Super Study God

Chapter 992: The tone is not small! [Tobacco addiction has become a disaster]

However, in the face of the three fast-moving people, the system only scanned out the approximate position and could not capture their figure.

The only thing you can do is erect your ears and listen to the sound.


Here again, this time came by myself, there are two people.


Su Hang punched in one direction.


Su Hang thought that the man would avoid, but unexpectedly, the person did not hide, but greeted him actively.

Giant earthquake!

Su Hang felt that his fist hit a fist, and that fist was very hard and strong.

With a clatter, taxiing back more than ten meters, Suhang stopped.

Immediately, Su Hang felt a tingling pain in his right arm. He saw a long dark thorn on his right arm, and he couldn't help but frown. It was the poison needle of the centipede demon repairer.

Su Hang grabbed the poison needle and pulled it straight out. As soon as the Qi and blood turned slightly, the poison that had invaded the body was dissolved.

He has practiced Gu Gu for a long time, and it has long been poisonless, and every centipede poison can only do his nutrition.


There was a sneer in the corner of Su Hang's mouth. The poison needle in his hand came out and shot directly in one direction.


The poison needle crossed the void and disappeared in an instant, making a dull sound, obviously striking something.


Sure enough, with a scream, something seemed to fall heavily on the ground.

"Wu Jiang, you bastard, give me an antidote." The void yelled, the one-horned fairy demon repairer. His cry was painful and anxious.

Needless to say, he was poisoned by the centipede poison on the stinger, and he would not be as painful as Su Hang's powerful body for poison.

"Ha ha!"

Su Hang grinned, rushed past, and punched into the void.


The fire was splattering, and the punch was strong.


A mumble, but it was the centipede repairer who came to detoxify the unicorn fairy repairer.

It was a tragedy. He failed to carry Su Hang's fist, flew straight out, and knocked down a few big trees.

"Why do you want to fight? If you don't show up again, your companion will die."

Su Hang seemed to be stepping on something under his feet, and looked forward proudly. Haotian stood there, guarding left and right, his body covered with mud, and apparently had just been attacked again.

Su Hang's voice fell, and the Xueshen system suddenly appeared in the mind of the woman in red.


Su Hang didn't say anything. When he lifted his right foot, he kicked the unicorn fairy demon who stepped on his feet to the front, and the whole person flashed back.

The air in front of him fluctuated and stopped at once, the unicorn fairy demon was caught.

The next second, the two figures emerged from the void one after another, it was the one-horned fairy demon repairer, and the red lady.

The woman in red stood and watched Su Hang cautiously, while the one-horned fairy demon was squatting beside him, covering her chest with one hand, a painful look.

"How is it possible? How can you see us?" The unicorn fairy repairer looked at Su Hang in disbelief.

At this time, Haotian also approached Suhang, "Diaodiaoxiaoji, also dared to play tricks in front of Divine Venerable, it was just to death!"

This guy started to talk aloud, and actually grabbed Su Hang's lines, but it can also be seen that Haotian's heart is very angry. .

After hearing Haotian's words, they may not even know what the word God Respect represents, and there is no response.

The woman in red frowned and looked at Su Hang. "What did you mean after following us for so long?"

Speaking of this, the women in the red clothes are disturbed. They do not know how long they have been followed along the way. They only noticed it about an hour ago, so they deliberately found such a forest and attacked the two followers.

It's just, I didn't expect that these two followers would be so difficult to do. You know, they took Hanzhenlu, completely concealing their breath and body shape. Even if they are the strongest of Heavenly Realm, it is difficult if they are not deliberate. Be aware of their existence.

Moreover, they still attacked by three people, but they were unsuccessful. Instead, two people were injured.

His eyes fell on Su Hang, and the next Hao Tian was ignored, because Su Hang just seemed to be able to see them, which surprised the woman in red.

With the magical effect of Zhenlu, she knows better than anyone else, is it possible that this person is a strong person in Heavenly Realm? However, he didn't have that strong breath.

In fact, Su Hang can find them, it is also very simple, since the system of learning God is not effective, he will find another way. Just when he was fighting with the one-horned monk, he took the opportunity to attach Gu Huang's avatar to the other party. Going on the body, in this way, where he is, Su Hang is naturally clear.

"This elder sister, this is bad. The so-called big roads are facing each other. We may be on the same road. How can we say that we are following you? There must be some misunderstandings!" After listening to the red woman's question, Su Hang said arrogantly there.

Hao Tian looked at Su Hang next to him, admiring his heart to the extreme. This kind of nonsense with his eyes open was still God's master.

The woman in red listened, as if feeling humiliated, her face darkened with black, "Aren't you following?"

Clenching teeth, cutting teeth, this way, I don't know how long I have followed them, and actually said it was not tracking.

"It's not really tracking!" Hao Tian answered next.

"Oh, not tracking, what is that?" The woman in red sneered.

"Hmm..." Haotian thought for a while, "We are just walking in the end!"

I go! Suhang was speechless when he heard it. This guy was brainstorming. I really thought that the winning ticket was in my hands. He was actually teasing someone else.

Say Is there a difference between tracking and the tail line? It seems to be different. The tracker is the madman, the tail line is the idiot, and the madman and the idiot. It seems that the latter is a little more cumbersome.


The woman was obviously irritated by Haotian's words. Of the three, only one of them had combat effectiveness, but in the face of Su Hang, she didn't seem to be afraid.

"No matter who you are, for what purpose, but it's definitely not good."

The woman said in a sentimental tone, "Feng Daniang, the fourth generation of disciples under the real seat of Taiyi, teaches two great tricks!"

"Oh, the tone is not small!" Hao Tian looked at this woman with contempt, not knowing what gave her courage and made her dare to say such things.

Although his skills have been suppressed, anyway, he is also a master of Tianzun Realm. Is your little girl still trying to pick one out of two?

The woman didn't seem to feel how stupid she was, and took a small dark green box out of the storage bag. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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