Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3451: Sin to add!


The six old men and women, without exception, turned into fly ash among the giant claws.

It's all a matter of moments, and the six ninth-rank strongmen are just gone!

There is no power to fight back, just like the ants!

Everyone is stupid, and Su Hang is stupid. Is there such a big gap? They are all the ninth-ranked strongmen.

The existence of the top 100 is actually so much stronger than these strong men.

This is the power of Tianwei. It is so powerful. You know, the six old men, but they are almost the same as Dongfang Shiliang. They should be ranked on the millionth level on the Tianwei list!

Six to one, spike!

This is completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Chu Liancheng's legs have softened, these six strong men are so miserable, how can these remaining forces fight him?

Today, I am afraid it will be a deadly situation!

The East does not light them, and it is also ashamed.

"It's a pity, a pity!"

At the same time Su Hang was surprised, even a few pity, but unfortunately did not even know the names of the six people, these six people hung up first.

Long Qiaoqiao stood beside Su Hang, and he couldn't help leaning against Su Hang.

Ximen Jing has softened his legs and has lived for so many years. Even when the Great Destiny Palace was stricken, he did not feel that death was so close to himself.

If he had switched to before, he must have thought about running long ago, but now he cannot run because there are people in his palace who need his protection.

"Senior, and stop, I am the Crown Prince Chu Liancheng of the Kingdom of God, we have something to say, take it easy!" Chu Liancheng yelled again.

According to this posture, Long Qingxuan will come back two more times, and I am afraid that the entire Shenwu City will no longer exist.


A cold hum came from heaven, and two blood-red eyes appeared above the clouds, like a devil from hell.

Such a scene really touched the psychological defense line of many people, and even many people were on the verge of mental breakdown.

Long Qiaoqiao stood beside Su Hang, trembling with all his body, the pressure from Zulong, the extreme suppression of the blood, almost made her mentally collapse.

Su Hang grabbed her hand and spent a trace of destiny, and Long Qiaoqiao quickly recovered her face, just like a dying man, suddenly infused with a huge vitality.

"Thank you Brother Su!" Long Qiaoqiao gasped for two breaths, and apologized to Su Hangdao.

Su Hang smiled faintly and looked up to the sky.

"What a **** prince, not worthy of talking to me, where is Ximen Jing, get me out!"

A shout came from the sky like a dull thunder exploding between heaven and earth!

Chu Liancheng's face twitched slightly, and he was not worthy of talking to him?

What an insult this is, but Chu Liancheng didn't feel any discomfort in his heart. Even, fortunately, Long Qingxuan named!

Ximen Jing is not a man of his martial arts empire. It can be seen that Long Qingxuan's anger was directed at Ximen Jing. He had bothered to leave them in Shenwu City. It was indeed a wise decision.

He was actually named, and Ximen Jing's legs were soft. This one was called, and the whole person was staggered, almost fell down.

"Brother Su, you have to save my brother!"

Ximen Jing turned his head to look at Su Hang. The smile on his face was even uglier than crying. The look was like a farewell before the death penalty.

The thunder is still ringing, the rain is still raining, and the gale is not just!

Ximen Jing came to Long Qingxuan, looked at Chu Liancheng, and then looked up at the terrifying sky.

He was tall, straight, and his clothes fluttered!

Ximen Jing stood in front of the hall and attracted everyone's attention, just like a sword with a skyrocket.

This old guy, this posture, wouldn't want to fight hard with Long Qingxuan!

"Simon's Senior Immortal Ranking is about 3 million, and it is probably not much different from the six masters just now. If I have a hard time with Long Patriarch, I am afraid..." Long Qiaoqiao was worried.

Although Ximen Jing is strong enough in her opinion, but in front of the Tianwei-class strong, it is not enough to look at, it is not an order of magnitude at all.

"You think too much, this old guy is not that stupid!" Dongfang Buliang said awkwardly next to him. For Ximen Jing's understanding, Dongfang Buliang dare to say first, and no one would dare say second.

"Brother Dragon is angry, breathing anger, that day is not what I did. You are a large number of adults, and you must not be angry with me..."

Ximen Jing arched his hand into the air, then shouted loudly.


Everyone was extremely disappointed by the cold, thinking that the old guy was a hard bone, and he had to work directly with the man in the sky. There was no idea, the posture was enough, but the result collapsed as soon as he opened his mouth.

This is to plead for mercy!

"Oh, you didn't do it. Who would do it?"

That horrible voice came again from the sky.

Ximen Jingqiang endured the pressure and smiled, saying, "Brother Dragon, you and I are old acquaintances. When we were in the Destiny Palace, we had a drink together..."

"Are you in a relationship with me?"

"No, no, no, where do I dare to have a relationship with Brother Xiong, you come down first, let's have some words, don't you want to read Yu Qing's letter to Yu Xiaotian? Let me show you!"

Ximen Jing, let's just say it, otherwise don't say, this old guy's eloquence is really good, when you should admit to counseling, if you can climb the relationship, you can climb the relationship, everything is just to calm the anger of Long Qingxuan. .


Long Qingxuan snorted coldly, "Now show me, but I have no interest at all!"


The expression on Ximen Jing's face was stagnant, "Brother Dragon, you are doing something like this. You can talk about what you want, can we talk about it?"

"I don't want anything else now, just want your life!"

Long Qingxuan's words made Ximen Jing almost fail to stand up!

"Brother Dragon, if you want to kill me, you have to make me understand. Give me a reason to kill me!" Ximen Jing struggled.

"I want to kill Do I need a reason?"

"Yes, Brother Dragon, you're strong enough, but we've met each other anyway..."

"There is so much nonsense. Since you want a reason, then I will give you a reason. That day teased me, enough for you to die ten thousand times..."

"But that wasn't me!" Simon Jing spread his hands together, crying without tears.

"I don't care if you did it, anyway, I only recognize you!"

Long Qingxuan snorted coldly, "The letter that Sister let you forward, you are not well guarded, but you still want to show me that you have committed the crime of unrighteousness. You said, should I kill you..."


Ximen Jing almost vomited blood. Isn't this what you want to see? And, I haven't even shown it to you. How could it be the reason to kill me?

The so-called desire to add to the crime has nothing to do with it, today is really a long experience!

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