Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 166: The brilliant interweaving of blue and red

Li Yaodao came to Hongmei's side when he heard the words, and looked at the cyan Taitou floating on the test bench. There was a special resonance in his heart. He subconsciously touched the handle of the knife with his hand, his eyes lit up, and he muttered. .

"Good knife..."

"Hey, this should be regarded as the pinnacle of this princess!" Hong Mei smiled triumphantly, she pulled the cone back into her body, looked at the blue-blue Taito, and smiled with satisfaction: "Growth-type exclusive weapon, I didn't expect me to be true The forging was successful!"

"Growth type...exclusive weapon?" Li Yaodao looked puzzled and asked: "Then this is still a spiritual weapon?"

"Of course it is a spiritual weapon, you wood!"

Hong Sister glanced at the young man angrily, and hummed: "You can understand it as a growth-type spiritual weapon, but it can be advanced independently. To put it bluntly, if this Taidao is well trained, it will grow to a sky-print device. Also a possibility!"

"This kind of weapon is extremely rare, and the exclusive weapon only recognizes the first owner, even if someone else gets this knife, it can't be activated!"

Li Yaodao raised his eyebrows, he could clearly understand the sense of pride from Hongmei's words, and smiled and said, "Thanks a lot, for making you bother!"

Although he doesn't know exactly what the growth spirit pattern device represents, but listening to the other party's meaning, it must be an extremely good existence, after all, this is a treasure that can grow to a sky pattern device!

This alone has already excited him!

Hearing this, Hongmei’s pretty face turned red, and she shook her head slightly, “If it hadn’t been for the blessing of the life source crystal, I wouldn’t be able to make it, and this is the first time I have forged a long-type spiritual pattern by myself. My grandfather and father The geotextiles in my hand are all growth types!"

Li Yaodao nodded slightly. He gently stroked the blade, feeling the waves contained in it like a blazing sky, and his heart was slightly moved.

"By the way, I still have something! Maybe it can be used..." Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately under the gaze of Hongmei, he called out the storage space and searched for it.

Hong Mei looked at the former inexplicably, and said curiously: "What are you looking for?"

At the next moment, Li Yaodao pulled out a jade box from the storage space, and felt the violent fluctuations gradually coming from it. He looked at the Tachi floating in front of him again, took a deep breath, and slowly opened the jade box.


As the jade box slowly opened, the blood-red light inside showed out, and the fierce fluctuations full of blood-devouring curses pervaded.

Faced with the sudden fierce wave marks, the startled red girl frowned, and the girl subconsciously waved her hand to draw a spiritual barrier covering a radius of ten meters, preventing this wave from affecting other people of the tribe.

"What is this? The hostility is so heavy!" Hongmei Liu's eyebrows tightened. She looked at the blood-colored jade quietly placed in the jade box, especially when she felt the wave of hostility that seemed to evaporate blood. Feeling uncomfortable all over.

Facing Hong Sister, Li Yaodao did not answer, but stood quietly, holding the opened jade box in his hand.

At this moment, his heart was affected by the blood-colored jade in the jade box, and there was a slight intention of killing, and he appeared without warning, as if he was provoking him to be as violent as the blood of a monster beast.


Fortunately, Li Yaodao had great willpower. In his black pupils with a gleam of red light, he gradually recovered his deep color, took a deep breath, and slowly said, "This is a soul burial stone!"

"Soul Burial Stone?" Hong Mei was confused when she heard it. She had lived in the Turin Mountains since she was a child, and it was the first time she heard such a name.

But she knew that this soul burial stone was by no means a simple thing, especially the special hostile interference, enough to drive people with weak willpower crazy!

Li Yaodao didn't explain too much. He slowly took the soul-burial stone out of the jade box, and immediately suppressed the killing intention that was continuously passed into the body from the jade stone. Finally, under the staring gaze of the red girl, he fiercely took it out. Crushed.

The crushed soul burial stone turned into scum, accompanied by the **** wave mark aerosol gradually shrouded, and finally slowly fell on the blue sword!

At this moment, the blood flickered on the originally quiet blue sword, the blue light trace was swallowed, and the blood-colored lines covered the blade, but it only disappeared like a flash in the pan...

Upon seeing this, Hong Mei's expression changed drastically, and she exclaimed: "Are you crazy? How dare you incorporate such a brutal stone into your exclusive weapon?"

"You are not afraid that your will will be backlashed by this killing intention and become a machine that only knows killing?!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao gently shook his head and said in a condensed voice: "I want to bet once, maybe it will succeed!"

After all, he had a feeling in his heart that it was definitely the craziest and most right choice to incorporate the soul burial stone into this knife.

"You guy, it's really the craziest I have ever seen!" Hong Mei's voice was obviously a little angry at the moment, but now she can't do anything, so she can only pray silently for Li Yaodao in her heart.

At that time, when the Taitou completely merged with the soul-burial stone powder, the blade suddenly burst into bright light again, but this time it was not blue-gold, but blue-red!

Green light represents the sky and symbolizes the supremacy of life!

Red light represents killing and symbolizes the curse of blood devouring!

When the two bright rays of light merged alternately, they finally returned to the body of the sword. A soft buzzing sound came from the body of the sword. With the gloss flashing from the blade, a green-red sword was quietly like this. Floating in front of Li Yaodao.

Feeling the fierceness coming from the blade and the waves full of vitality, Li Yaodao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "How do I make this sword recognize the master?"

Hong Mei sighed helplessly, her pretty face was full of dignity and seriousness, and said seriously: "A drop of blood is on it, but I will speak first. If you fail, I will save your life and I will not hesitate. Cut off your arm holding the knife!"

This is the best solution that she has thought of so far. She would rather the other party be disabled than see the most terrible results.

Hearing this, Li Yaodao nodded slightly, and immediately reached out and rubbed Hong Sister's head, and smiled: "Then please, I believe you!"

Hongmei Qiao's face blushed, and she was silent and backed a few steps, and the small hand knot seal gradually expanded the spiritual barrier surrounding her, giving Li Yaodao enough space.

Seeing that everything was in place, Li Yaodao looked at the green red Taito that was quietly floating in front of him. He took a deep breath and slowly stretched out his fingers. As his spiritual power drew across, a drop of blood was left from the fingers, and finally dripped on Above the sword.

After Tachi absorbed Li Yaodao's blood, he instantly swallowed the drop of blood and returned to calm in a blink of an eye.

Hong Sister pays attention to all this nervously and earnestly. With her other hand, she firmly grasps the cone hammer. As long as Li Yaodao is careless, she will immediately swing it!

In the next moment, Li Yaodao gradually stretched out his hand to grasp the handle of Taidao, his eyes were full of determination, and he was ready to meet the storm.

However, time passed by, Li Yaodao looked at the Taidao in his hand, and he hadn't moved for half a minute. There was some doubt between his brows, and his voice was surprised.

"no response?"

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