Super Study God

Chapter 988: Fight in the forest!

"Choosed? The same?"

Suhang asked.

Haotian shook his head again and again, "It's the same."

"Okay, let's go."

Su Hang didn't say a word, put the body of the poison dart frog just put into the storage ring, and went straight to the right.

Hao Tian froze for a moment, "God, left."

"I know." Su Hang replied, and had gone to the sky.

Hao Tian was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted, and hurried up to chase it, or was a deity, so I thought about it.



"Holy Venerable, I think..." Haotian caught up with Su Hang. "If we are in the ancient world, there should be a Taoist ancestor in this ancient world. We can go to Zixiao Palace to find the Taoist ancestor. There must be a way to respect his old man Breaking through time and space and sending us back!"

Hao Tian said this as if he had discovered the New World.

Su Hang paused for a moment, and Hao Tian's words really made sense. If it is too ancient, Hong Jun should still be in heaven. He can know the past and the future, and he will definitely know the identity of the two of them.

However, Haotian's skills are limited, and both of them only have the same realm, how to go to Tianwaitian?

The sky and the sky are beyond the edge of the universe, and there is no big move of Heavenly Realm.

Haotian seems to be aware of this, and he has nothing to say at the moment.

"Perhaps, there is another way to know where we are!" Su Hang thoughtfully, looking up at the clear sky above him.

The two rose into the air and flew upwards,


I don't know how long after that, the two stopped and what appeared in front of them was a gray cloud.

The two looked at each other, and a smile appeared on their faces.

Chaotic gas wall!

This area has an edge, that is to say, this space is not large, at least not as big as the universe. If it is in the universe of the universe, or in the ancient world, what should appear in front of them at this time should be the vast expanse of starry sky.

Facts have proved that it is probably not too old here, they should just be trapped in a space of different degrees, this space is most likely the banned place of the bird family.

According to the legend of the feather tribe, Wanquelin passed from Taikoo, and it is not surprising that these strange creatures appeared.

Thinking of this, Su Hang took some care, but was trapped in a different space, and it was relatively easier to go out.

"Shen Zun, how do you care now?" Hao Tian asked.

Su Hangdao, "Find a safe place to settle down and find a way to restore your skills, as long as your skills return to Heavenly Realm. You should be able to break these two barriers!"

Su Hang pointed to the chaotic gas wall not far in front of him, and the two began to descend.

Haotian listened to Su Hang’s plan, but he was in trouble. "Shenzun, this space is full of ancient demon power, and there is not even a little elemental force. The spirit pressure is huge. I can’t compete with it at all! "

The Heaven Realm Realm has been pressed into the Dao Realm by life, and it can be balanced. If you want to practice in this environment, you must fight against this huge spiritual pressure. Even if there is enough magic medicine support, the cultivation progress It must be slow and slow!

When his skill is enough to contend with the spiritual pressure of this world, I don't know what year and month, will it be able to wait? By that time, he had to break through the space and go out, he might have reached heaven.

In Haotian's view, what Su Hang said was not realistic at all. It might not be as good as Su Hang's self-cultivation. It should be faster than him.

Su Hang glanced back at him, "Relax, I have a way!"

"Hmm?" Hao Tian froze for a moment. "What is the way for Divine Venerable?"

The voice was a little agitated. How he hoped to recover his strength sooner, even if he still couldn't leave this ghost place, at least he wouldn't be so stumped.

"I can teach you the cultivation methods of the Archaic tribe, so that you can adapt to the archaic demon power of this world!" Su Hangdao.

Haotian listened, his eyes lit up, "Goddess wants to pass on my magic?"

This ancient monster power is obviously higher than Yuan Li. Therefore, his skill will be suppressed. If he can master this power and turn his chaotic Yuan power into chaotic demon power, he can definitely become stronger. Moreover, if Su Hang's exercises are strong enough, this process will not take long.

After all, as long as this spiritual pressure no longer suppresses him, and accepts him, then he is just a process of refining and restoring the state.

"It's nothing magical!" Su Hang shook his head. "Before that, we have to find something!"

"What is it?" Hao Tian asked.

Su Hang shook his head and was about to say something, but suddenly stopped.

Hao Tian was stunned for a moment, and looked down at Su Hang's eyes.

A few miles below is the forest. The trees in the forest fell to the ground, and there was a booming sound, like something was fighting.

Several big trees fell, and both of them could see clearly what was fighting.

A huge pheasant is being attacked by several bugs.

Perhaps it is full of demon power. The creatures here are relatively large. The pheasant, with white feathers and a red crown, is very powerful. A pair of claws are also very powerful.

Fighting it is a unicorn, a centipede, and an insect like an ant.

The three insects are huge and powerful, and they besieged the pheasant together.

The pheasant was like a tyrant. He clucked and fluttered his wings, causing a whirlwind, making the three insects inaccessible.

Suddenly vacated, stepped on it, and stepped on the giant centipede.

Preparing to bow down on the centipede, at this time, the unicorn was like a tank, rushed from behind the pheasant, the unicorn was unbiased, and it just hit the mountain. On the back door of the chicken.

Millennium kill! Seeing Su Hang and Haotian couldn't help the back door getting cold.


The pheasant stretched his neck and shouted loudly, his tongue spit out, as long as the individual waited to realize its pain.

The horn of the horned angel lifted the pheasant directly.

At this time, the big ant rose into the air and lay directly on top of the pheasant's head. A pair of large pliers directly bitten the pheasant's comb.

The big pheasant ate continuously, and his head was crazy and wanted to throw the big ant off the top of his head. However, the big centipede that had just been stepped on by his feet was entangled again at this time. Bite on the feet, releasing highly toxic.

The big pheasant didn't stand up enough, thumped and fell to the ground, and at this time, the unicorn rushed over again, just like a barbarian, slammed **** the big pheasant's chest. The long horn was inserted directly into the pheasant's chest.

The big pheasant wailed with a cry of despair and pain. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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