Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3436: Crown Prince!

Ximen Jing looked at Suhang with sympathy!

Why is this look?

Ximen Jingdao said, "Let’s hurry up, Brother Su, especially you. This offends Long Qingxuan. This person is moody and very careful. If you play him like this, he will definitely not let it go. your!"

What was it like being stared at by a powerful presence in the top 100 of a fairy?

This Long Qingxuan is not like Meng Lang, like Meng Lang, who has a self-respecting identity, and still can't hold his face to deal with Su Hang, but Long Qingxuan, Ximen Jing is still very clear, very arrogant personality, often front For a second, I'm still calling you brother and brother, and I am happy, maybe I'm wrong, I just turned my face!

Su Hang just played such a hand, with Long Qingxuan's character, it will definitely be regarded as a shame and shame, and will definitely find Su Hang to liquidate!

Su Hang shrugged, "I just started the teleportation array, and he didn't know that I did it. Even if I want to find someone to liquidate, I should only find you!"

Ximen Jing glanced at Su Hang, "I'm not afraid of him coming to me, but my bones are soft, he is troublesome for me, I must sell you, and by then, you might not be able to run if you want to run !"

Su Hang heard the words, his face slightly twitched, this old guy, really had no righteousness at all!

"Brother Su, rest assured, I won't debunk you!"

Beside, Long Qiaoqiao said!

Su Hang accosted, glaring at Ximen Jing, as if to say, look, you are not even as good as a woman.

When Simon Jingquan didn't see it and turned around, he saw a big wave flying from the Shenwu City and instantly came to the top of the mountain!

There are really a lot of people. There are thousands of black people.

In an instant, the entire mountain was surrounded. Su Hang looked at it. These thousands of people, at least all of them were above the fifth level of the founding state. There are more than ten of the ninth level. Each one has amazing momentum. Overwhelmed!

Wouldn't this mean that the established strongmen all came out of the nest?

Su Hang was surprised, but he saw a person coming out of the crowd. It was the East that didn't return last night.

"How are you guys? What's going on? What happened?"

The darkened face of the East was full of surprises. Just now he was still in the imperial palace, and he organized the elders to worship and guard the large array, preparing to fight with Long Qingxuan at the last moment, to give up everything, to keep Emperor Palace, but did not expect that Long Qingxuan would suddenly disappear!

After the investigation, it was found that the last breath of Long Qingxuan was on the side of the transmission department. Dongfang Wuliang quickly summoned some people and came over to see what happened. I didn't expect that I didn't see Long Qingxuan, but instead saw that it should be there. Su Hang and others waiting in his own house!

Su Hang opened his mouth, I don't know how to answer, after all, they just prepared to leave the East unlit!

At this time, Ximen Jing was blowing his breath, "Huh, come now, the daylily is cold!"

"What do you mean?" Dongfang's dumbfounded stun!

Ximen Jing snorted and accused, "If you want me to say, all your people eat dry food, what can you do, it's not as good as Brother Su..."


What does Dongfang Shiliang look to Suhang Airlines? What does it have to do with Suhang Airlines?

This Ximen Jing is really bullshit, obviously he is justified, he left the East and runs away, but he didn't want to be so straightforward at this time!

Su Hang didn't mean to speak.

Ximen Jing said faintly, "That surnamed Long has been taken by the Su brothers!"

"Done? Long Qingxuan?"

The unbelievable face of the East turned to Suhang next to him and looked at it.

The people around them are also unbelievable, but it is Long Qingxuan, whose strength is almost comparable to the existence of the Tianwei Powerhouse. So many of them are like enemies, ready to fight, you tell me now, this young man has solved him Anymore?

Could it be that this person is also Tianwei Powerhouse? The savior from Destiny Palace?

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Just now he was going to kill Brother Simon, I was excited, and I started the teleportation array, and it should be passed to Shenlong City at this time."


Dongfang Liangliang said, the expression on his face froze, and even slightly twitched, "You gave him, teleported away?"

Su Hang nodded slightly.

The East is not bright and smiles bitterly, what kind of operation is this, is it too dramatic?

From yesterday to now, they tried their best to find Long Qingxuan for peace talks, but Long Qingxuan kept avoiding it. Fortunately, they were found by Su Hang and several of them. They also sent people away.

At first he heard Ximen Jing say that, he thought that Su Hang had subdued Long Qingxuan, but when he heard this, his heart sank again.

Long Qingxuan's coming and going, the teleportation array is temporarily unavailable, but at his speed, he rushed back from Shenlong City again, and it was definitely only a few days.

At that time, it must be the time to bear the anger of Long Qingxuan. Long Qingxuan will surely anger the entire Shenwu Kingdom. The masters of the whole Shenwu Kingdom add up, I am afraid that they cannot be Long Qingxuan's opponents.

That would be a huge disaster.

Before this, Long Qingxuan refused to show up, proving that there was still talk, but now, the situation has become more complicated.

Everyone around was obviously aware of this, and they were all talking.

Although the teleportation team sent Long Qingxuan away, there was no danger for the time being, but it was safe for a few days at most. When Long Qingxuan returned, a few days later, I was afraid that the whole Shenwu Kingdom would be shuddered.

Dongfang Diliang turned his head and looked at Ximen Jing. Ximen Jing shrugged and said that he had nothing to do with him. He didn't want to do that either.

At this time, a young man dressed in golden robes ~ ~ extremely luxurious came out of the crowd.

This man looks 27-year-old, slightly mature, and Ji Yuxuan is a distinguished person at first glance.

The man with a smile on his face walked to Dongfang Shiliang. "The National Master is assured that the Father and Emperor are now in the Destiny Palace. When he receives the information, he will definitely ask the Destiny Palace to send a master to come to the rescue. Although the surnamed Long is powerful, but As long as the Destiny Palace casually comes with a powerful Tianwei, it should be enough to repel it."

Speaking of which, this man looked over at Suhang, "This brother's move just happened to give us a little time."

Su Hang looked at the young man in front of him in doubt.

Dongfang Liangliang introduced, "This is my crown prince Chu Liancheng, my majesty, my lord rushed to the Destiny Palace the day before yesterday to attend the wedding ceremony of the ancestors. Now the prince supervises the country, but I did not expect that your majesty's forefoot just left, and the hind foot came out. Such a thing."

With that said, Dongfang Buliang also introduced Su Hang and the other two to Chu Liancheng. Su Hang reciprocated with them, and they knew each other.

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