Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2635: The Perseverance of His Royal Highness

It was still dark and Shitola was still busy in the kitchen, and Liard was already asleep on the sofa in the hall.

Liard woke up from his sleep when the delicious roast duck came out.


Following Fatty's Kitchen, Leard stopped talking.

Leard continued: "It's so fragrant!"

\"Try it!\" Hitola's eyes were bloodshot, but she was excited.


Riad sliced ​​a slice and when he was about to put it in his mouth, Hitola said: "You must tell the truth! Remember?"


Liard shook his head and said: "It's delicious without Mr. Lu!"

Shitola's face was calm, looking back at Master Lu, who was already very tired: "Mr. Lu, you can show me what went wrong?"

Master Lu said: "Time and heat, you didn't follow my standards, you can't make a difference!"


Hitola is a little anxious, because he doesn't have much time.

\"Sir, there is a saying that we Chinese people say like this, haste is not good, I can see it well you are too anxious, don't be anxious to do this, otherwise you can't do it!" said Master Lu.

\"I'll do it again!\" Sitola put down the roast duck and went back to the kitchen.


Liard wanted to say but couldn't say it, because His Royal Highness had been awake all night and didn't eat anything. He wanted to learn well.

\"You follow my standards, if you want to learn well!\" Master Lu said that this is going: \"I will go back to rest first, oh...\"

\"Mr. Lu...\" Liard wanted to stop him.

At this time, Hitola was already busy in the kitchen again, and Liard had to accompany him.

How difficult!

Liard didn't think it would be so difficult to make a Chinese meal? It is difficult for a clever person like His Royal Highness to learn, so how did they learn the eight major cuisines?

It's amazing.

Liard couldn't imagine it, no wonder it was so delicious.

It’s just that the time left for the prince is running out. Things must be done in the next few days. Otherwise, it will be difficult to have a chance in the future. The prince’s paws have been revealed, and others have discovered it. Maybe they will be attacked by groups.

This is what Liard fears most.

But now, His Royal Highness doesn't care about these things and only grasps the key points, which is the old king.

At least they have not yet torn apart their faces with Ugovela, and there is still room for maneuvering. As far as they know about Ugovela, he will not give up, and will definitely find ways to achieve his goal.

The best way is to fight quickly, and His Royal Highness knows this.


Karl's Palace.

It's not magnificent, but it's absolutely magnificent and well guarded.

The old king was very young and was lying on a large bed. There were many maids serving by his side, and several wives were there.

The youngest prince is in his twenties.

Over the years, the old King Culisman had been hanging on to death by medical treatment. He didn't want to die just like that. His youngest wife was only in her thirties. If she died, then this would be someone else's.

Yes, he is only in his thirties. Fortunately, it is only nominal. Currysman has long been out of personnel.

In nominal terms, you must know that his eldest son Ugwela is over sixty years old, and this stepmother is over thirty.


\"What is my son Ugovela doing?\"

Although the old king can only lie down, nothing else degenerates, there is no dementia, and he is in good spirits.

\"His Royal Highness Ugovela went to an auction yesterday. He wants to take a picture of the Fountain of Life!\" said the people around him.

This person is from Uguvila, and most of the old king's good impression of his eldest son is because of him.

\"The Fountain of Life?\"

"Yes, Your Majesty the King! It is said to be a magical medicine. Many nobles in Europe are very interested in this. Many aristocrats in Europe have received a second life after taking it!"

\"So amazing? Which company made it?\"

\"It is produced by Oriental Huaxia, and the price is high. Yesterday’s auction sold a sky-high price of 230 million US dollars!\"

\"Hehe, these people are idiots, and Eastern people also want things? Is it so generously photographed?\"

\"It's your child!\"


\"No, it's Prince Hitola!\"

\"What? Hitola? Did you make a mistake?\"

\"Your Majesty, I dare not, it is indeed Prince Hitola!\"

\"Where does he have so much money?\"

\"This is also confusing to me. Prince Shitola doesn't have that much money, but he can take it out, but it has already been paid to Huaxia!\"

\"Huh, that's stupid!\"

\"And I heard that he bought it for you!\"

\"Idiot, does he want me to die soon?\"

The chief guard did not speak. It was obvious that the old king was very angry. This was the result he wanted.

\"What is he doing now?\"

This is the most frequently asked question by the old king every day. He is very concerned about what his children are doing, and only asks one person, the head of guard, Goodrich.

\"He is in a Chinese restaurant, and he hasn't come out since last night!\" Goodrich said.

\"Chinese restaurant? It's a Chinese restaurant again. Why should he meet with Huaxia people? Why does he have so much money? Didn't you say he has no money?\"

The old king was very angry.

\"Yes, Your Majesty, he lied to everyone!\"

\"Really useless!\"

I don't know who the old king is talking about, is he saying that Hitola is useless, or he is useless?

He didn't dare to speak. This old king knows best. He is very suspicious. He is dying and he is not sure about the next king. Does this allow the children below to kill each other? When will Carl be upset?

\"You said he didn't come out all night in the Chinese restaurant?\"

\"Yes, I got the news half an hour ago that he was still inside, now I don’t know, I need to ask!\"

\"No need to ask, this fool!\"

Today, the old king has scolded Hitola for being a fool several times, which is very bad for Hitola, but it is good for Ugovela.

So now Ugweira is the most suitable candidate, and many people support him, if it gets there.

\"What is he doing inside?\"

\"Dinner, Your Majesty!\"


The old king stopped talking and looked at the ceiling thinking about things. At this time, the old king didn't like being disturbed the least, so the chief guard left quietly.

The head of the guard knew that the old king was a combination of contradictions, and it could be revealed in the Chinese food. He said to everyone that he rejected Chinese food and hated it, but he ate it every day and refused to say it. This has become an open secret in the palace. , Nobody said, but almost everyone knows.

Shitola's life in the Chinese restaurant made him very suspicious, why did he go there?


\"Leard, try again!\"

In the Chinese restaurant, Shitola brought out the newly baked roast duck, which was beautiful in color and steaming.

Five hours have passed since the last time.

How about this time? Seeing Prince Hitola's appearance is already very tired, if he fails, will he continue to do it?

The Fat Chef stood there watching, in fact, he admired the obsession of these foreigners very much. They just wanted to learn this thing well, not for the sake of a career or a meal.

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