Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 160: Life Source Crystal

Li Yaodao faintly glanced at the red-haired girl with a lively smile, and said calmly: "Is it funny?"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you..."

Hong Mei wiped away her tears with her hands, but still had a stomachache with a smile. She looked at Li Yaodao and smiled helplessly: "I just feel that there is a stupid guy like you in this world."

"Obviously I can survive, but I want to die with other guys. I really think you are a little silly and cute."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao gave the other party a blank look, and said out of anger: "Why do you think so?"

"Brother, we are monsters, but we are not humans with so-called warm hearts!" Hong Mei looked at Li Yaodao helplessly, and couldn't help frowning: "You shouldn't think that you have a human body, you are a human being. Right?"

"Your deity is a demon. Although demon is divided into good and bad, it is the first time I have seen you like you to save another irrelevant demon."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao gave a faint cry, and immediately did not stop on this topic, but looked up at the very narrow dragon pit above, lost in thought...

Hong Sister looked at the seriousness of the other party, then quietly came to the other party's side, jokingly said: "Hey, do you have any story?"

Li Yaodao, who was thinking, was taken aback. He cast a blank glance at the girl next to him, and said calmly: "It has nothing to do with you, I save you only for my spiritual weapon, no other meaning, don't think too much!"

Hongmei nodded slightly when she heard the words, and saw that she approached the other person, and immediately took out a special bottle from the storage space, shook the liquid inside, and said with a smile: "You have a story, I have wine, do you want to sit down and talk? Two sentences?"

Li Yaodao glanced at this guy dubiously, and smiled bitterly: "Sister, we are still in danger now, even if we drink, we have to wait for the danger to pass?"

"It's also..." Hong Mei put the bottle back, she walked a few steps carelessly, came to the steep rock face, immediately sat down against the wall, and looked at Li Yaodao who also faced the rock face. , Couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

Li Yaodao looked at the steepness of the rock wall, then glanced at the top, and said, "I'm seeing if I can run up the rock wall, and then find something to pull you up."

Hearing this, Hong Sister looked startled and couldn't help but said inexplicably, "Huh?"

In the next second, I saw Li Yaodao walked a few steps backwards, and immediately speeded up and rushed towards the rock wall, really running wildly on the rock wall like a flying eaves.

"I'm going...really?" Hong Mei's apricot eyes widened, her eyes full of magic.


However, Li Yaodao was only handsome for three seconds. Just as he flew over the wall with confidence, he staggered under his feet, and fell directly in a whirr of howls, and once again smashed a shadow pit in the thick snow.

"Are you okay?" Hong Mei ran quickly, looked at Xue Keng, and quickly said, "Are you injured?"

"Look at Red Girl!"

In the next second, a hand was suddenly stretched out from the snow pit, holding a golden crystal stone in his hand, Li Yaodao pointed out his head and asked: "I feel that the fluctuations in it are stronger than blue crystal stone. What is this? Crystal stone?"

Hong Mei took the golden crystal stone given by the other party, and after carefully examining it, her heart was shocked and she was surprised: "This...this this the legendary source of life crystal?!"

"And it's still such a big piece?! This brute's old nest is in stock!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao looked at the surprised red girl with a pretty face, and couldn't help asking: "Life Origin Crystal? Although this thing sounds full of vitality, can this thing make a spirit pattern?"

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