Super Study God

Chapter 841: Candid filming!

"How is the live broadcast today?" Su Hang opened the subject and asked the cowboy.

Niu Lang listened and said, "It was okay at the beginning. At the peak, the number reached two thousand, but then it fell off. Maybe my live broadcast is too boring."

At the beginning of the broadcast, the number of viewers was good, and there were a lot of people when Su Hang gave gifts, but they basically came to watch the local tyrants and grab the merits. Many people finished the merits and ran away after a while.

Niu Lang is also aware of his problem. Where to catch fish all day is too boring. Several are willing to stare at him like this all day. Everyone is busy. Okay.

"Attractive, can't be so rampant, as a qualified anchor, you must learn at least three things." At this time, Suhang said.

"Brother Su please advise." Cowboy asked quickly to Su Hang.

Su Hangdao, "This first, you have to learn to interact, interact with fans as much as possible, the language should be as humorous as possible, and second, you should know the title party, the title of your live broadcast room, don't stay the same, to attract eye-catching, just like yesterday The person who made the live show lately deceived me for more than 200,000 merits, and the third and most important thing is that you have to be attractive in your programs. Try to choose something that everyone is interested in. Don’t keep doing those trivial things, some people may be interested in the beginning, but after fatigue, interest will disappear."

"Attractive show?"

The cowboy thought for a while, and thought about it for a while, then shook his head in distress, "I don't have that high wisdom."


"I'll give you an example." Su Hang had a headache. "Don't the bullets often let you cheer for the bull? If you really gave the bull the bull, would you say there are a lot of people watching?" "

The cowboy blushed when he heard this, "Brother Su, this is too bottomless, right?"

Not only is there no bottom line, but also no discipline.

"I'm just giving an example, and I didn't really let you go to fight it." Su Hang crossed a black line on his forehead. "So, I will show you the way."

As soon as the cowboy heard it, the bowl rested and immediately stood up.

"Brother Su, you said." Niu Lang looked at Su Hang with anticipation.

Su Hang moved forward and lowered his voice, saying, "It will be dark for a while, and you will go to Lianhua Lake again."

"Go to Lianhua Lake? Why?" Niu Lang was a little stunned.

"What else can we do, live broadcast." Su Hangdao.

Niu Lang scratched his head, "Both live broadcasts during the day, go again at night, is it effective?"

The corner of Su Hang's mouth curved a little, and he beckoned to the Cowherd and motioned for the Cowherd to come over.

The Cowherd hurried over, and did not know what Su Hang said in his ear. The Cowherd blushed to the ear.

"This, how can this be?" Niu Lang looked at Su Hang with embarrassment.

"What's wrong? Just in these few days, the opportunity is indispensable. If you want the pinnacle of life, just do what I said." Su Hang said seriously.

The pinnacle of life?

Niu Lang thought about it, and his chest stood up, but then he fell down again, "Brother Su, I dare not, if it is as you said, if someone is found, I will die."

"What are you afraid of? I'll go with you."

"You, don't you want to appear?"

"Special circumstances, special handling."

Su Hang said, transformed into a big yellow ox.

The cowboy was startled, and thought he had seen a ghost, almost no **** fell to the ground.

Dahuang Niukou said, "Don't be afraid, it's just the technique of change. I'll go with you like this, hurry up, don't miss the time."

The cowboy swallowed hard, and his heart was full of awe for Su Hang. This big brother Su must be a great character. Otherwise, he would not want to show his true face. He must have known him from heaven and earth. Too many people.

At the moment, the Cowherd did not dare to say more, took out his mobile phone, and quickly followed Su Hang to leave the yard, taking advantage of the moonlight, and quietly went to the Lotus Pond behind the mountain.



The moon is in the sky, and the moon tonight looks exceptionally bright, hanging high in the sky, like an eyeball peering into the world.

The cowboy was lying on the hillside beside the lotus pool, as if he were a thief. The whole person was extremely excited and anxious. He quietly showed his head and looked out to the lotus pool in the distance.

"Brother Su, can it succeed? No one?" Niu Lang asked an old oxen next to him. Looking at his appearance, he should want to go home.

"What anxiety, it's still too early, wait patiently." The old oxen that Su Hang became, uttered words beside him.

The cowboy can only suppress the anxiety in his heart.

After waiting for a while, Niu Lang suddenly pointed into the sky, "Heaven, heaven, heaven, Brother Su, look, people are falling on the moon."

The old cow raised his head and looked.

In that bright moon, several figures slowly fell down.


The cowboys were dumbfounded, both eyes stared at the boss, without blinking.

"Be quiet, don't startle them."

Su Hang reminded him next to make the cowboy make a noise. The cowboy quickly retracted his neck and dared not move so much when lying on the hillside.

one two three four five six seven!

Needless to say, it must be the legendary Seven Fairies.

It really came.

How can Su Hang know that these seven fairies will come down? In fact, thanks to the live broadcast of Niu Lang in the day.

During the live broadcast of the Cowherd during the day, a fan nicknamed "The Princess of the Court" kept asking where the Cowherd was broadcasting, and the screen had been swiped for a long time. That was Su Hang’s guess. The princesses of the heavenly court have noticed that, according to the legendary story of the cowherd and the weaver, the princesses of the Jade Emperor should also think about it.

For the story of the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver, Su Hang still remembers a few points. Although he is not sure, the few princesses are going to be mortal and I am afraid that they are also in the near future. Squatting, even if you don't come today, you will squat tomorrow and you will come one day.

"Hurry up."

Seeing that the group of fairies had gone to the realm and had reached the lotus pool, Su Hang hurriedly reminded Niu Lang next.

Cowboy did not dare to neglect, quickly took out the phone and started the live broadcast.

The room title has already been changed according to the previous instructions of Su Hang.

Obviously, this title has attracted a lot of people. Many fans have already gathered in the live broadcast room. They are asking why the cowboy has not started broadcasting. Is this going to take everyone to peep the beauty bath?

"Hello everyone, I'm a cowboy."

The picture finally appeared. The cowherd lowered his voice, and began to interact with everyone according to the line that Su Hang and he had confronted before. "I heard the villagers say that there are fairies bathing in the lotus lake at night. I don’t know the true and false. Get a glimpse of what you want to see." (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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