Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 173: Oberon Reappearance

"Ding! The host kills a fire-falling rat in the Seven Stars and Two Appearances, experience +200, evolution points +5!"

"Ding! The host kills a poisonous toad in the Nine-Star Two-Medium Realm, experience +500, evolution points +10!"


Amidst the silent jungle road, Demon Li held a demon beast's calf in his mouth and simply distinguished the way down, still spreading out in the form of a mysterious snake and walking forward with clouds on his back.

"Obviously it's just a knife, with such a big temper, it's really hard to coax..."

Li Yaodao felt the heaviness from the back of the snake, and a few drops of sweat fell on his forehead, secretly helpless.

It's like a delicious meal in front of me, but unfortunately I don't have the tools to eat the meal, let alone use my hands, I can only stare...

"Tian Congyun, you are my Dao brother, give me some hints, what can I do to satisfy you?"

"Or, what do I need to do to wave you perfectly?"

As Li Yaodao moved forward, he communicated with the deadly Yaodao on his back, but the sky Congyun seemed to have not heard it. From beginning to end, it was extremely silent, and there was no wave of fluctuations in the quiet sheath.

Seeing that the dead monster knife behind him didn't move at all, Li Yaodao also gritted his teeth a bit, but recalled what Hongmei said, but had to give a smile. This feeling was really weak.

This is forging a powerful weapon for myself, but forging a father...

On the forest road, Li Yaodao climbed up a giant tree with some effort, and looked forward with the help of a height. There was a wide river flowing continuously. He looked back at the shrinking Turin Mountain, and his eyes flashed with deep light.

"The distance between Turin Mountain and the original Tongtian Mountain should be three days, but with this sky cluster of clouds, it is estimated that it will take at least five days."

He murmured, suddenly he smiled bitterly, and he felt better to let Hongmei send herself back...

"Forget it, since the wood is a boat, then slowly paddle." Li Yaodao stood up the snake, leaned out of the canopy, looked around the beautiful scenery ahead, took a deep breath, and smiled on the snake's face.

There is no noise and disturbance in such a purely natural world, which was not in the world of the previous life!

Gradually, when Li Yaodao turned his gaze to a certain place, a pair of deep snake eyes passed by with a little sheen.

"By the way, in the scorched earth position where we were before, why did my Nine Dragon Profound Fire Art throb? Do you know the reason?"

Not long ago, he and Hongmei were hit by the ice crystal pterosaur into the scorched land by accident. The special hot temperature did not attract his attention, but the "Nine Dragons Mystic Fire" he learned in his body. After a long period of silence, there was a response.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yaodao cares so much.

"Ding! Back to the host, after testing, there are extremely violent fluctuations under the scorched earth, but they are not obvious."

The evolutionary system's answer made Li Yaodao subconsciously lift the snake's tail and rubbed his chin, thinking: "According to what you mean, there is something under the scorched earth, and that thing is probably related to the Nine Dragons Profound Fire Art?"

"Ding! The Nine Dragons Profound Fire Technique is a sky-level fire control technique, which needs to be activated by flames, but the Chiyan Fire and Heitian Fire in the host's body cannot work, indicating that it has not reached the standard, and the scorched earth makes it react. That's enough to explain a lot."

"Ding! After all, in the Wild Ancient Continent, whether it is the cultivation technique or the fire control technique, etc., they are divided into four major classes based on the heaven, earth and the black and yellow. The sky rank is the strongest, and the yellow rank is the weakest. The existence of is definitely not an ordinary fire!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao's eyes lit up, and he suddenly became interested in what was hidden under the mysterious scorched earth.

Because the existence that can make the sky-level fire control technique respond is definitely not an ordinary thing!

"Since I'm on the way, I should go there first. If I can get the things under the scorched earth, maybe it can activate the Nine Dragons Profound Fire Art!"

"Ding! The host's guess is highly likely to be correct!" The system prompt sounded again.

Now that he has a new goal, Li Yaodao will naturally not miss it easily. He grinned and said: "If this is the case, then I will go there again!"


Suddenly, a strong green light shock wave mark came through without warning!

The target is the demon Li Yaodao locked on the top of the tree!

Seeing the situation, Li Yaodao wanted to dodge a little hard because of the weight of the sky cluster clouds, but after all he dodges the green light that is enough to swallow him, and the huge snake body falls down.

At that time, Li Yaodao used the power of the snake's tail to bind the tree pole below, and did not let himself fall, but slowly moved his body under the tree, standing on the ground, looking at the green robe figure behind the bush in front, his eyes flashing Kind of rush.

"The dignified son of the Green King of the Turin Mountains would make such an embarrassing sneak attack, right, Oberon?"

The next moment, a demon figure in a green robe slowly walked out of the bushes. His eye-catching green grassy hair swayed slightly in the wind. The reappearing Oberon glanced disdainfully at the confronting one in front Spirit Snake, sneered.

"Hehe, can you tell me, how did you find me?"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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