Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3422: Pay attention to seniority!

After all, Ximen Jingzheng stood up to meet the ceremony, but the person opposite said, "I heard that the last Panlong Emperor Ximen Jing was born to be handsome, handsome and handsome. How many women have become what they are now?"

   Oh, this guy, he looks ugly himself, actually commenting on the appearance of others, it is really funny.


  Ximen Jing was supposed to see the ceremony, but when he heard this, he felt uncomfortable. He snorted directly, flicked his sleeves and sat back, saving even the number of gifts.


Seeing this, Simon Lang was a little embarrassed and was about to make a guilt for Simon Jing, but he saw that the aftermath did not mind, but turned directly to the next one.

   Long Qiaoqiao.

"I know this little beauty." Yu Bo cracked his mouth and smiled, and he could see that no matter where he was, the beauty was pleasing to the eye. "You should be the only granddaughter of Bliss Emperor? What's the name? "Long Qiaoqiao? Sure enough, it's a natural state of life. I had heard it when I was in the Destiny Palace. Seeing today, it was really a little more beautiful than the legend. The Bliss Emperor is really blessed."

  This can be the same as what I said to Ximen Jing just now, it is totally two attitudes, unabashedly touted.

   No wonder, Long Fuhai is the master of the Western Sea of ​​Bliss. Although the status is similar to that of the Panlong Emperor, but in terms of strength, these few people can't beat the horse.

   The aftermath is very clear. Now that the 72-day power of Heavenly Destiny Palace is missing, if the above is to be replaced, Long Fuhai is likely to be selected. At that time, it will be the high power of Heaven.

   A granddaughter of Tianwei Powerhouse, he still licking up?

   Long Qiaoqiao was a little embarrassed. He quickly got up and saluted Yu Bo, "Qiaoqiao met the emissary."

   "Dragon girl is more gifted, more gifted."

   The face of the aftermath, when I laughed, was there really aftermath, or the kind of circle by circle.

  Long Qiaoqiao sat back, Yu Bo finally closed his smile, his eyes fell on Su Hang, "This..."

  Simen Lang's eyes fell on Su Hang. Before that, he didn't pay attention to Su Hang at all, because this person is really unremarkable.

   "This..." Simon Lang wanted to introduce, but only then did he realize that he didn't know the name of Su Hang at all, but only knew that Su Hang was all the way with Xi Jing.

  Su Hang was about to speak and introduce himself.

   After the wave of Yu Bo's mouth, there was a hint of smile, "Is your Excellency Su Hang?"

   Su Hang heard the words, frowning slightly, this guy actually knows his name?

  This is his first time to the fairy land, the first time to Panlong Kingdom, and the first time he sees this person, can this person call his name?

   "Do you know me?" Su Hang asked.

  Yu Bo smiled slightly, "I don't know, but I have heard that in Destiny Palace, your name is so ridiculous."

  Obviously, in this tone, Yu Bo realized this one by one, and finally Su Hang was the focus. The front is just a foreshadowing.

   Both of them look at Su Hang strangely, and it's hard to succeed. This guy is really a certain Tianwei strongman of Destiny Sect?

   Never heard of it?

   And, if so, this so-called emissary should be kneeling directly.

   Su Hang paused, "Your Excellency will not be the wrong person, my name is so ordinary, how come it is so persuasive?"

  Yu Bo smiled faintly, "But Xiao Gongzhu often murmurs about you. I have been listening for a long time, and naturally it is like Lei Guan'er?"

   "Small Palace Master?" Su Hang frowned slightly, and already had a little doubt in his heart.

Yu Bo nodded slightly, "Yes, maybe you don't know who the small palace owner is, but he often misses you. This time I come to the Panlong Empire. One is to see why the Panlong Emperor hasn't set off yet. The other is I want to take a look at you, what exactly are three heads and six arms."

  Everyone looked at Su Hang. At this moment, Su Hang became the focus for no reason. The envoy came for this person?

  What is this person's identity?

  Simon's heart is full of doubts. Why haven't he noticed this person before? Fancy this posture, don't you be a big man?

  Think carefully, what kind of character is your eldest brother, and what kind of ordinary people can he make?

  Simon Simon secretly regretted that he had neglected himself before. He should ask his elder brother to figure out the identity of this person.

   Su Hang took a deep breath, "You said the little palace master, but Meng Lang?"

  Su Hang said this, but was surprised by the aftermath on the opposite side.

   Yu Bo froze for a while, and it took a while to respond, "Oh, it seems that you know a lot, I think, it should be the Elysium Emperor told you? However, it is not a good habit to call the name of the small palace owner."


Su Hang chuckled and placed the wine glass on the table in front of him. He slowly said, "My father and I are all peers. As a matter of fact, he should call me Uncle Shi, why, I Can't call his name yet?"


   Hearing Su Hang’s words, everyone around could not help but take a breath of A few old goods are very clear about the existence of the small palace master in the aftermath.

   That's the second strongest player in Destiny Palace, and the second-best player on the Heavenly Power list.

Meng Lang is a high-profile and low-key person in Destiny Palace. Because he is the son of the ancestor, he is also known as the God of War, so no one has heard of his prestige. Everyone's evaluation of him is that there is nothing A person with ambition, but he has ambition again. The only ambition is to be the owner of the palace of the fate, and he is still working hard for it.

  Meng Lang did not conceal his ambition at all, as can be seen from the name of his little palace master.

   Therefore, in Destiny Palace, as long as the owner of the palace is mentioned, everyone knows who it is.

  But Su Hang has just said that he and his father's father had an argument with each other?

   Isn't this a joke?

   Who is the father of Xiao Gong? That old ancestor of Meng, the whole fairy is supreme, the legendary existence, the whole fairy, in addition to the few wives of old ancestor of Meng, who can dare to say that he is the same as old ancestor of Meng?

  If Su Hang said it is true, then this generation is really big.

  Several people were sitting at the same place. At this moment, they were afraid to intervene.

   At this time, Yu Bo's face changed slightly. Obviously, he wanted to blame Su Hang, but it was also obvious that he knew that Su Hang was right.

   "Your Excellency is so brave, dare to say such words." Suffocating to the end, Yu Bo still couldn't hold back a satire.

   The subtext is, you don’t look at how many pounds you have, your ancestors don’t care about your seniority, do you really think you are a green onion?


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