Super Study God

Chapter 936: Gauntlet!

Bai busy working all night and wasting so many energy points. Sure enough, this method simply won't work.

The probability of refining the Avenue Bracelet again is simply too small.

"Father, how is it?" Seeing Su Hang's haggard look, Su Jin knew that Su Hang must have stayed up all night last night.


Su Hang sighed for a long time, as can be seen from the expression on his face.



The next day, a news came from the Dragon Palace.

To be precise, it is a challenge book, saying what kind of emperor, want to challenge a woman named Liu Ruxu, many monks in Dixian mainland, most of them are confused, because, what kind of emperor, what Liu No one knows what it is like.

However, one thing is certain, the news sent from the Dragon Palace is certainly not a simple challenge. It is said that the Dragon Emperor personally decided.

There are various forces on the mainland, although no one knows what character Liu Rusu is, but there are also many who know the identity of the emperor. At the opening ceremony of the Yuxu Palace on the same day, it was a mysterious person who could sit down with the Taoist ancestors. Now, this Lord Emperor, actually issued a challenge book, which is simply incredible.

Doomed to be big news.

Yuxu Palace.

"Master, did the emperor issue the challenge book, did you know?" Huang Tianba asked Yang Jian sitting on the futon in the hall.

Yang Jian caressed the white beard, with a very serious face on his face, "The teacher has received the biography of the emperor, probably knowing the inside story, Tianba, you immediately ordered the disciples under the door to spread the news as much as possible. ."


Huang Tianba bowed his life and asked again before retiring, "Master, the Liu Ruxu who the Divine Emperor wants to challenge, could it be..."

Speaking of which, Huang Tianba paused, wondering if he should say that name.

"The culprit in the war of the past, the demon goddess." Yang Jian did not evade and said directly.

Huang Tianba's face changed as soon as he heard it, "Tian Yao Niang? She wasn't already..."

It's hard to believe that Huang Tianba's eyes stared at the boss. In his impression, the sky monster should be dead. How could it be alive?

Yang Jian shook his head in a heavy mood. He did not participate in the events of the year. He did not understand everything that happened at that time. Liu Ruxu died and did not die. He did not know. He only knew that it was a horrible woman. He was trapped in One hundred thousand years in the demon bottle is given by the woman.

Although he didn't understand why Su Hang issued such a challenge book, he knew that there must be a reason. Su Hang asked him to spread the content of the challenge book as far as possible. Yang Jian naturally wanted to follow suit.

A similar situation is still being staged in other factions on the continent. Within half a day, the news has spread to every corner of the entire continent and continues to spread towards the Quartet.

This time, the Dragon Palace has exhausted all the network resources. To spread this news throughout the universe, in the shortest time, let the woman get the news, knowing that Su Hang has challenged her.

The challenge book was written by Su Hang personally. It contained some contempt, disdain and ridicule for Liu Ruxu. Ordinary people will feel a bit angry when they read it, not to mention Liu Ruxu who is arrogant and proud. Su Hang believes that As long as Liu Rusu heard the content of the challenge book, he would definitely go to the appointment.

Liu Ruxu’s hatred for Su Hang was absolutely unimaginable. At that time, Su Hang not only broke her good deeds, but also severely wounded her. What’s more terrible is that Su Hang also received Chu Tiankuo’s heritage. Every thing is enough to make Liu Ruxu hate deeply.

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month of the universe, five days later, the battle was fought against the Extinct Star of the God of War galaxy, which was the main battlefield of the ancient **** war, the land where Chutian fell, and the place where Liu Ruxu was finally sealed.

Therefore, there is also a reason why the Soviet Union chose the so-called decisive battle location here, because this is a restricted area, and there is no people. Even if there is a big movement here, it will not affect other places. Just in case, try to minimize the loss.

This news spread like a virus in the entire universe. Su Hang believes that five days is enough to spread into Liu Ruxu's ears.



Standing outside the Dragon Palace and watching the clouds below Yunshan Yunshu, Su Hang couldn't calm down and felt uneasy.

He knows this move is the most direct and best way to solve Liu Ruxu's scourge, but can he really succeed?

He will take an unprecedented risk and use his body as bait to catch Liu Rusu, a fish that is not only a super big fish, but also a big shark that eats no bones.

He didn’t worry about whether Liu Ruxu would come to the appointment. He was only worried about whether Hong Jun would appear in time. Still, that said, although Hong Jun was a Taoist ancestor, he was not reliable in Su Hang’s mind. Just talk about it? If Hongjun does not intervene at that time, or if it is too late, what is waiting for him will be irreversible.

Although he knew all this, Suhang had to do it again, and no one forced him. He did it completely voluntarily.

Tai Ao was right. He didn’t do anything. He would just sit back and wait, and compared with fearful waiting, Su Hang would rather choose to take the initiative. Even if Hong Jun is really unreliable, he can only choose to believe him.

Hong Jun said that if he had not asked Haotian to notify Su Hang, there would be only one dead word for Su Hang’s ending.

In this case, what are you afraid of? If you fight together, maybe there will be a way of life. If you don’t get rid of the woman, the tragedy of 100,000 years ago will probably happen again soon.

Su Hang is not that He sacrifices his life to save the universe. He just wants to protect the people, family and friends he wants to protect. If he dies alone, he can protect them well. Su Hang must not frown.

"A war is waiting for you, don't you want to hurry up and practice?" There was a voice behind him, but Tai Ao didn't know when he came behind Su Hang.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "It's all this time, is it still useful to practice?"

What kind of war is it? It’s just one-sided crushing. The opponent is not of an order of magnitude. At this time, five days, cultivation has no use for Soviet Airways. After all, he always It's impossible to cultivate to the heavenly realm within five days?

Tai A smiled, he also knew that Su Hang was under too much pressure, and sometimes he also felt that Su Hang, a twenty-something boy, had a heavy burden on his shoulders, but he couldn’t help it. If you want to grow, you must bear these pressures.


ps: The deduction of the book: "Eight wine is like a mountain and eight paint spirits", interested friends come to Kazakhstan. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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