Super Study God

Chapter 918: Shameful response!

Long Yang was helpless and turned his head to Li Ruokong. "Your Majesty, the lady is not a big deal. After the poor Dao uses a secret method to act as a lady, there should be an improvement."

Long Yang didn't dare to say too much, so he wouldn't end it. Now all he can do is to delay the time as much as possible, maybe Su Hang will have a way to wake Mituo.

"Let's talk nonsense, if you can't save the concubine, be careful to wait for your life!" Li Ruokong glared at Long Yang. These words were just spoken by the alchemists just now, but it's useless.

Everyone in the house is forbidden to speak and dare not speak, and everyone is puzzled. How could your majesty suddenly like this old and ugly old man in bed? And this old man is also a monk.

It's really heavy enough!

Of course, everyone can only say this in their hearts. Who dares to say it? His Majesty likes it, even if he is ugly, he is also a beauty.

Long Yang didn't dare to say more, and quickly let Su Hang push Mito to sit up, and gave Mi Tuoxing a pique.

For a while, Mituo didn't respond at all. Li Ruokong's face was already dark. Long Yang sweated like rain, and he didn't know whether he was afraid or over-consumption.

Sneaking a glance at Su Hang, brother, if you don't want to do anything again, our brothers have to hang up today!

What can Su Hang do? He does have some medical skills, but he can only be regarded as a half-hanger, and he can't solve the current situation at all. You must know that Mituo is a master of Heavenly Realm. He can solve ordinary injuries, and he can't solve it by himself. Yes, how can someone help him?

"Master, it's me. Longyang and I are here to save you. If you can hear it, you will respond. Otherwise, you will be in trouble!" In desperation, Suhang can only use this method to quietly give Mi Tuo spread the voice, hoping to wake him up.


"Huh? Your majesty, the lady's eyes moved!" At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Long Yang opened his eyes at once, and looked at Mi Tuo. Sure enough, Mi Tuo's tightly closed eyes moved, as if trying to open.

Li Ruokong apparently saw it too, overjoyed, and immediately came over.

"Love Princess..."

After returning to the palace, Mi Tuo fell into a coma. This was the first time there was a reaction. How could Li Ruokong not be pleased?

However, after calling twice, but not seeing Mito wake up, he immediately looked at Longyang, "What's the matter, why doesn't Ai Fei wake up yet?"

This scared Long Yang. Long Yang wiped his sweat and quickly said, "Your Majesty, when the poor road is doing work, you can’t be disturbed, and then you are interrupted. The poor road is almost out of luck. wake."

Upon hearing this, Li Ruokong's face was gloomy, and he turned sharply, looking at the female officer who had just spoken, "Pull out the stick and die?"

The woman officer knelt on the ground in shock, "Your Majesty spared his life, and his subjects were not intentional..."

However, it was useless to say more, Li Ruokong didn't move his eyebrows at all, and several female guards came in and quickly pulled out the female officer who screamed for mercy.


Long Yang wiped a sweat, and could only say sorry to the woman officer, dead friends do not die poor!

This woman is really a female tyrant! Su Hang glanced at Li Ruokong and couldn't help sighing.

"Continue, if I can rescue my concubine, I will be rewarded!" Li Ruokong pointed at Longyang Road.

Finally, there was a person with real skills. Li Ruokong was full of expectations. Although this person's realm was not high, he had specialization in the art industry, and the medical path had nothing to do with the realm of Taoism.

"The poor road must do its best!" Long Yang said quickly, but then said again, "The poor road is bold, please shun your majesty temporarily. When the poor road works, once you are a little disturbed, not only the poor road, I am afraid that you will be injured. Lady Concubine!"

To put it this way, Long Yang can be regarded as fearful, with Li Ruokong's tyranny, what if one is unhappy and clicks him directly?

"Later, I want to see the concubine wake up!" Surprisingly, Li Ruokong left such a sentence and took everyone out.

In Li Ruokong's view, Long Yang does have some real skills, and now she just wants Mido to wake up earlier.



When Li Ruokong and others retreated, only Su Hang, Longyang, and Mita lying on the bed were left in the big dormitory.

"What kind of outfit? Wake up!" Su Hang slapped Mi Tuo angrily. This old monk, but scared him, thought he was really comatose and woke up!

On the bed, the originally unconscious Mido opened one eye, peeked around, and saw no one else, then opened the other eye.

Seeing this scene, Long Yang took a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Mi Tuo was pretending to be in a coma, and his fortune was saved.

"Brother Dao, you can scare people to death." Long Yang grumbled at Mi Tuo.

Seeing Longyang, Mituo wanted to vomit, and he moved back quickly, turning his head to Su Hang, "What are you dressing for?"

A good old man, but turned into a woman and changed others, it is impossible to connect this woman with Su Hang.

"Not yet to save you?" Su Hangdao.

Mi Tuoqi didn't hit one place, "Also know to save me, do you know how miserable I am by you!"

Su Hang was sweating, and he knew that the joke was really big this time, but this was also done by Mi Tuo himself.

However, there is no point in arguing who is right and what is wrong now. What we have to do now is to see how we can end it.

"What's your situation now? Why do you pretend to be comatose?" Su Hang asked quickly to Mido when there was not much time.

Mituo's face was crying without tears. "Am I not pretending to be halo? That woman is like a jackal and a hungry tiger. If I don't pretend to be halo, I'm afraid my bones will be swallowed by her!"

Khan, Su Hang crossed a few black lines on his forehead. The power of the red line was really overbearing. He had already been taught.

"Fortunately, buddy, you wit!" Long Yang patted the chest next to him, the clothes look lucky.

"What a fart!"

Mi Tuo took a with a mournful face, "I couldn't escape even if I pretended to be dizzy, do you know, she hugged me to sleep last night, it's shameful that I actually have Reaction!"

Speaking of which, Mitu finally couldn't help crying, and turned to hug Su Hang tightly, sobbing for a while, and raised three fingers, "Specially, I asked me three times a night, woo Woo..."


Su Hang listened to this, his skin twitched, and Li Ruokong was too hungry and thirsty.



After listening to this, Long Yang seemed to be unable to accept the fact. After a while, he suddenly ran to the corner and cried.

This dead guy!

When Longyang cried, Mita couldn't cry. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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