Super Study God

Chapter 495: Reply!

"Brother Long, you have given enough." Su Hang waved his hands hurriedly. Just now it was already a super gift, and now he had to take things out again, which made Su Hang quite flattered, or terrified.

"You think too much." Long Ze gave Su Hang a white glance, and the embroidered hand in his hand was thrown to Su Hang. "Who, the little girl in Taoyuan, knows that I'm coming to you, let me give it to me You brought, mother, what do you think of Lao Tzu?"

Long Ze looked a little crying and laughing.

"Uh, you said Min Rou" Su Hang was a little surprised when he heard it. He didn't spend too many days in Taoyuan. He didn't know many girls. There were only two. Sister Min Rou. For him.

Su Hang took the crumpled veil over and unfolded it.

I thought it was a treasure, but it was just a veil. There were a few black groups on it, like ghost symbols. Su Hang didn't understand it after watching it for a long time, so it was a secret word given to him by Min Rou.

Long Ze laughed. "I didn't understand it. I didn't understand it at first. I asked the little girl to know that there were two mandarin ducks embroidered on it. The mandarin ducks were playing in the water. Hahaha."

"mandarin duck"

When Su Hang heard it, it was messy for a moment, "This thing is, it is a mandarin duck"

Looking at the dark things, Suhang felt suffocated and wanted to vomit, but he didn't know where to start.

"The first time a little girl worked as a female worker, it's understandable even if it doesn't look like that." Long Ze smiled happily, but it was a bit more mocking.

"This black tent is a mandarin duck, but what is this red?" Su Hang still cried a little.

"Uh, don't care about these details." Long Zegan laughed. The red one was actually the blood left when he interposed, of course. This is impossible for Su Hang to know, "That little girl has always been affectionate to you, and I look good. Your boy, don't forget others, you have a marriage contract."

Su Hang sweats. Turning her face to look at Xue Xuan, she was gritting her teeth at herself, apparently hearing Long Ze talking with him.

"Brother Long, this is a good thing you did." Su Hang really loved and hated Longze in his heart.

"Regarding my fart, you have to go back to your own debts, and you will go back alone." Long Ze shrugged his shoulders, and it was nothing to do with himself.

Su Hang listened. Can only smile bitterly.

"This is what you said"

In the back hill, in the underground stone room of Palm Tree Slope, Longze looked at the teleportation array in front of him, and then at Su Hang, with some doubts on his face.

Long Ze sent a super gift to Su Hang, and Su Hang couldn't let him give it away for free. After thinking about it, he brought him here, and it was considered a return gift for him.

"Yes." Suhang slightly nodded in the face of Long Ze's doubts. "This place leads to a space. The space was created by the dragon clan dragon gods. It contains many dragon-born creatures. And there are many high-level creatures. Therefore, I think that it is not necessary for the elder brother Dragon to improve his skills. Hunting grounds are more cost-effective than going to martial arts enemies."

Dragon God, Dragon God, is one of the eighteen heavenly venerable Chinese civilization, and it is also the uppermost heavenly **** among the eighteen heavenly venerables. When Long Ze heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little bloody.

The blood of dragon creatures. It is much more noble than other creatures.

"Good brother." Long Ze laughed and reached out to pat Su Hang's shoulder. Su Hang was able to give him such a good place, he was right.

Su Hang also smiled. "It's just that the space is a closed space, not to mention the danger. The key is to be able to get in and out. Before the Dragon God left, he sent me a portable teleportation array, which can be freely entered and exited. Unfortunately, I'm in a hurry now. I must get back as soon as possible. School went, so"

Long Ze waved his hand, "It's okay, I just sucked three people back to the virtual realm. These three energies will take some time to refine. Don't worry, wait for you to come back from the Immortal Academy."

Su Hang nodded slightly, and Long Ze could understand, that would be the best.

Of course, Su Hang can let Long Ze go in now and wait for him to come out after the three-month period expires. However, Su Hang has a selfish intention. During these three months, he wants Long Ze to help take care of Su Xi Village. After all, The earth today is really uneven.

Of course, Long Ze knew in his heart that he had promised to Suhang before, and he would naturally not let it go. Moreover, he did need to spend time refining the energy in his body.

Although he is a Vajra corpse, he can devour blood energy indefinitely, but the Vajra corpse is not almighty, and it still takes time to refine energy.

Besides, Su Hang said that the space is so dangerous, his strength can be increased by one more, and then the benefits from that space will definitely be increased.

Putting aside Longze, it’s basically a family routine. It’s not easy for Suhang to return once. Although the school has ten days of vacation, but because of the different time flow rate, after returning to the earth, these ten days are shortened to one day. Too.

Xue Xuan seemed a little indifferent to Su Hang. He should have heard Long Ze talk about Min Rou and wanted to wait for Su Hang to give her a reasonable explanation.

But, where does Su Hang have that time

That night, Xue Jingtian and some old men quietly found Su Hang and talked about Longze. After all, during the daytime battle, Longze really scared them.

Instinctively, they really don't want to be with Long Ze, but this is a zombie. In case of a runaway, the whole village may not be enough for him to suck.

Suhang understands everyone’s concerns. After all, they are not familiar with Longze. However, to be honest, they really think about it. Longze is now comparable to the super master who returns to the virtual world. These ordinary people Blood, how could he be worth it

For the current Longze, I am afraid that even if Jin Danjing master stretches his neck to let him bite, he will not move his heart, the energy contained in the is really too much for him Less, attracting a hundred Jin Dan realms, I am afraid that it is not as good as a Yuan Ying realm.

What's more, these old men are only congenital. Most of the villagers are just ordinary people. For Longze, drinking this kind of blood is probably the same as drinking urine.

A person who is used to the taste of Shanzhen and Haiwei, you let him eat and drink urine, do you think he will be happy

Su Hang said that this only dispelled everyone's doubts, everyone has stayed, and what else can they say? Is it possible to drive him away? Who dares

People are like this, full of fear of powerful aliens.

Although everyone calmed down, Su Hang could still see that in their eyes, there was some dignity and fear in their eyes.

He only stayed at home for one night and arranged everything properly. Early the next morning, Su Hang was ready to leave with Niu Dali and Xue Qi. To be continued. Mobile phone users please visit

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