Super Study God

Chapter 895: Meet the enemy!

Zhuang Tianhu said, "I went to Erxianqiao Egg Brother. He said you were in Rongcheng. I just found it. It's a **** blessing. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's already hung up!"

"Chen San? Do you know him?" Su Hang froze for a moment. Earlier, Chen San heard that there were ghosts in the crematorium, and he was still not afraid. How could he know this old Zhuang ghost?

"I don't know!" Zhuang Tianhu shook his head. "The old dragon's nose practicing evil skills was eroded by the yin qi. He had to take a hundred-year-old ashes every day to suppress the poisonous poison. Brother Egg's men delivered it quickly, and wanted to take the last breath to scare Brother Erxianqiao Egg and let him put some poison into the ashes. If he could poison the Raptor, it would be revenge for me! "

Speaking of this, Zhuang Tian Hu Gan laughed, "As a result, I didn't expect that egg brother said he knew you, I came to you, saying, Brother Su, I haven't seen you in these days, you seem to have improved your skills a lot. , Where have you been?"

Su Hang smiled lightly, "What state is not important, it is enough to pack the Raptors!"

Although he didn't touch the bottom of Su Hang, Zhuang Tianhu also felt relieved when he heard Su Hang's words!

The two went all the way through the deserted deserted forest to the abandoned crematorium!

The moon is just in the sky, the wind is blowing, the air has a taste of decay, the sound of the night owl comes from the surrounding forest, the environment is terrible!

In this kind of place, no one will come during the day, let alone late at night.

Clusters of blue phosphorous fire, shining and jumping on the open ground, like ghost eyes, daunting and afraid to approach.

The whole crematorium was extremely sullen, but there were no half ghosts. It seemed that as Zhuang Tianhu said, they were all arrested.

"Go call someone!" Outside the crematorium, Su Hang pointed at Zhuang Tianhu.

His consciousness had found the Raptors, and this guy was meditating in a basement.

In front of him, there is a pile of broken bones and skeletons, with a phosphorous fire burning above it, and a small black sail floating above the phosphorous fire.

The phantoms of the soul-like bodies struggled to spread their teeth and claws on the streamers, as if they were suffering great pains, and wanted to escape from the streamers.


"Ah, let me go?" Zhuang Tian Hu froze for a moment, looking a little scared, but he had learned the power of the Raptors.

The Raptors were originally well-known masters in the Xuanmen. Now they fall into evil ways, and their skills are even better than before. The ghost king is not an opponent, let alone him?

If he didn't run fast last time, he was afraid that he would have been caught by the raptors to sacrifice Wan Guiwa!

Su Hang asked him to call people. If a dragon suddenly appeared, he would have no time to hide.

"Don't you go, do you still want me to go?" Su Hang looked at him speechlessly, and he was all ghosts, so afraid of death!

Zhuang Tianhu was blushed by Su Hang and said with a helpless smile, he had to stand out from behind Su Hang with a scalp.

"Old Raptor Raptor, come out and die quickly!" Zhuang Tianhu only stood up one step, and he dared not go forward, fearing that Su Hang would not be able to take care of him.

With a shout, there was no response, and Zhuang Tianhu looked back to Su Hang.

"Did't you eat? Scream loudly, are you still Zhuang Lao Gui?" Su Hang looked at him speechlessly.

Zhuang Tianhu was really scared. He had been beaten by the Raptors, and he almost hit the soul. He really didn’t want to experience it for the second time.

"Lao Niu's nose, Grandpa is coming, coming out to die soon." Zhuang Tianhu gasped again, and shouted again.

This time it was full of breath, should I be satisfied?

Soon after the words fell, I saw a black shadow floating from the gate, Zhuang Tianhu changed his face, and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

"Having hit my five thunder mantra, it's still okay, Lao Zhuang, it's not a small thing." An old man dressed as a road came out of the door, holding a black streamer with a black wind, it was a dragon!

With Su Hang behind him, Zhuang Tianhu's waist is straightened a lot, "Everyone is in the Thunder Mantra, what can I do? Today is your death!"

The Raptor laughed and gently whisked his beard. "It's not a big deal, but the tone is not small, but I dare to come back. It seems that you really want to die!"

With that, the Raptors lifted up the black streamer, "Since you are so afraid of death, the poor road is welcome. With the ten thousand ghost streamers of the poor road, you will be satisfied with it, and let the poor road weigh you. , You old ghost still have some skills!"

"Huh, Hugh wants to be crazy!" Zhuang Tianhu Se Li Nei yelled, "You open my dog's eyes and take a good look, who brought me!"

It can be seen that Zhuang Tianhu felt guilty in his heart. After leaving a sentence, he quickly escaped and ran to the back of Su Hang.


At this moment, the Raptors set their sights on the Raptors behind Zhuang Tianhu.

"It's you?"

As soon as he saw Su Hang, the Raptors did not calm down at all. It was like a firecracker was lit with a lead, and his whole body was rising, as if it had exploded in anger?

This face, this person, he will never forget in his life. The humiliation and shadow left to him is simply too deep. The dragon's heart is thinking about this person all the time, and hatred has been deeply etched in his heart.

Su Hang is also looking at the Raptors. This old way, the change is really not small, although it is still that bright robe, but the temperament is not that momentum at all!

At first, the dragon was a master of Xuanmen decent. Although the person is not good, his temperament is always bright. Now, Su Hang only sees the darkness, his body is full of evil spirits, and his face is surrounded by evil spirits. It must be black.

Sure enough, I went to Zhuang Tianhu and said that this old way has fallen into evil way and blackened!

It might have been a wrong decision to let this old saying go.

"Long Rong Dao, let's meet again!" Su Hang smiled indifferently. Today is different. In the past, a congenital monk is no different from ordinary people in his eyes!

"It's you?"

The Raptors gritted their directly opened the posture to start.

Hatred, boundless hatred!

After the truth was lost, the Raptors were already crazy, and he was regarded as an enemy. There are better ones. The two ghost kings in the ghost world bear the brunt!

It is the ghost realm that wiped out the whole truth. This revenge of destroying the door does not share the sky. However, now the two ghost kings Liangou and Bai Ran have been used by him to sacrifice the flag, and this revenge has already been rewarded!

The rest is his private enemies, such as a pot of Heavenly Master Dao, and then Su Hang!

Of all the hatreds, the one he hated the most was Su Hang. If it wasn’t this kid, would Quanzhen Dao get into the ghost world and even destroy the door?

Moreover, he once suffered great humiliation in the hands of Su Hang, the physical and mental torture, this hatred is even a hundred times deeper than the hatred of the door, he always thinks of grilling Su Hang bone. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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