Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3434: Block the way!


The thunder was getting louder and louder, and the whole Shenwu City was shaking. Long Qiaoqiao was trembling all over. It was a kind of blood pressure suppression. The one who was in the sky, although not directed at her, radiated out. Her breath still makes her feel terrified!

From last night to the present, she did not dare to be too far away from Su Hang. Only when Su Hang was beside her, the breath of Su Hang could make her feel a little safe!

Soon, it was already afternoon, and the three Su Hang still did not wait until the East did not come back. Obviously things were very difficult.

The three briefly discussed and decided to leave. Although Su Hang did not lead in the East, they would consume a huge fairy stone to start the teleportation array. However, in this case, they would rather spend more fairy stone. And do not want to cause unnecessary trouble!

The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. In this case, it is better to walk first!


The rain was still falling, and the three did not dare to use magical powers to change the weather. After all, they were afraid to provoke the taboo above!

Coming to the mountain where the teleportation division is located, Su Hang looked back. The entire Shenwu City, as if he had fallen into hell, was already shrouded in infinite darkness!

In the eyes, Su Hang's mood is extremely heavy. In front of the real strong, mortals are too fragile!

As long as I knew, I shouldn’t have entered the city yesterday, and I should leave directly through the teleportation array!


Long Qiaoqiao gave a whisper, as if he had discovered something incredible!

Su Hang looked back and looked at her suspiciously!

Long Qiaoqiao said, "Brother Su, why is there no one in this teleportation department?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, only to realize that a large transmission division was still so lively yesterday, heavily armed, now there is really no one at all, empty.

"Is it a holiday?"

Su Hang was puzzled for a while. Does the Transport Division have a holiday today? This group of guys still have weekends? Today is not a working day?

"Fart off!"

Ximen Jing snorted, the expression on his face was very solemn, "Hurry, no one is better, first find the teleportation array, let's leave quickly!"

There is no one in the transmission department, it doesn't make sense at all, the only explanation is probably related to the one on the cloud!

Could it be that the disaster was coming and they all fled?

There is not even one person who guards the teleportation array. The Shenwu Kingdom is really a big event this time!

The situation may be more serious than they thought!

The three of them quickly searched for the teleportation array to the Dragon City in the Teleportation Division!

There are many buildings in the teleportation department, and there are many teleportation arrays under its jurisdiction. After all, it is the main city of the east. There is no personal guidance to get to all parts. If you want to find one of them, it is really like a haystack.

However, the road leading to Shenlong City is a very large teleportation array. There are only four teleportation arrays like this.

Three of them lead to the other three super-empires, and the other one leads to the Dragon City of the Eastern Seas.

Therefore, very large teleportation arrays are still easy to find.

Soon, the three found the teleportation to the Dragon City on top of a mountain!

Here, there is still no guard!

But this is also good, so as not to be charged a fee, they can use the fairy stone to open the teleportation array, which can save a lot.

"Hurry up!"

Arriving at the place, Ximen Jing immediately urged Su Hang to let Su Hang's fairy stone come out.

He knew that Su Hang was very rich!

Ximen Jing did not even think about this penny stone for a cent, because he knew very well that when he left, Su Hang took a lot from the Celestial Sect's library.

Su Hang did not want to worry about this with him. He still can afford to send the fairy stone of the formation.

However, without taking a few steps towards the battlefield, Su Hang stopped.

At about the same time, both Ximen Jing and Long Qiaoqiao stopped.

The eyes of the three people all looked forward, and I saw a man sitting diagonally on the ground in the middle of the teleportation array.

Next to it was a long sword, a hip flask in his hand, a shawl with long hair, and a black dress. He drank and drank wine, and he could not speak.

Is there a person here?

They didn't even find out just now, even, they didn't know when this person appeared.

Su Hang turned to look at Ximen Jing, who was short and short, and glanced carefully, his face slightly changed.


He whispered, Ximen Jing said nothing, and turned to leave.

Su Hang was puzzled for a while, but this Ximen Jing, but what medicine did you take wrong, or have you encountered a creditor that has not been seen for many years? How to walk around?

"Yo, Simon, why should I hide when I see you? Am I so scary?"

While Su Hang was still hesitating whether to go with Ximen Jing, a voice came from the person sitting in the teleportation array.

At this time, the three men were sending out the periphery of the array. When Ximen Jing heard this, he shook his body slightly and stopped.

Turning around, the expression on his face looked a little awkward, but soon he settled down.

Pretending to look closely again, Ximen Jing's face showed a kind of "surprise" smile, "Who am I, originally a brother of the dragon, I thought it was the East not bright, that the guy is joking with me..."

Dragon Brothers?

Su Hang froze for a moment and looked at the man from afar. Could this man in black be Long Qingxuan?

Looking up at the sky, the dragon still hangs over the Shenwu City, and it is so big.

It is also not difficult to leave the body in the air and the mind to become flesh.

Su Hang guessed right, this man is exactly the existence of Long Qingxuan, Zulong clan, and the top 100 in the fairy list.

This person's strength is probably not under the cover of the dragon.

"Come and drink with me."

Long Qingxuan looked up and took a sip of wine. The jug in his hand threw it directly at Ximen Jing.

The hip flask went to Ximen Jing quickly reached out and took it, but it was a bit embarrassed with too much force. The power from the hip flask was not as great as he thought.

Ximen Jinggan laughed, and he was afraid in his heart. He dared to get close. After listening to Long Qingxuan's words, he leaned back on his neck and took a sip of the wine from the jug. Then he threw the jug back again.

"Good wine." Ximen Jing still didn't dare to get close. He looked at Long Qingxuan up and down, and said tentatively, "Brother Dragon, I haven't seen you for years, but you still have the same style, but how come you are here?"

Long Qingxuan carried the jug and said indifferently, "Chu Tianyou owes me something. I have to get him back. He has to pretend to be like me. There is no way, I can only wait."


Ximen Jing is clear. Chu Tianyou in Long Qingxuan's mouth is the emperor of the Divine Martial Empire. The surname of the Divine Martial Kingdom is Chu.

"Then I don't know, what the Great Emperor Shenwu owes you is so precious?" Ximen Jing asked tentatively.

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