Super Study God

Chapter 971: Unpopular!

Pig Wuji is angry with Na Haotian, and he was stunned when he heard that God Emperor summoned him.

Haotian was also a little stunned, but then sneered at the pig Wuji, "It seems that God is about to treat some people's rude sin!"

In the speech, there was a bit of squeeze, obviously it was gloating and gloating. In his opinion, there must be only one reason God summoned it. After all, Pig Wuji was in the restaurant before, but he offended Su Hang.


Zhu Wuji didn't seem to care. He gave Haotian a cold look, then swept his sleeves heavily and walked into Yutian Temple.

After entering the Yutian Temple, the Emperor Pig saw Su Hang and the Emperor Suzaku sitting opposite.

Pig Wuji was stunned for a moment, and stood in the middle, looked at Su Hang and Suzaku. For a while, he didn't know how to move forward.

"Emperor Pig, God Sovereign face to face, haven't met yet?" Suzaku reminded Piggy Wuji.

Pig Wuji listened, and it seemed a bit awkward to Suhang. This Nima, even half an hour ago, asked him to toast him. Was he becoming a god?

His face twitched, and Pig Wuji looked at Su Hang. "If you are really a deity, I should kneel to you, but the emperor has been missing for 100,000 years, how come suddenly? You..."

"Emperor Pig, are you arrogant?" Suzaku yelled immediately. This pig is also audacious, and actually questioned the identity of Suhang in person.

Although, this question, Suzaku also wanted to ask, after all, a person who disappeared for 100,000 years suddenly appeared again, which is really puzzling.

However, this is what the Emperor Tai told her to receive. Although there is something wrong, she believes that the Emperor will not be wrong, and that the two elders have confirmed the identity of Su Hang, and it should not be wrong.

The pig emperor paused, but he didn't panic. On the identity, in this heavenly palace, he and the emperor Suzaku should be on an equal footing. Suzaku was not qualified to scold him.

Moreover, he is just trying to clarify the identity of the person in front of him. How can he be the third pig emperor of the orc clan, and bend his knees to people casually and unclearly?

He must be clear about this problem. After all, he has never seen the so-called God Emperor. If this person wants to prove his identity, he will come up with some evidence.

"If you are really the emperor, I will blame myself, and let me punish!" Pig Wuji said.

This is the truth. How can people recognize you?

Su Hang did not get up, his right hand stretched out, a jade-colored big seal floated out, and appeared in his palm.

The supreme majesty exuded from the jade seal surprised Suzaku and Pig Wuji.

Panhuang Yuxi!

The two's faces changed greatly, and they immediately knelt in front of Su Hang.

Other things can be faked, but this imperial jade seal can never be faked. The monks of the five races were the guardians of the Pangu clan at that time, and there are impressions of the imperial jade seal in the inheritance memory.

Ancient, majestic, this is not what the Panhuang Yuxi is? Who can hold the imperial jade seal besides the **** emperor?

The awe of Panhuang Yuxi has been deeply buried in the blood of the monks of the five races. At this time, Su Hang revealed the Panhuang Yuxi, and his identity is beyond doubt.

"Zhu Wuji meets God Venerable, please ask God to come down!" Under the pressure of Panhuang Yuxi, the realm of pig Wuji is trembling, which is the instinct hidden in their orc blood.

Su Hang closed the imperial jade seal, "If you don't know, don't sin, let's get up."

"Xie Shenzun!"

Suzaku responded and got up, but the majesty of the imperial jade plate just made her feel terrified and dared not sit down again.

Pig Wuji was kneeling, still unwilling to get up.

"Is the pig embarrassed?" Su Hang looked at Zhu Wuji playfully.

Pig Wuji buried his head, ashamed, "In the Fengxiang restaurant, the lard was covered with heart, and the gods were insulted, and the gods did not punish the officials, and they were uneasy!"

Su Hang smiled, this pig emperor, in fact, the character is also quite cute, dare to say dare to do, dare to love dare to hate, at this point, Haotian may be worse.

"My belly weight is not so small. If you don't care about it, you won't care about you anymore. Get up, don't you want me to help you up?" Su Hangdao.

"Fear of fear!"

Pig Wuji shouted, got up quickly, and stood up with Suzaku together.

The two were very embarrassed, and Su Hang was a bit sweaty. He was also a hegemony anyway. The veteran cadre of Tianzunjing, how could he be so awesome to himself?

Does Panhuang Yuxi really have such power? Why haven't you felt it?

Suhang signaled that the two talents sat down opposite Suhang. With the joining of the emperor, the Suhang also got answers to some incomprehensible things.

The three of them chatted for a while, Su Hang thought of a question, "You said that your five clan are all to protect the God Palace, if I remember correctly, then the five wars, none of your five clan wars?"

The two listened and glanced at each other, and finally, Pig Wuji opened his mouth.

"Returning to God Venerable, according to ethnographic records, about 50 million years ago, the 321st God Emperor of the Gods Palace dismissed the ancient five families. This world is already a human world, and the five families should no longer exist. The Divine Emperor ordered each division of the Five Clan to serve as the secret power of the Divine Palace, but it could not be hidden! Only the Divine Emperor holding the imperial jade seal can use the power of the Five Clan. When the Divine Palace suffered, it was not that I did not want to contribute. With this clan rule, you can’t contribute without the imperial edict!"

After hearing the remarks of the pig emperor, Su Hang did not know the truth, but he could only choose to believe that if Chu Tiankuo could use the power of the Taikoo Clan, then the situation would not be so passive.

It's a pity that Chu Tiankuo was imprisoned by Liu Ruxu, and he was powerless. Perhaps, he didn't know the origin of the five ancient tribes and the imperial palace!

"Things of the past have become a thing of the past, forget it!" Su Hang shook his head. "Can you contact the other three families?"

The two looked at each other and shook their Pig Emperor Dao said, "The five races are separated from each other, and each has their own development, and there is no connection. My family has only had some contact with the feathers and scales. As for the Mu and Zerg, there is no news!"

At this time, Suzaku said, "Sovereign, I have a word.

"Straight talk!" Su Hang said to Suzaku. Seeing how Suzaku looks, there should be some place to avoid it.

Suzaku said, "God, 50 million years of time, the sea can be turned into mulberry fields, and people will also change. Today, the Taikoo five families are afraid that they are not old, like my second family, they can still remember their ancestors. Blood oath, I am afraid..."

Su Hang listened to this and frowned lightly. The meaning of Suzaku's words, he could understand, nothing more than that, the other groups would not bow to him.

"I wonder if God Venerable ever thought of rebuilding the God Palace?" Suzaku asked Su Hang when he frowned at Su Hang.


ps: The deduction of the book: "89413870", interested friends come to Kazakhstan. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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