Super Study God

Chapter 916: 2 notices!

"Hurry up, what's the matter, the orphans and widows are in the same room, and if it spreads, people's reputation will be ruined!" As soon as he entered, Longyang said.

Orphan and widow your sister!

Su Hang vomited in his heart and gave Long Yang a brief account of what happened just now. Although the old lady's artillery was not strong, she was also a ground snake anyway. It was a helper!

After Su Hang finished speaking, he found that Long Yang's face had changed!

"Hey, don't you want to sell me?" Su Hang asked.

If this dare dared to sell himself, Su Hang must have slapped him directly. The reason why Su Hang came back to Longyang was because it was the first person they came to this world, so yes He will have a more or less trust.

"I don't think it makes sense, I'm so mad!" For a long time, Long Yang stomped heavily and shouted angrily.

Su Hang froze for a moment and looked at Longyang, not knowing why Longyang reacted so much.

"The man who actually robbed me, this lord Liang Liang is too bullying!"

In a word, Long Yang almost didn't make Su Hang black in front of him and fell to the ground.

Sure enough, ordinary people can't figure out the thinking of Niangong.

Su Hang was a little choked by her own saliva, but she was also fortunate in her heart. Since Long Yang was angry, it was easy to pull him back.

"Brother Dao, don't worry, now we have to find a way to rescue Mita from the palace." Su Hangdao.

"Save? How to save?" Long Yang looked at Su Hang a little blankly.

Su Hang had a black line on his forehead. "So I wanted to discuss with you. I always felt that Master Mi Dao is the best match for you, but unfortunately, it was taken by the Liang Emperor Li Ruokong. It was simply a great mandarin duck. Now that Mita is in trouble, you can get help from your brother, and save him from the misery."

What this said is really disgusting, but Long Yang listens to it, but it is quite useful. I am afraid that this product really has that meaning to Mita.

Long Yang gritted his teeth, "Brother Dao, what should I do, you say it."

Su Hang thought for a while, "Now we don't understand the situation in the palace, and we act rashly. I am afraid that it will be difficult to succeed. We have to find a way to understand the situation in the palace first!"

Long Yang listened and said, "I remember that I had a granddaughter's aunt who was on duty in the Liang Palace. I might be able to find out about it from her."

Su Hang's face was a little rosy, "Then please please Brother Dao."

Long Yang's beard shuddered, "But will he be a brother of Mido?"

"Brother Dao rest assured!" Su Hang comforted. "Liang Emperor sealed him up as a concubine, and he would be more spoiled, and he would certainly not harm him."

This is quite true. With the power of the marriage line, Su Hang does not worry about the safety of Mita. Li Ruokong may not even be able to move him.

Now that the old monk, I was afraid that I wouldn’t know how cool it was, but Su Hang could only hide like a mouse crossing the street.

It's really more dead than popular, but this kind of blessing, Su Hang can't bear it.

Hearing Su Hang's words, Long Yang was a little relieved and immediately left the inn to find someone to listen to the situation in the palace.



The next day, early in the morning, the genius was bright, and there was a rapid gong on the streets outside!

Opening the window and looking at it, a group of female soldiers are posting notices everywhere, and striking the gong to attract the attention of pedestrians, as if something extraordinary happened.

When the female soldiers were gone, Su Hang changed his appearance with the technique of change, followed Longyang downstairs to the sign, and got together.

There are already a lot of left and right people, all watching the bustle before the notice.

Last night, Su Hang had already extracted the language and characters of this world from Longyang, and learned a lot about the language and culture of this world.

However, Su Hang didn't dare to learn the practice techniques of this world. After all, he didn't want to become a mother-gun like Longyang.

The two notices are about two things.

One is a wanted notice. The wanted is a very fierce criminal. This man killed two enemies in the palace, and also fled after ruining the corpse. Emperor Liang was furious and rewarded for arrest. Anyone who can provide effective clues, You can get up to three thousand two gold.

There is also a portrait on it. Su Hang looked at it and didn't know it.

Looking down, the word Su Hang is written, and Su Hang instantly blinked. Was this picture of me?

The painting is just like a woman. Su Hang can't find anything in common with himself. The artist who painted this painting must have grown up eating porridge.

But fortunately, the less it looks like, the safer it is for Soviet Airways. Even if he went out as he was, no one would recognize him.

Next to Longyang was a bit green, Su Hang was really wanted, he was on the same path with the wanted criminals, maybe he would be lost forever.

It is a pity that Su Hang, the protagonist, does not seem to care much about this city's wanted order.

Look at the notice next to it, but it is Zhang Zhangbang Naxian's notice, recruiting famous doctors and doctors in the world, and entering the palace to treat the empress lady of Liang Dixinna.

One notice scared everyone, after all, it was a violent fugitive, but the other notice made people wonder. This lady, Emperor Liang, did not know what it looked like and why she was injured?

It must be a beautiful man, otherwise how could it be loved by Emperor Liang!

For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the streets, I am afraid that there will be no shortage of talks in these few days!

Longyang took Su Hang back to the inn and slammed the door shut. This situation was a bit bad. Su Hang was wanted, and Mituo looked hurt.

"There was some news in the palace. The injury of Dao Brother Mito seemed to be not light. The doctors in the palace were helpless. Emperor Liang was already anxious. What should I do?" Long Yang said a little anxiously.

I don't know if he is worried about Mituo's injury.

"Brother Dao, you think of a way!" Long Yang looked at Su Hang. This guy didn't squeak beside him. He co-operated here and was At this time, Su Hangdao said, "We Go to the palace!"

"Into the palace?" Long Yang froze for a moment, his face changed a little. "There are many old monsters enshrined in the palace. With your own skills, it's easy to break in, but I'm afraid it's hard to break out!"

Su Hang shook his head, "I didn't say to break!"

"So how do you get in?" Long Yang asked.

Su Hangdao, "Go in brightly!"

"You mean?" Long Yang understood.

"Take the Emperor's List, let's enter the palace brightly and give Mituo Healing!" Su Hangdao.

Didn't Li Ruokong send the emperor's list? This is an opportunity.

Mi Tuo was injured by the weird stone and could not use his skill, but Su Hang was not clear about the specific situation, serious or not, how serious, how to solve it. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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