Li Yaodao rubbed his chin with his right hand and looked at the huge dead tree pole ahead that needed several people to hug, and fell into thought.

"Do I really want to get down from this tree pole?"

As he said this, he still slowly approached the hot withered tree pole, touched the tree pole lightly with his hand, but was bounced back like lightning.

"It's hot!" Li Yaodao felt the hot fluctuations contained in the appearance of the dead tree pole, frowning, and the guess in his heart became more solid.

But this time was not in vain, because he had just clearly felt that the stem of the dead tree was hollow!

Since it is hollow, there must be a way down!

At that time, Li Yaodao pulled out the sky cluster cloud that was inserted on the ground, held the sword in both hands in a sword gesture, took a deep breath, and accompanied by a soft drink, the spiritual power burst out from under his feet, and suddenly exerted force with his waist. Attached to the green red demon sword, and finally smashed into the hot withered tree pole!


The murderous meaning of the demon sword was permeated with the swing of the knife, and it smashed into the front part of the dead tree pole with the momentum of overwhelming. I saw that the tree pole was blown to pieces like ignited gunpowder. The violent explosion shock wave contained To swallow the Quartet.

Li Yaodao quickly closed the sword with his hands and released a majestic spiritual barrier to block it to prevent him from being hurt by the devouring explosive impact.

After all, this unusual hot temperature, if you are a little careless, even he has to be cooked!

When the aftermath of the impact slowly dissipated, Li Yaodao removed the barrier and raised his brows as he looked at the demon sword that had been sheathed.

"If you don't use the violent blood, you can't cut the knife?"

Just now, he clearly saw that when he smashed the tree pole with a single knife, he was very ordinary. Without the blessing of the blade, he always lacked explosive power.

"Forget it, if you want to master this medium ground pattern device, it is estimated that you have to use the Heavenly Void Realm..."

Li Yaodao put the sword on his back and felt the weight of his body increased significantly. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "After I go back, I have to train my physical stamina. Otherwise, if I fight with people, I would even swing the sword so few times. I'm stuck."

This is like having a peerless demon sword in hand, but unable to exert its true power, this feeling can kill OCD every minute!

At that time, Li Yaodao approached the dead tree pole that had been blown up. He looked down the hollow tree pole. Although it was dark underneath, it really had a landslide leading to the ground, as if someone deliberately dug it out. of...

"The system will check what's inside!"

"Ding! If you return to the host, everything is in good condition now, and there are no other life fluctuations. You can go on!"

Listening to the system’s answer, Li Yaodao didn’t delay. He took out the rope woven from the storage space and tied one end to the remaining part of the dead tree pole, and the other tied his waist directly. Into the dark landslide.


Li Yaodao continued to dive along the landslide in the tree pole. It took a few seconds for him to dive, and finally he felt down to earth.

At this moment, he has come directly under the scorched earth, which is also an underground space. Instead, it is a bit cold, without the hot temperature on the scorched earth.

Li Yaodao stood up and looked around at the darkness where five fingers could not be seen. His eyes flashed with a ray of fire, and his right hand protruded from the index finger. A flame appeared, illuminating the surroundings.

With the beating of the fire on his fingers, Li Yaodao looked forward with the help of the light, and his face was startled, only to see the wider cylindrical forward passage in front of him, the smooth surface, even reflecting light.

Li Yaodao looked at the flawless cylindrical passage, raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in amazement: "Who makes this passage? It is so smooth?"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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