Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3460: Not going away!

Su Hang looked around. Naturally, Long Qiaoqiao didn't need to say more. When Su Hang left, she would go whenever she left, except for Dongfang Diliang and Ximen Jing.

Two people look at me, I look at you, especially Ximen Jing, seems a bit difficult to tell.

"Brother Simon, what do you think now?" Su Hang asked.

Although Ximen Jing was the most active before this, he wished to go to Kuncui immediately to find the Xingyue dial, so that he could reverse time and space, fulfill his wish, and make up for his regrets. However, after Princess Chuchu appeared, Ximen Jing was obviously shaken.

Su Hang knows this very well. Ximen Jing's heart is now disturbed. Perhaps he is a little confused himself, so he did not expect him to continue his journey with himself.

Ximen Jing hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "Brother Su, if not, you should go on the road first, and wait for me to deal with Chu Chu's affairs, then come to you?"

Su Hang had expected that he would say so, and immediately waved his hand, "This is your freedom, in fact, I tell you the truth, whether Xingyue Sundial is in Kuncu, I can't guarantee it, so even if you go It may well be disappointed. I might as well go to explore the way first. Brother Simon stayed and did what you should do. I would like to wish you and your father and daughter an early recognition and a family reunion!"

Ximen Jingwen said, a little embarrassed, "Thanks to Brother Su for understanding, Kuncui, I will go sooner or later, after all, I just found out now that I have lived too far in my life and left too much regret!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, and Ximen Jing did not succeed.

His eyes fell on the dark body next to him.

Dongfang Liangliang smiled bitterly, "Simen was alive and dead and wanted me to accompany him. Now that Simon is gone, then I won't go either. After all, there are still too many things to do in the aftermath of the Shenwu Kingdom, and, Now Father-in-law is also back, I am not very convenient to go with!"

The two masters are gone, Su Hang is naturally crying, but fortunately, he has the foresight to find Long Qingxuan to take the relay, otherwise he and Long Qiaoqiao will be on the way together, and this road must be dangerous. of.

And now, the strength of Long Qingxuan naturally exceeds that of Dongfang Shiliang and Ximen Jing. Therefore, whether these two people are all the way is not significant for Suhang.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Well, both of them have dealt with their own affairs. Let's talk about it. Now there is Qingxuan with you. It shouldn't be too difficult to go to Kuncu!"

Hearing this, Long Qingxuan seemed to be complacent and seemed very proud.

Ximen Jingdao said, "With the presence of the Dragon Brothers, there is nothing to worry about. The Lord of Kuncui Cave and the Dragon Brother Division will go out together. At that time, the Brothers Su will be more convenient to act, and it is sure that Kunxiu Cave will not be embarrassed!"

"If Brother Su wants to leave, it's better not sooner than later. Probably the day after tomorrow, the teleportation to the Eastern Dragon City can be used again. Brothers Su can leave the day after tomorrow, lest there will be no more people in Destiny Palace..." Dongfang Buliang suggested .

Su Hang nodded slightly. Now he really wants to prevent the people in the Destiny Palace from looking for something. This is when he arrived in the Shenwu Kingdom, and he has already encountered two waves. Liu Can is defeated, and he will certainly not be able to swallow that breath. When he got into trouble with his friends, he could not guarantee that Long Qingxuan would be able to fully protect it.

Therefore, Su Hang thought that it is best to go to Kuncui as early as possible. At that time, there are Yu Xiaotian and Long Qingxuan. Even if Meng Lang of Destiny Palace personally shot, he should not dare to go to Kuncui to offend.

"OK, wait for the teleportation array to be used, please also let me know the first time." Su Hangdao.

Dongfang Wuliang arched his hand at Su Hang, "Brothers Su came to Shenwu City this time, I should have done some friendship with the landlord, but it is a pity to encounter these many things. I wish the brothers Su this trip will be smooth and prosperous. When we come back, we will talk about the wine."

Su Hang smiled, "Sure, sure."

At this time, Ximen Jing rubbed out something from his arms.

When Su Hang looked at it, it was a dark-painted wooden box. Ximen Jing placed the wooden box on the table in front of him, and did not open the box. He just pushed it in front of Su Hang. "Brother Su, this is what Yu Qing confessed before his deathbed, and it was left to the main fish of Kuncu Cave, Xiao Tian. I originally wanted to send it to myself, but now..., please also take the trouble to Brother Su to do a favor and take this thing in person Give it to Yu Xiaotian."

Su Hang reached out and took the wooden box. The box should be installed by Ximen Jing, and it was not closed tightly. It opened with a light touch.

Inside is a letter, the envelope is yellow, and it should be some years.

"This is Yu Qing's letter to Yu Xiaotian. There may be something important to explain in it. I haven't opened it yet. Please also don't read it to Brother Su."

With that, Ximen Jing glanced at Long Qingxuan, and it was obvious that he seemed to be talking to Su Hang, but he was actually speaking to Long Qingxuan.

Because Long Qingxuan had acted before, he had thought of his letter before. When he said these words, he wanted to remind Su Hang not to give Long Qingxuan the letter.

Su Hang nodded slightly and peeped at other people's letters. He hadn't had this habit yet.

Once the box was closed, it was put away.

"Brother Ximen, rest assured, this letter, I will help you get it." Su Hang arrived, believing Ximen Jing a promise.

Ximen Jing took a deep breath and got up and bowed deeply to Su Hang, "Thank you Brother Su for your success."

Su Hang waved his hand. For him, it was nothing more than a show of effort, and there was nothing difficult to do.


The residents of Shenwu City have been moving back quickly, and it should be possible to complete the relocation in the past two, the crisis of Shenwu City has been over, and the vitality after the big robbery has been replaced.

At least, there were a lot more people on the street. The first empire of the Eastern Fairy was still the first empire, and it was not affected by the disaster at all.

Everything seems to be restored as before, and nothing seems to have happened, but the deep gully outside the North City is still preserved and has not been repaired. It was cut out by Long Qingxuan. Perhaps Shenwu City intentionally wanted to keep it. In order to alert future generations.

During the night, the East Lights brought a person to Suhang.

Yi Muxian, Su Hang actually expected that Dongfang Diliang would take him to find his own.

"Brother Su, my father-in-law, he wants to see you, because I heard that you will be away in the next two days, so I hurried to meet you first so as not to miss the opportunity." In the room, Dongfang Liangliang first opened his head.

Su Hang nodded slightly and gave a salute to Yi Muxian. "The reputation of Yi Muxian, Su Mou has heard it for a long time. What's the matter, sit down and talk."

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