Super Study God

Chapter 940: You want to see me?

"Jiang Li, can you be guilty?" Su Hang didn't mean to be polite, but suddenly yelled, and Xingshi asked for guilt.

Jiang Li paused for a moment, but then said calmly, "Jiang somehow guilty?"

Su Hang snorted, "In the place where you were promised, you promised to take care of this star field. Now that the demon girl is reproducing the world, is it not your sin?"

"Your Majesty is serious!" Jiang Li shook her head. "What a supernatural goddess, if she is born again, how can I resist it with my little ability?"

"Don't you put her out?" Su Hang looked at Jiang Li. He can now be said to be extremely suspicious of this person.

Jiang Li smiled bitterly, "How can I easily break the seals left by the three Tianzun?"

"It's not you, who will it be?" Su Hang sullenly, Jiang Li guarding this star field, can be said to be the most suspected, and even if he is not, he must know some insider.

Jiang Lidao, "Under this universal world, in addition to the Heavenly Demon Lady, who else can break the seals left by the three Tianzun Realm Peak Masters?"

Su Hang's brows were locked as soon as he heard this. If it wasn't for the help of external force, he would have come out on his own, then the skill of the demon girl might have been restored.

"How do you know?" Su Hang looked at Jiang Li and doubted this person more. How did Liu Ruxu come out? How could he know?

He looked away. If Jiang Li had no problem, he could not believe it now. The Demon Race was originally a descendant of Liu Ruxu's Taoism.

After a moment, Jiang Li looked up at Su Hang, "Don't conceal the deity, Heavenly Demon Lady, she, she is now in my family!"

"What?" Next to Mi Tuo and Hao Tian, ​​when they heard this, they were all disturbed.

Su Hang also looked at Jiang Li with some disbelief, "Well, Jiang Li, I really believed you wrong, and the gossip villain stunned the demon girl again. I knew that, I should have asked you to Killed."

Su Hang was almost mad. At first, this guy told himself that the celestial demon is also his enemy. He would never let her out. Su Hang was a little bit old and really believed him. , I never thought I was too young, too naive!

"The twists and turns, not humane, Jiang Li can't help but deity!" Jiang Li shook his head, I looked very bitter.

Without waiting for Su Hang to speak, Jiang Li continued, "Jiang Li came here today, on the order of the Heavenly Demon Lady, to bring a word to God Venerable!"

Su Hang was terribly black, "What's the matter?"

"Shenzun doesn't have to wait here. The mother said that Jingshui will not make any mistakes in the future. She didn't come to find Shenzun. She also asked Godzun not to look for her again. Jiang Lidao.

Su Hang heard this and was completely surprised. Will Liu Ruxu say that?

It's incredible, next to Mi Tuo and Hao Tian also looked at each other, even thought Jiang Li was joking.

Mi Tuo leaned over and whispered, "Beware of fraud!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, even if Mituo didn't remind him, he had a heart in mind, but the ruthless man with hundreds of billions of monks' blood on his hands trying to achieve the avenue by karma, how could he negotiate with himself?

No one will believe it, and there is a 100% reason.

Maybe, the demon girl was planning something. Maybe, her skills had not been restored. That’s right, the woman might have been seriously injured by herself. It was very likely that the woman was seriously injured and afraid of exposure, so she came to such a mitigation strategy.

However, she can break the seals of the three Tianzun, this point of strength, should have recovered almost!

The more you think about Suhang, the more confused you are, and the more you think, the more weird!

"The words have been brought, Jiang Li quits!" Jiang Li said, and then wanted to turn away.

"Take it down!"

Su Hang snorted, how could Jiang Li just go away so painfully?

Haotian snatched it out in one step, and an apricot-yellow silk ribbon flew out in his hand, and Jiang Li was wrapped up in an instant.

Jiang Li did not resist, but just looked back at Su Hang, "The two armies are still engaged in battle, and what does it mean to respect God?"

"It doesn't mean anything!" Su Hang's face was cold and cold. "How can you just leave without talking?"

"I wonder if there is anything else I want to ask?" Jiang Li asked.

"Take me to your Mozu land, I want to see that woman!" Su Hang said directly.

When next to Mituo, he almost wanted to pee. Why did he send it to the door by himself, didn't he deliberately die?

At this time, Jiang Li said, "Shen Zun, Niang Niang has made concessions, why should you press step by step? That's not good for everyone!"

It sounds really bitter.

"Humph!" Su Hang snorted coldly, "You should know who she is, and stir up with him, it will surely be lost!"

Jiang Li did not speak.

Su Hang could see that he was bitter, but this time was no longer important. He had to see Liu Ruxu. Even if she couldn't kill her, she had to really understand her details.

"Sacred Venerable is too far-fetched!"

At this time, this soft voice came from afar, and the voice had not yet fallen, and a white figure had quietly arrived.

Su Hang's heart tightened!


As soon as Mi Tuo saw the person coming, he was shocked with a green face, and he was trembling all over. The dignified master of the realm of the realm was not as good as Su Hang. He stepped back a few steps, almost sitting on the ground without a butt.

But it is no wonder that in Mita's heart, this woman is a nightmare. That kind of mouse's fear of seeing a cat has penetrated into the bones, and I am afraid it will never disappear.

Next to Hao Tian, ​​seeing Mita's fear of Ruos was obviously not frightened by the appearance of the person in front of him. After all, the beauty of the woman in front of him was the only thing he saw in his life.

That could only be the identity, Haotian also guessed the identity of the person, the body couldn't help but tremble, and took a step back.

The person coming is Liu that Suhang will never forget.

Underneath the beautiful appearance is a black heart lurking. Anyone who is familiar with her may be afraid when she sees her face.

Su Hang was also afraid, however, there was Panhuang Yuxi guarding his heart, making his wisdom as rock-solid and unshakable by foreign objects.

Liu Ruxu walked to Jiang Li's side, gently waved his right hand, and the apricot-yellow silk ribbon bound to Jiang Li immediately loosened.

Liu Ruxu looked at Su Hang with a smile on his face, "God wants to see me, I don't know what to teach?"

From her eyes, Su Hang saw a bit of preparedness.

Su Hang was a little surprised. What was she preparing for? She couldn't think she could beat her down with a punch like she did 100,000 years ago?


ps: The deduction of the book: "Eight wine is like a mountain and eight paint spirits", interested friends come to Kazakhstan. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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