Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3464: Can't find it?

"Really?" Long Qingxuan frowned, and some did not believe Long Aotian's words.

Long Aotian rolled his eyes, "I wish I could leave you quickly. Is that necessary to lie to you?"

This is really hurtful.

Long Qingxuan had a black face, "I don't believe it, you can show me the Lianyuntai!"

"That stuff is useless, I don't know if I was thrown there, what's so good!" Long Aotian couldn't help crying.

Long Qingxuan's face was getting darker and darker, "Are you pretending to be blame me? Get it out quickly, don't force me to turn my face!"

Long Aotian heard the words, and the expression on his face was awkward.

"Brother Qingxuan, you should really change your temper. If you don't move, you must fight to kill. Who can bear you?"

Long Aotian shook his head, "Lianyuntai is really useless. If you really don't believe it, I will look for it later. I will find Lianyuntai for you. You stay here with me, rest assured, since I promised Brother Fuhai, and I will definitely help you go to Lianyun Cave and find Kuncu Cave!"

Long Qingxuan's face twitched slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable, dare to love here in Long Aotian, his face is not as big as Long Fu Hai!

"Qingxuan, stop talking!"

Su Hang spoke at this time, he was afraid that Long Qingxuan really did work with Long Aotian, they just passed by, not to find something!


Long Qingxuan suddenly behaved.

Long Aotian looked a little stunned there, almost all thought he was wrong, what is Long Qingxuan? Why is such a rule in front of this young man, like a grandson!

Just wanting to say something, Su Hang got up and arched his hand at Long Aotian, "Please also ask the Emperor Shenlong to help us find a way, we have to go to Kunxue as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble to Shenlong City!"


When Long Aotian heard it, he laughed, "Brother Su's words are too serious. In my dragon city, nothing can be considered troublesome..."

Long Qingxuan smiled, "But what you said, the people in the Destiny Palace came after you, and then you will go up!"

"Uh, Destiny Palace?"

Long Aotian heard a stagnation, and his expression on his face was a little stunned. What happened? Have something to do with Destiny Palace?

Long Qingxuan said, "In the first two days in Shenwu City, Liu Can was cut by my arm and beaten back to Destiny Palace like a dog!"

"Liu Can?"

Long Aotian was shocked, "Liu Can at the 61st place in Tianwei?"

Long Qingxuan nodded, "Who else is worth my shot besides him?"

Long Aotian heard that the whole person froze, and after a while he said, "Brother Qingxuan, aren't you kidding me, Liu Can is a powerful Tianwei, your strength..."

"What? You underestimate me? Do you want to compare?"

Long Qingxuan was displeased instantly.

Long Aotian twitched his skin, and with his arrogance, if he changed himself, he would have slapped it, but in front of him was the more arrogant Long Qingxuan!

He had lost to Long Qingxuan already, how dare he go against Long Qingxuan?

"Brother Qing Xuan breathed his anger, but, you beat Liu Can, it's incredible!" Long Aotian accosted him with a smile. "It seems that the strength of young Brother Xuan Xuan must have improved a lot in these years. If you do, you will surely be among the seventy-two days of mighty power."

Although saying this, Long Aotian is obviously still unbelievable. After all, although he is not as good as Long Qingxuan, he still knows how much strength Long Qingxuan has. Although he hasn’t seen him for so many years, he doesn’t think Long Qingxuan can To reach that point.

Without seeing it with his own eyes, Long Aotian naturally would not believe it, only thinking that Long Qingxuan was exaggerated to a great extent. After all, Long Qingxuan also loves bragging, and the skill of bragging is not low.

Although Long Aotian did not believe that Long Qingxuan could retire Liu Can, but one thing he believed, Long Qingxuan must have offended the destiny palace.

Over the years, Long Qingxuan will come out to fight against the Destiny Palace from time to time, so this kind of thing is not unusual for Long Aotian.

If this is the case, it is indeed necessary to hurry them to send them away, lest the destiny palace come to the door, and you will not be able to speak by then.

Long Aotian is very real. He deeply understands the principle of favoring good fortune and avoiding evil. Otherwise, he may not be able to mix with today, and the eastern seas cannot be the first in the world.

On the same day, Long Aotian arranged accommodation for the three of them in the palace, and then Long Qingxuan pestered Long Aotian to find what Lianyuntai went to.

"Brother Su, you said, can Ao Tian Long Zu let us leave?" In the bedroom, there were only Su Hang and Long Qiaoqiao. Long Qiaoqiao asked with some anxiety.

"Why do you ask?" Su Hang was a bit stunned.

Long Qiaoqiao said, "I heard that Ao Tian Long Zu is a die-hard diehard of Destiny Palace. Now he knows that we have angered Destiny Palace. Do you think he will drag us away and wait for Destiny Palace to come to us?" "

"Not at all."

Su Hang's words frowned slightly.

What will happen to Long Qiaoqiao? Su Hang was a bit inaccurate. After all, he and Long Aotian hadn't seen each other, and he didn't understand him. What kind of character is this person? Su Hang didn't know at all.

Long Qiaoqiao said, "It is not impossible, after all, we have not offended the Destiny Palace. If there is a command from the Destiny Palace, the Aotian Dragon Ancestor will not fail to execute."

"Isn't he a good relationship with your grandfather?" Su Hang asked.

Long Qiaoqiao said, "Relationships belong to relationships, but some things are matters of principle. Shenlong City can become the first in the world. The main reason is that he is close to the Destiny Palace and has the full support of the Destiny Palace. Although they are all Dragon Ancestors, But he is different from my grandpa."

Su Hang pondered for a long time, and Long Qiaoqiao's worry was not unreasonable. If Destiny Palace gave orders, Long Aotian might really be harmful to them.

"When Qingxuan comes back, let's talk, there is Qingxuan, there is no problem." Su Hang said for a long time.

Long Qingxuan, who holds the sword of destiny, is definitely stronger than Long Aotian. If Long Aotian dares to play any tricks, then Su Hang will definitely let him bear the consequences.

After listening to Su Hang's words, Long Qiaoqiao was also relieved.

Indeed Long Qingxuan's strength, she has witnessed it with her own eyes, and she doesn't need to worry at all.


Until the evening, Long Qingxuan finally returned.

Looking at Long Qingxuan's look, it was obviously a little unpleasant.

"How did Lianyuntai find it?" Su Hang asked.

"I'm so mad."

Long Qingxuan walked over to the table and took a sip of tea. "Long Aotian, that guy, took me in the treasure trove all afternoon and didn't find Lianyuntai. Maybe he said that Lianyuntai is useless. , Has been thrown by him."

Hearing Long Qingxuan's words, Su Hang frowned slightly.

threw? Can't find it?

How does this sound like a deliberate delay?

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