Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 180: The black figure in the silver eyes

"this is..."

Feeling the special emotions passed by the little golden horn beast, Li Yaodao stood in place at this moment, as if he felt the warmth of the sun, and an indescribable comfort spread throughout his body.

Gradually, he felt that the load caused by forcibly waving the sky clouds before, disappeared one after another, and finally all was dissipated by the invisible warmth.

At that time, the cub of the Holy Spirit Golden Horn moved its forehead, and when it opened its silver eyes again and looked at Li Yaodao, there was more tenderness in its eyes, and the little guy smiled happily.


Li Yaodao looked at the little guy, especially the cheeks in the twinkling of the other's spiritual eyes, and smiled for a moment, "Little guy, is it the body you helped me recover?"

"Mao!" The cub of the Holy Spirit Golden Horn smiled knowingly, just like a human being, with its silver eyes gradually showing crescents, conveying a message of tenderness and joy.

Li Yaodao failed and shook his head. He was actually picked up by a newly born cub. I have to say that this guy is really healing...

"What's your name?" Li Yaodao asked.

"Mao...Mao!" The little golden horned beast tried to open his mouth to make a sound, but it was just born, and it was unable to speak languages ​​other than its own clan. It wanted Li Yaodao to understand what it said, but found only Can squeeze helplessly.

Li Yaodao laughed when he saw it, rubbed the other's head with his hand, and smiled: "Hahaha, you may be just born, so you are not used to it. Don't worry, I will send you back first..."

However, his voice did not stop, only to hear the system prompt sound suddenly.

"Ding! The host is careful, he has detected that several powerful monsters appearing in the south are quickly approaching here!"

"Ding! Host rewind! They are close to less than a kilometer away!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao looked startled, and immediately looked in the direction pointed by the evolutionary system. He twisted his brows and saw that he quickly pulled up the Tian Congyun behind him, holding the small golden beast in both hands, and was about to leave. Here.


I saw the little golden horn beast popping out its head and looking to the south. It seemed to be feeling something. It also emitted a gentle light from the raised little golden horn. The little guy suddenly became happy, as if he wanted to see those fast Uninvited guests approaching!

Li Yaodao looked at the little guy in his arms, and then at the direction of the deep jungle behind him. He suddenly understood something, and then gently put down the little golden horn beast, and said with a smile: "Little thing, I will show you something fun. , You close your eyes and count three."

"Mao?" The little golden horn beast said that he didn't understand, but he closed his silver eyes obediently, and counted three in a blink of an eye. When he opened his eyes again with joy, he found that the black boy in front of him was gone. .

"Mao...Mao!" It called several times, and there was a little anxious tone in its clear and beautiful voice.

At this moment, Li Yaodao was completely gone, and he didn't know where to go, leaving the little golden horn beast cub alone anxiously spinning around in place.



It may be that I heard the little guy’s anxious cry. I only heard a few traces of golden light flashing in the deep jungle. These dark shadows looked very powerful and majestic. With the help of moonlight, they gradually made themselves as holy as snow. Light up.

It turns out that this is a group of adult golden horns of the Holy Spirit, they are chasing the little ones and the dead golden horns of the Holy Spirit!


The first golden inscribed holy golden horned beast slowly stepped forward. It first glanced at its long-dead companion, then looked down at the little guy, and then gently moved its head up, passing it. Reassured information fluctuations.

"Mao!" Feeling the transfer of emotions from relatives, the little golden horn beast's anxious mood was soothed, and then smiled with information, and rubbed affectionately with the other's big head.


The adult golden horned beast of the Holy Spirit gave an order, and saw the light released by other tribesmen using the golden horn, and then shrouded the dead companion's body. Under the golden light, the latter finally decomposed into a beam of light, like the essence of soul, It was taken into the Golden Horn by the tribe.

As the leader, the adult golden holy golden horn beast with gold patterns picked up the cub and threw it on his head. The other tribesmen quickly followed suit.

The little golden horn beast cub crawled on the heads of the elders, and then turned to look towards Yinyue Lake.

On the opposite bank of Yinyue Lake, a figure in black gradually appeared from under the lake, and finally came ashore and turned around.

The familiar boy in black turned out to be walking under the lake. He seemed to be looking at himself as he was leaving, then turned and left slowly in the opposite direction, finally disappearing in the forest...

At this moment, in the smart silver eyes of the little golden horn beast, the young figure in black is full of it, as deeply imprinted in its heart like a brand!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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