Super Study God

Chapter 947: What is your name?

A broken-down adobe house courtyard, the courtyard door is closed, Tao Laohan reached out and patted the courtyard door.


There was an old female voice in it, and it sounded like there were seventy or eighty.

"Me!" Tao Laohan responded.


The person inside did not hear clearly and asked again.


Tao Laohan's voice increased by several decibels, and instead he explained to Su Hang and sorry, "My old lady, my ears are not so good!"

Su Hang nodded awkwardly and expressed understanding.


It was the same voice that Su Hang almost fell over, feeling that this time he didn't know what he was going to meet again.

"Me, your old son, old nine!"

Tao old man shouted again, and the courtyard door opened slowly, revealing the figure of a gray-haired old lady.

"Lao Jiu, when did you go out, I said how can't I find you!" The old lady glanced at Su Hang and ran straight to Su Hang.

Su Hang was forced, and old man Tao quickly put down the **** and dragged the old lady over, "Old lady, I'm here, that's a guest!"

"Sorry, my old lady's eyes are not very good!" Tao Laohan also said to Su Hang apologetically.

Beside, Su Hang and Hao Tiantou had an awkward smile.

"Guest? When did our family come to the guest?" The old lady finally figured out the situation, and then looked at Su Hang and Hao Tian again.

"Younger Su Hang, hello old man!" Su Hang bowed politely to the old lady.

"What's your name?" The old woman put her ears up and didn't seem to hear them clearly.

"Su Hang!" Su Hang repeated.

"What is Su?"

"Su Hang!"

"What flight?"

"Su Hang!" Over and over again, Su Hang was completely speechless.

"Oh!" After Suhang repeated again, the old lady finally seemed to understand and turned to Haotian to look over.

"Under Haotian, I have seen the elderly!" The **** emperor was so polite, Haotian would naturally not hold a shelf, and quickly politely treated the old lady, but he did not claim to be a junior. After all, speaking of age, He is much bigger than this old lady.

"Have you seen me?" When the old lady heard it, she leaned towards Haotian. It seemed that she wanted to see Haotian clearly with his old eyes. "Which child are you from, where have you seen me?"

Haotian was sweating heavily. We said that I had seen it, but it wasn’t that meaning, was it out of politeness?

It's easy to explain, the old lady seemed a bit incomprehensible, "What's your name?"

"Haotian!" Haotian replied patiently.

"What day?" the old woman asked again.

"Haotian!" Haotian had already gritted his teeth. If the other party wasn't an old woman, he might have beaten up.


The old lady nodded, and finally did not continue to ask, Hao Tian was relieved, however, she looked at Suhang again, "Are you?"

Su Hang rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

Looking at Tao Laohan next to you, I am afraid that your old lady is not only having bad eyesight, but also bad ears. I am afraid her mind is also a bit bad.

Su Hang can understand the typical Alzheimer's disease, patiently answered, and finally entered the house.

That house is really a broken one, and what I saw in the Cowherd's house at the beginning was just the wall of the house. The most valuable thing is probably the iron hoe.

Seeing this scene, Haotian also felt that it was a bit overwhelming. "Who, who has anything to fill the stomach at home, give us some."

Hao Tian didn't know what to call Tao Laohan, but replaced him with that one.

Su Hang didn't even stop it. It's so poor. You're so embarrassed to let people take things out to eat. It's just heartbroken!

However, Mr. Tao was very generous and responded heartily. He hurried to the corner and dug a few things out. It seemed to be sweet potatoes, but Su Hang was not sure.

Tao Laohan put that sloppy thing into the pot, took a pestle or something, it really seemed to be sweet potato, because Su Hang had already smelled something like sweet potato.

Is there any sweet potato on this planet? Su Hang couldn't help thinking.

However, Hao Tian next to him had squeezed his nose, and Su Hang seemed to smell a strange smell. Tao Han did not know what was added to the pot, and a smell flew out immediately.

I can't tell what it smells like, it's stinky, it's not stinky, but it doesn't really smell good.

"Shen Zun, this old man won't get that stuff for us to eat!" Hao Tian huddled up next to Su Hang and asked in a low voice, he still said this euphemistically, in fact he wanted to say, that Is the stew cooked in the pot?

Su Hang shuddered a little bit, unlike Haotian's Jinyiyushi, he had thick tea and light rice, and he could eat anything he thought was unpalatable.

However, when Old Tao Tao got things ready, Su Hang admitted that he still overestimated himself.

A large bowl filled with thin yellow and yellow things, and some pots and ash embellishment on it, it looks really the same as that thing.

This is really dark cuisine, there is absolutely no one, not only looks like, smells more like, just taste it!

The key is still so rare!

More importantly, the amount is still so large!

Suhang was hesitant for a long time, he was stunned! The next Haotian was even more disgusted, and his face was full of disgust.

"The two guests, coarse tea and light rice, don't be dismissed, open to eat, there are still in the pot after eating!" Tao Laohan enthusiastically faced Su Hang two people.

Who is more polite? Su Hang can't help but feel cold, can such a thing really be called meals? How can I open my mouth?

Tao Laohan and the old lady were not polite. They tasted deliciously and deliciously one by one, which seemed very delicious.

Su Hang held his breath and tried to persuade himself to take a sip, to be exact.

It's really unpalatable, but it's not as hard to swallow.

Hao Tian looked at Su Su Hang gave him a look, indicating that he could eat, so Hao Tian shook his hand, picked it up with a scoop, and gently put it into his mouth in.


Haotian didn't have time to taste carefully, he just vomited, and he almost didn't spray the old man.

It's unpalatable, and Bixiang is unpalatable. Haotian has the urge to cry. What wrong did he make, why should he eat such a thing?

Tao Laohan looked at Haotian a little forcibly, and the corners of his mouth were a little yellow, and he licked his tongue out.

Haotian almost didn't vomit, and turned to look at Su Hang, "Shen Zun, let's go now, isn't there anything else?"

Su Hang was sweating, which was too rude. The host's host invited him so warmly, and even left in front of him, he had to go without eating, which was too bad for his face.


ps: The deduction of the book: "Eight wine is like a mountain and eight paint spirits", interested friends come to Kazakhstan. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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