

He originally wanted to speed up the evacuation with the violent blood, but it was a pity that he had used it when resisting the position of the sky to protect the law, now it is the cooling time...

What makes worse? This situation is now!

The guardian flew in the sky, looking at the black-clothed boy who was constantly shuttled through the jungle, he sneered again and waved down his sleeves. The majestic and majestic power of the sky was attached to the large purple handprints that fell slowly, and it was printed more quickly and violently under.

If Li Yaodao were hit by this handprint, he would be slapped into flesh in an instant!

Seeing the purple handprints getting closer and closer, Li Yaodao bit his gums, and the talent "Xunying" was used to the extreme, and the soles of his feet were spitting fire, but even if he detached so quickly, he still couldn't escape the handprints that were about to be printed.

As if all of this is about to be destined to end.

The Jie protector followed the sky unhurriedly, looking at Li Yaodao, who was constantly fleeing down the mountain in the jungle, with a sneer: "This protector will see who else will save you now?"

Chi Chi!

At the same time, I saw that the back of Li Yaodao's hand suddenly ignited with golden fire patterns, and the monstrous golden flames slowly ignited from all around his body. After encountering such a fierce and devastating golden flame, the surrounding jungle instantly turned into nothingness. .

The golden flames changed violently, and the flames spread out in all directions, like a peacock opening a screen, instantly enveloping the suppressed purple handprints, and annihilated in a blink of an eye!


After the golden monstrous flame annihilated the purple handprints, with a mighty and pervasive force, the envelopment technique engulfed in the air, the fiercely hot spirit fire, wanted to burn it into slag.

"En? This is..." When Jie Protector saw the fierce Jin Yan who was a little moved, his face finally changed slightly. He suddenly drank it, his hands quickly formed a seal, and his sleeves swung out a lot of heavenly The force pervades the surroundings and protects itself.


The golden flame instantly enveloped the protection law, as if it had burned the sky red. The majestic and ferocious spirit fire was powerful and powerful in all directions. It is indeed a rare and self-made spirit fire in the world. This kind of power is really amazing. Panicked.

Li Yaodao knew that the one who helped him resolve the crisis before was naturally the Xulong Tunyan who had been conquered not long ago, and said in a deep voice, "Aren't you asleep? Why do you still think of helping me?"

"Nonsense, I won't help you, if you die, I will die too, do you think I am willing to do this?" The fire spirit of the virtual dragon swallowing Yan didn't have a good aura in the opponent's soul, but the voice became serious again. less.

"Hurry up, I can hold him temporarily with the golden flames of my body. My strength hasn't been fully recovered, so I can only bluff that guy temporarily. How can you provoke a human being in the Sky-Throughout Realm?"

"This is a long story. Before I met you, this guy had a grudge against me." Li Yaodao hugged Xiao Hei quickly through the jungle, while Shen Ning said: "If I surrender 80% of my soul power Can you burn the dog guardian to death?"

"Impossible, don't think too much, that guy is about to break free, hurry up and escape!" Xulong Tun Yan answered without hesitation, it looked at the sky is still burning the majestic flames of the protection law, and now it is weakening. For a few minutes, I couldn't help but snorted coldly: "You can't help the little boy of the Heaven-Through-Sky Realm, if my strength is not for a big loss, otherwise I will destroy him, it will only be a matter of flame!"

Above the sky, in the furiously burning Void Dragon Tun Yan, the purple light that skyrocketed through the sky collapsed and spread.

I saw that the intact guardian method dissipated the power of the spiritual fire, and his face hidden behind the purple mask was also moved and heart palpitations at this moment, and finally couldn't help but sneer: "What a surprise, I didn't expect you The beast actually still has spiritual fire in his body."

"Then you can't or leave here!"

I saw that the serious Jie protector no longer thought of cats and mice, the figure suddenly accelerated with the power of space mobilization, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the top of Li Yaodao, poking out Senbai's big hand, with the strongest power of the sky. Ignoring the crushed terrain around him, he shouted.


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