After a long while, Hong Mei brought Li Yaodao to a majestic bronze stone gate, she stretched out her hand and placed the stamp in the center of the stone gate, her expression triumphant.

"This is the forging area of ​​my Turin clan. There are many powerful monster clan equipment, all processed and manufactured by our hands!"

"Including the fusion sacred artifact in the Kunlun Snake King: Holy Snow Melting Lotus!"

"It seems that your clan's equipment is very popular with the monster clan." Hearing this, Li Yaodao smiled slightly, and his heart was full of curiosity and yearning for this place.

He still remembered the scene of the previous confrontation with the Kunlun Snake King, the latter's pure white snow lotus, but directly crushed the phantom of his own devil dragon.

Feelings are not entirely the skills of the Snake King, among them, it is the ability to use the weapon called Shengxueronglian to activate the sky.

Even the combat weapons spurred by the Kunlun Snake King are masterpieces from the Turin clan, which shows how terrifying the casting level of this clan is!

The background and strength of the race group that can forge equipment for the Heaven-Through Realm powerhouse is by no means ordinary!

"That's natural, we have also taken orders from some demon clan families in other regions!" Hong Mei smiled, her words were full of pride, not to show off.


As the bronze stone gate slowly opened, the strong wind rushing toward him was full of the smell of metal texture. Before Li Yaodao entered the hall, he heard the sound of various metal polishing and forging gradually coming from it.

This is a huge square. The hot magma waterfall on the cliffs slowly flows down, converging into a magma river below the square for the blacksmiths to call.

Li Yaodao followed Hongmei into the forging area, feeling the thick metal wind here and the hot wind blowing on his face. In just a few seconds, he was already sweating.

Due to the scorching temperature of magma and various manufacturing furnaces, it is a bit too hot here...

There are many Turin people with naked and strong upper bodies, constantly wielding sledgehammers to forge equipment. They sweat like rain, but they are conscientious. They only see the forging works in front of them.

"Haha, Harman, look at my silver axe, is it better than the last time?"

"Well, your axe is good, but my Rock Shield is not vegetarian either!"



At that time, some Turin men show off their forged weapons to each other, as if their happiness is that simple.

Of course, there are also some muffled voices shaking their heads secretly, throwing unsatisfied forged weapons back into the furnace...

Even if there are outsiders coming, they can't attract their attention. Li Yaodao looked at these forgers along the way, feeling such a simple and persistent folk customs, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, even his heart couldn't help but relax.

He felt that these Turin people seemed to be born for forging!

Seeing Li Yaodao staring at those conscientious, Hongmei smiled her pretty face and immediately took the other's arm and walked into the stone chamber in front.

"These are some ordinary equipment of the Turin tribe. They are used for the armies of some monster clan families. They don't have any special attributes. Come with me!"

The next moment, Li Yaodao followed Hongmei into a bronze stone room, feeling the cool and refreshing air, Li Yaodao couldn't help taking a deep breath, but suddenly his face changed slightly and he coughed violently.

"Hahaha, this is my exclusive forging room, it is full of potential metal dust, beware of poisoning!"

Hongmei closed the door of the stone room, her laughter was cheerful and lively, which was quite strange.

Li Yaodao squeezed his nose, glanced at the other person anger, and grinned: "I thank you for reminding me only now."

"You're welcome, who made you a guest?" Hong Sister moved lightly and stopped in front of Li Yaodao, the two sides were very close.

Li Yaodao saw that the other party was so close to him, he could even feel the sound of each other's breathing. He moved back subconsciously, but found that he was blocked by a huge stone table, and there was no way to go back...

Hongmei saw Li Yaodao's unnatural face, and a touch of slyness passed through those eyes that were dazzling with life. She stretched out her white hand and gently supported the other's collar, tapped her toes, and her slender body moved forward slightly. , Lan Qi lightly vomited, jokingly smiled.

"My grandfather said, you must be satisfied with your distinguished guest. So, what do you want this princess to do to satisfy you?"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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