Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 148: Invisibly pulled hatred

"Lord of the Red King?" Li Yaodao looked at a short but very strong long-hued man who walked with his back on his back and smiled not far away.

The long-hued man is short and short, with his reddish-brown beard condensed into a twist on his belly. Compared with the red girl, there is a gap in height, but the strong muscles hidden under the red armor make people feel very strong. , As if power is infinite.

The typical super big muscular man...

Although this person is somewhat unique in both body shape and face, especially the unfathomable spiritual power fluctuations, Li Yaodao believes that as the red sister's father, the strength of the Red King lord is absolutely not to be underestimated.

"Ding! Be careful, the host, the oncoming dwarf is at the level of the Five-Star Divine Ascension Realm!" The system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind, which further confirmed Li Yaodao's thoughts.

The Lord of the Red King smiled and came to Hong Sister, stretched out his sturdy fingers, and gently flicked the head of the Red Sister who was saluting, and smiled: "I'm at the age of marriage, and I look like a child!"

Hearing this, Hong Mei suddenly raised her head, her pretty face flushed, she immediately moved subconsciously behind Li Yaodao, and said shyly: "Dad! Don't laugh at your daughter in this regard. I don't want to consider these issues. !"

Li Yaodao saw that he had been pushed out unintentionally by a certain guy, he was also startled, slightly lowered his head to look at the man who was looking at him with a smile, and quickly bowed his hands in salute.

"Junior Li Yaodao, I have met Senior Lord Red King!"

The Lord of the Red King looked at the black-clothed teenager who was two heads taller than him with his back on his back. He was offering a junior salute to himself. A satisfied smile appeared on his beard-covered face. He patted the opponent's arm and smiled heartily.

"Haha, you deserve to be the person introduced by the Snake King, who has quality and suits the appetite of the old man!"

"If you don't dislike it, just call me Uncle Hong Wang!"

"How dare the younger generation dislike it, I have seen Uncle Hong Wang!" Hearing what the other party said, Li Yaodao still responded with a smile, but in his heart, he forcibly resisted the other party's continuous slap on his arm.

There really is a father who has a daughter, this hand strength... the same!

Hearing this respect, Lord Red Lord laughed boldly, and immediately looked at his shy daughter hiding behind Li Yaodao, and said, "Sister Hong, you have to choose a good one for this little friend Li Yaodao. Weapons and equipment."

"I know!" Hong Mei replied casually when she heard the words, she jumped to the Red King's side next second, took the other's sturdy and powerful arms, and laughed: "Dad, let's go into the palace and meet Grandpa! "

"Hehe, no hurry, I guess Prince Oberon is coming soon too." The red king stroked his twisted beard with a big hand and smiled.

Hearing this, Hong Mei stood on her willow eyebrows, her voice raised an octave, and she wondered: "What is that **** Oberon doing? He really came to meet you?"

"You kid is also a princess anyway, why don't you speak so much through your brain?"

The red king's face was stern, and he said: "Hong'er, you have to remember, no matter how much you don’t like this Prince Oberon, you can’t judge others like this behind your back. Everyone is a compatriot of the same race, and we must support each other. ?!"

Faced with some severe criticism from the Red King, the red girl who seemed to be fearless and fearless had to quietly stick her tongue out at Li Yaodao at this moment, her appearance was both playful and lively.

Even Li Yaodao was driven by the other's vivacious energy, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Lord Red King turned his gaze behind Li Yaodao, smiled and said, "That little guy is here!"

Hearing this, Hong Mei's smile narrowed, her face calmly and coldly standing behind Hong Wang, Li Yaodao turned around, and saw that Oberon, who seemed to be a piece of green grassland above her head, gradually came, and moved lightly. Hong Mei's side was silent.

Oberon brought a group of hands down to the front of the three Red King Lords, and saluted gracefully with a respectful voice.

"Junior Oberon, meet the respected Lord Red King, and see the Princess!"

Upon hearing this, Hong Mei turned her gaze to other directions with disdain, and she inadvertently grabbed Li Yaodao's arm with her hands. This detail was naturally seen in Oberon's eyes.

Li Yaodao secretly shouted badly, trying to break free, but found that he couldn't do it at all. He felt the gaze from the opposite stare, and he felt a bit stubborn in his heart, and looked back at the past calmly.

Oberon glanced at Li Yaodao invisibly, then smiled and respected the Lord Red King: "Sorry Lord Lord, the juniors are late!"

"Haha, it's not too late, I just came here, now that everyone is there, let's go and meet His Majesty the King of Turin now!"

With that, the Lord of the Red King laughed, and turned around first and walked towards the Turin Palace, while the Red Sister took the Li Yaodao and followed to leave.

At the moment Li Yaodao turned and left, he clearly saw Oberon's gaze that turned from a smile to an icy green, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The reason why he came here was to get some equipment at the request of the Kunlun Snake King. He was so careful, but he was still invisible, drawing hatred...

Sometimes this is not to avoid trouble deliberately, but to trouble yourself like to come to the door!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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