Super Study God

Chapter 824: Past and Present!

Su Hang said that the sand monk was also curious about his past life. He quickly took the reincarnation mirror and looked in the mirror. I saw a picture appeared in the mirror. The picture was a pool of water. There is a black fish spitting blisters.

"Well? I was a fish in my life?" The sand monk scratched his head and was a bit stunned.

At this time, the picture began to push away, and the sand monk could see clearly, where was the pool of water, and the black fish was trapped in a lotus-shaped basin.

Pulling it a little further away, the lotus basin is still supported by one hand.

Further away, the owner of the hand appeared in the picture.


Also standing next to them are Su Hang, Buddhism and others.

It was the scene where King Molong was captured by the Yulong River.


The sand monk also looked up at Mi Tuo, holding a sentence for a long time, "Buddha, who am I?"

Mita almost didn't vomit blood.

"Buddha, who am I?"

"Sovereign, who am I?"


Sun Wukong and Sha Monk took turns bombing, causing Su Hang to have one head and two big heads, instructing Mi Tuo, "Your Buddhist disciples, let's explain to them, take it away, take it away."

Mi Tuo also suffered from brain pain and was so entangled by the two that he quickly took them away.



After Mi Tuo took the two with them, the room was not quiet, and the others looked suspiciously at Su Hang.

Su Hang pointed the thumbwheel to the mirror. "Now I'm sure this mirror is not broken. It has been completely repaired. Just now including Senior Yang, there are three brothers and their brothers in Bajie. None of them went wrong."

"Come on, what a joke..."

After hearing Su Hang's words, several people were already mentally prepared, but they still didn't quite believe this fact.

"Believe it or not." Su Hang was too lazy to believe it or not. Anyway, he believed it, and turned to Bajie. "Bajie, what is the character of Chang'e's birthday, tell Senior Yang, let Senior Yang use the reincarnation mirror to help You check."


Bajie was very excited, and nodded quickly, but this mouth, but paused again.

"What's the matter?" Su Hang looked at Bajie strangely. "It's safe to say that none of them are outsiders."

The word "birthday" is very important for practitioners. Generally, it is not preached to outsiders. Presumably Bajie has this concern.

However, Ba Jie smiled embarrassingly, "Well, what, I don't know Chang'e's birthday."

"What is it?" Su Hang was a little bit happy when he heard it. You guy is so infatuated that you don't even know the other party's birthday?

Bajie laughed a little, he really didn't know the character of Chang'e's birthday.

"However, she used to work in Tianting, and Tianting should have a record." Bajie quickly said.

Su Hang was helpless. This guy didn't even know the characters of other people's birthdays.

"Let's do that." Su Hang waved his hand. "You go to the heavenly court, and you will come to Chang'e's birthday, and then come to Senior Yang to borrow the reincarnation mirror."

Eight Commandments nodded again and again, and Yang Jian nodded slightly. Now he can be sure that the reincarnation mirror has been repaired, which is really a great blessing. He doesn’t know how to thank Su Hang, let alone Su Hang just borrowed it later, even if Su Hang borrowed directly, and he would agree.

It’s true that the others didn’t speak, all their faces were painted like a layer of Xiang, and the reincarnation mirror was confirmed to have been completely repaired, which means that the previous life they just photographed from the mirror is indeed theirs. Previous life.

"Specially, I'm in a sleepy madness. I was a flower called in my life."

Several people left the room, and there was still some uncomfortable sleepy mouth.

Taoism can be repaired, this kid can become a **** emperor, and can also talk to the Taoist ancestors. It seems that he is really capable. Several old men have to admit that although they have stayed with Su Hang these days, they are very suspicious of Su. There are still many unfamiliar aviation companies.



In the middle of the night, Su Hang was woken up by someone while he was asleep.

Squinting his eyes, I only saw a big bald head sitting next to the bed. I almost didn't startle Suhang. When I looked closely, it turned out to be Mito.

"Master, what are you doing in the middle of the night?" Su Hang sat up from the bed and looked at Mi Tu with doubt.

Mituo buried his head and thought about his life. If he was equipped with an old cigarette gun at this time, he would be an old man in the village.

Mido turned his head and looked at Su Hang before speaking for a long time, "Well, who am I?"

Upon hearing this, Su Hang rolled his eyes and immediately went back again.

I shouldn’t fix that mirror today. Sun Wukong and Sha Monk had asked them so much that it was easy for Mita to answer them. Now Mita is running back and asking this question.

"Master, aren't you just you, Master Mito, Amitabha." Su Hangdao.

Mi Tu was not in a mood to make a joke with Su Hang, and took a deep breath, "You said you have seen my previous life, I have to figure this out."

Su Hang was speechless, "I'm so confused myself, I can't help you, or you can ask Dao Zu to ask?"

Mi Tu's face shook, did you think I was you, and Dao Zu could see each other?

Regarding the matter of Mido, Su Hang is really cowardly enough. In the past life of Mido, it would actually be a little toad. In Su Hang's view, it is simply nonsense. Is it possible to live together in a time and space in the past and present?

The reason why the previous life is called the previous life, and the reason why this life is called this life, is very clearly divided. The previous life is still there. How can this life be possible?

"Do you know where he is now?" Mido asked after holding back for a long time.

Su Hang looked at Mido, "Do you want to find him?"

Mido nodded, "That is, of course, since I know that he is my past life, no matter what the cause and effect is, I must find him so that I can take care of lest he be bullied or encounter anything. Is it dangerous?"

"You do have some ideas." Su Hang smiled. "He seems to have been recruited by a Buddhist school in the spirit world. I have forgotten what school, but he should still be on the earth. You can go and see if you have time. Look, there shouldn't be too many schools of Buddhism in the spirit world. His name is Little Toad. He should carry this big wooden fish. It should be easy to find."

Mi Tu nodded slightly, secretly jotting down Su Hang's words, and left without sitting for a while.

Su Hangchang breathed a sigh of relief. It was a strange thing every year. Today is so special.

"who am I?"

Lying on the bed, Su Hang opened his eyes and stared at the roof, disturbed by Mita, he could not sleep a little, and a question lingered in his mind.

who am I?

The reincarnation mirror can reflect the past life of others, but why has it become an ordinary bronze mirror in his own hands? This makes Su Hang wonder.

Could it be that the Xueshen system is playing tricks? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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