Super Study God

Chapter 958: Defying means!

"Why am I so stupid!" When tangled, Su Hang slapped his head silently. This is what people are like, sometimes they can't turn around.

The soil of this flower bed needs 2 billion, and the soil of half a flower bed can't be used up so much?

Therefore, sometimes you need to work around!

At the moment, Su Hang set out to divide the soil in the flower platform into two parts, the two seeds were placed in the soil on the right.

Haotian and Dachun both looked at this scene inexplicably. I don’t know what Su Hang wanted to do. There was a good pile of soil. Why do we have to divide it into two piles?

Just when the two were puzzled, Su Hang saw his right hand on the pile of soil, and a golden light emerged from his hands, instantly wrapping the pile of soil in it.

This pile of soil is about ten kilograms, but it takes a huge amount of refining and consumption, one billion!

However, if 1 billion points of energy can be exchanged for the rebirth of the Xu brothers and sisters, Su Hang would not feel a loss!

It was wrapped in golden light for half an hour before it slowly dissipated. The pile of soil shrank by nearly half. In addition, there did not seem to be any other changes. The soil properties are still very strong. If you change individuals, Most would think that Su Hang took advantage of this opportunity to steal the soil of others.

"The refining is completed, the items are acquired, and the innate breath!"

When a message came, the big stone in Su Hang's heart was settled.

There is really not much difference in appearance between innate and acquired soil. The only difference is divinity, and it is no wonder that it is easy to admit mistakes.


Item: Innate soil.

Introduction: Innate things, the origin of the cosmic soil, contain the power of creation, and the power of nurturing everything!


Seeing this piece of information, Su Hang's mouth curved a little arc, and immediately took out a ceramic flower pot from the storage ring and collected the pile of soil.

Six or seven kilograms of soil was filled in a pot, and there was still some leftover. Su Hang didn't care about it. He took out two seeds from the pile of acquired soil next to it and buried it in the soil bowl.

Just at the moment of burial, all three felt that the two seeds immediately revived.

It was like a fire that was put into a dry firewood pile filled with gasoline, and there was a lot of posture to start the fire.

The original two seeds that seemed to be dying out at any time were breathing greedily. Both seeds seemed to be hungry for a long time. They suddenly enjoyed a big meal and wanted to eat a big meal at once.

Haotian and Dachun were completely dumbfounded.

The acquired thing becomes the innate thing between waves, which is simply amazing. You know, there has always been only the innate evolution of the acquired, and I have never heard that an acquired creature like Xiyang can return to the innate.

This is like time. It can flow from today to tomorrow, but it cannot return from tomorrow to today.

It has to be said that the forceful installation of Su Hang is really beautiful and thoroughly installed, which shocked the power of the two Heavenly Realms!

First of all, it was a rebirth from one hand, and then another day, and each hand was a magical skill that made them unimaginable.

"Is this congenital?"

Feeling that the two seeds had burst into life in the soil, Dachun's voice was trembling, and the excitement seemed as if he wanted to cry.

At this moment, Dachun can also feel the difference in nature, nature, and vitality. Such divine soil can only understand the difference after experiencing it for himself.

Su Hang did not answer him, and took another thing out of the storage ring.

It is a box.

When the box was opened, Su Hang took out two brown, green and two beads and buried them in the flower pot.

"Shen Zun, is this?" Dachun looked at Su Hang in a puzzled way.

Haotian next to him was surprised, "Is this God's respect for this thing, is it Daozhu?"

"You have a bit of eyesight!" Su Hang smiled, did not deny it.

Hao Tiangan smiled a little and said, "It is said that many Tianzun Realm masters fell into the rebirth of the planet Uranus. Before this, he condensed his own abilities into a pearl. During the second battle, after Qin, he disappeared, but he didn't want to be in God's hands!"

This thing is superb in the world of monasticism. Tianzunjing can already touch the edges of the rules. The Taoyuan beads left by the masters of Tianzunjing also contain the power of some rules.

Although Haotian is already a master of Tianzunjing, this thing is also useful to him. At least in terms of improving his skill, the effect is absolutely leveraged.

When he was on the earth, Haotian also searched for it, but the result was not clear.

Hao Tian did not expect that Su Hang could take this thing out, and it was still so much. He even wondered if all those Tao Yuanzhu that disappeared that year had gone to Su Hang.

Beside, Dachun can also feel the thick energy fluctuations in those two beads.

Su Hangdao, "This is the source beads of the two attributes of earth and wood, which can protect this pot of soil from being differentiated by the acquired gas, and provide a steady flow of energy to these two seeds."

Su Hang explained that a drop of thick ink fell into the sea water, and it would be diluted instantly. This is also true of innate soil. Just like nuclear material, it decays at any time and any place. It is to use the energy of Daoyuanzhu to prevent the innate soil from evolving.

Otherwise, this pile of innate soil, I am afraid that the two beads can't wait for the two beads to break out of the earth and grow up, and they have to evolve into the acquired soil.

At that time, there will be another empty basket in the bamboo basket, and of course Su Air would not want to see it.

In addition, the wood-based Daoyuan beads are intended to provide energy to the two There are two Daoyuan beads to provide a continuous flow of energy, plus the pile of innate soil , It should be enough that the two seeds have grown.

The rest of the area, there are probably more than one or two points, less than two or two, this thing is a good thing, Su Hang took out an empty jade bottle filled with Elixir, stored it, and injected it with a trace of power , I can temporarily save these innate territories.

After cleaning up everything, Su Hang put away the bottle and turned to Dachun Road, "Good care, don't let the congenital soil inside touch the earth, wait for it to grow, and then Go to another place to give birth, leave for a long time, there must be a time to rebirth!"

Dachun was so excited that he knelt down in front of Su Hang. "The old deceased to thank the gods for the reconstruction of the two brothers and sisters."

Say, grab the ground with your head!

Su Hang waved his hand, "You don't have to thank me. Your two siblings were of immense merit. You shouldn't have this disaster. Get up and talk."

Dachun nodded gratefully, got up tremblingly, and wiped the old tears in the corner of his eyes with his sleeve. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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