Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 134: One Star Spirit Profound Realm

When the red and gold light melted into every inch of Li Yaodao's flesh and blood in all directions, this time lasted only ten seconds, and the red and gold light completely dissipated, and everything was calm and dim after all.

Li Yaodao looked at the empty box in front of him in amazement, and then at his body that hadn't changed at all, his expression was amazed.

This... is this over?

Li Yaodao looked at the position of his heart, communicating with his most sincere expression.

"Heart boss, are you in my body?"

"If you are there, just move a few times, even if it makes me feel your presence?!"

However, everything in his body is the same as before, there is no change at all, nothing at all...

Li Yaodao raised her brows and said, "The system will help me see, my current physical condition!"

"Ding! A comprehensive scan has been done for the host, all body function indicators are normal, and the soul will be normal. There is nothing unusual."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao said in amazement: "Then where did I melt it?"

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly widened his eyes. In the form of a red flame refining snake, there was a sudden ray of golden light surging in the red scales of the original burning flame.

As the golden light traces flow between the scales, there is an extremely hot burning sensation.

A temperature even hotter than Chi Yanhuo suddenly spread, and the intense burning sensation caused Li Yaodao to fall to the ground and curl up, and he was caught off guard!

"Fuck... trough!" Li Yaodao felt that he was about to be roasted, cold sweat ran across his head, and he kept rolling on the ground, trying to find two pieces of floor to cool his body.

However, this burning sensation did not come from outside the body, but from inside, so Li Yaodao could only endure bitterly.

"Ding! Detecting host's spiritual power fluctuations are rising sharply..."

"Ding! The experience points and evolution points of the detection host are soaring due to the fusion of the heart..."

"Ding! The host level has broken through and it has reached the eight-star and two-level state!"

"Ding! The host level has broken through and has reached the pinnacle of the Nine Stars and Two Yis Realm!"


Li Yaodao finally couldn't bear the burning sensation from within his body or even from his soul, and finally roared out under the scars of red and gold flashing in his eyes.

The roar accompanies the fluctuation of the scars of red gold, slowly shocking and sending out, with the momentum of overwhelming the mountains and the sea, shaking the demon souls that were still roaring around instantly and honestly.

These white-flowered demon souls, when they felt the fluctuations in the tormented Li Yaodao body, quietly lurked back into the cage, they were all in fear...

When the red and gold light spreads down like a roar of pain accompanied by Li Yaodao, it illuminates the whole hall like a flash in the pan, but the light is fleeting...

Li Yaodao finally couldn't bear the pain and suffering from the soul, and finally fell into a coma under the reminder of the crazy alarm of the evolution system...

In the silent and mysterious hall, Yaodao Li was so comatose on the floor. Many of the scared spirits gradually appeared in the black cage. They felt the red flame refining snake curled up in the center of the hall, and there was no horrible fluctuation. , It's all relaxed.

But even so, this group of blocked demon souls no longer dared to shout wantonly.

I... Am I?

After a long time, Li Yaodao slowly opened his eyes again, his consciousness gradually returned, and he felt that the surroundings were still in the mysterious hall from before, he stood up suddenly, looked at the demon souls around him, and then looked at On myself.

"This... why did I change again?"

At this moment, Li Yaodao realized that his body was no longer in the form of Red Flame Refining Snake, nor in other forms, but a brand new model appeared in his eyes.

The whole body and translucent luster lightly covered the snake scales, and the inlaid snake scales shone beautifully like a hard shield.

At this time, he is no longer in the form of the Taixuan poisonous snake that has just evolved, but a kind of white snake body that is more gentle and moist than jade, with a more spiritual streamer rotation...

At the same time, the reminder of the evolution system sounded. What it said made Li Yaodao's eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

"Ding! The system is reconnecting online and the connection is successful!"

"Ding! The host has safely survived the threat of death and successfully integrated the mysterious heart. The heart has brought a lot of experience points and evolution points to the host!"

"Ding! The host has broken through the Three Profound Realm and reached the One Star Spirit Profound Realm!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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