Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1448: 10 floors

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The void vibrated with a deafening roar.

The two worlds, one big and one small, slowly came into contact with each other and began to rapidly merge.

The small world is a medium-level small fairyland, the last small fairyland in this star field.

The big world is an incomparably huge small fairy world, and its size has greatly surpassed the two most powerful small fairy worlds, Lushengjie and Xuantian world.

This world was formed by Yu Guihai, based on the Chongshan Realm, one of the original ten realms, and the fusion of many small fairy realms around it. The concentration of fairy spirits and the environment of the entire world are far from Lu Sheng’s. The world is comparable.

Within this place, as soon as the powerhouses at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm came in, they felt that the bottleneck of their cultivation that had existed for countless years began to show signs of loosening.

"It's really a great opportunity! I'm waiting for the Supreme Being to hope." A powerhouse at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm burst into tears with excitement.

"Yeah, yeah. This is all the grace bestowed by the master. We should cherish the five senses." Another strong man immediately agreed.

Yu Guihai easily completed the fusion of the last small fairy world, making this world a bit stronger, and then chuckled: "Next, we can also create a more powerful world."

"Master is invincible with magical powers, and his magic is unparalleled. Disciples look up to him!" All the powerhouses were flattering and flattering for a while.

Yu Guihai just chuckled lightly, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with what the disciples said. After all they're just telling the truth, what's wrong?

At this time, his heart was also very happy.

Being able to merge into such a world is the greatest benefit to him.

Although the other peak powerhouses in the Mysterious Immortal Realm also felt that the bottleneck of their cultivation was loosened, if they wanted to make a breakthrough, they would have to cultivate for at least a thousand years, and even more than ten thousand years.

And he can break through the cultivation level immediately. Although he is only promoted to the tenth floor of the Xuanxian realm, he can master the strength of the supreme level in advance, which is not inferior to the real supreme.

Moreover, it won't take long to break through the real Supreme.

"Okay, go back and prepare for yourselves first, and arrange the next migration according to the plan, so that we can continue to integrate and reorganize the immortal world. In addition, regarding the issue of regional division, you should come out with the regulations first, and show it to me when the time comes."

Yu Guihai was anxious to break through his cultivation, so he drove everyone away and asked them to hurry up and do things.

In fact, there are a lot of things about the fusion of the fairy world, the great migration caused by the fusion of the world, and the problem of territorial division after the fusion.

Yu Guihai didn't want to worry about these trivial matters, so he left it all to his disciples to do, and he only did the final check.

His disciples are very enthusiastic about this matter, after all, it is a matter of grabbing territory for profit, and everyone is flocking to it.

After everyone left, only Yu Guihai was left in the huge world, and there were some lucky creatures who survived when the world merged.

He took a deep breath, and the incomparably rich immortal aura suddenly poured into his body, making him feel comfortable and refreshed.

Yu Guihai randomly chose a nearby highest mountain and landed on the top of the mountain. With a thought, the long-suppressed cultivation in his body instantly broke through the limit.

The air was pulled, and the heaven and man were in sympathy. There was a thunderstorm in the sky, and countless dark clouds suddenly appeared in the bright day sky.

These dark clouds quickly converged towards the middle, and in an instant they formed a thick layer of clouds that covered the sky and the sun, and the sky and the earth turned into darkness. Countless thunders twisted and twisted in the clouds, and terrifying explosions erupted.

These thunders are not ordinary thunders, but have a variety of different colors. The clouds are decorated with colorful and colorful.

This is because Yu Guihai himself has cultivated too many avenues. He cultivates thousands of avenues, and now he is going to advance to the tenth floor of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, and the perfect avenue will be further transformed, thus attracting this kind of divine thunder.

This kind of divine thunder also has a name, called Wan Dao divine thunder, known as one of the strongest divine thunder in the world. But no one has ever seen it with their own eyes, let alone in the calamity.

Even in the original Immortal Realm, this Myriad Dao Divine Thunder is just an ancient legend.

Yu Guihai stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at the sky, his expression was solemn.

When such a terrifying legendary divine thunder appeared in this robbery, he felt a powerful danger.



The terrifying thunder resounded between heaven and earth, releasing terrifying power, and even the void tore a crack.

Thanks to this being in the world newly synthesized by Yu Guihai, the whole world is extremely powerful and sturdy, and the stability of the void far exceeds that of Lushengjie and other worlds.

Otherwise, if he were to transcend tribulation in other small fairy worlds, just the terrifying divine thunder emanating from the place where the tribulation cloud was formed would be enough to directly collapse the world.

Soon, a terrifying vortex formed in the center of the robbery. Countless divine thunders automatically poured into the vortex, and a dazzling ten-color light group quickly lit up in the center of the vortex, emitting a dazzling dazzling brilliance.

This light group is extremely brilliant, and its beauty is far beyond the most beautiful fireworks in the world. Anyone who sees it will be fascinated by it. But there is a terrifying danger lurking in it. The danger was enough to threaten his life.

As soon as Yu Guihai thought about it, a dazzling giant net appeared, and then it shone on his body and disappeared into the skin.

Another golden knife light flashed away and disappeared into his hand, forming a golden knife mark on the back of his hand.

A small green sword hovered for a moment and fell on the back of his other hand to form a sword-shaped tattoo.

An ancient golden book rose into the air, hovered above his head, and disappeared into the head.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the Cube of Destiny appeared in his hand, and an illusory shadow of the cube flew out of it, hitting him and suddenly disappearing.

Yu Guihai immediately put away the Destiny Cube. This treasure is too mysterious, and he can't fully control it, but the long-term comprehension has also brought great rewards. In addition to comprehending more destiny's avenues, he also controls one aspect of the cube. Small portion of power.

The illusory shadow of the cube is the part of the cube refining he has mastered.

Yu Guihai blessed all these treasures to himself. First, because he felt the unprecedented danger of this catastrophe, he needed these treasures to protect himself and prevent any accidents.

The second is because these treasures are top-level powerful treasures, and each of them can be used as the foundation for enlightenment.

He plans to use all these treasures as his own enlightened treasures. Anyway, there are countless avenues he cultivates, and each of them can actually cultivate a treasure of enlightenment. It's just that ordinary humans can't do this at all. With limited manpower and infinite avenues, how can ordinary people cultivate so many treasures!

But Yu Guihai is different. He has cultivated thousands of avenues, and he is extremely powerful, and his immortal essence is more than ten thousand times more powerful than the same-level powerhouse. In theory, it is completely possible to cultivate thousands of treasures of enlightenment at the same time.

It's a pity that this treasure of enlightenment is not so good. And it's really too much and not really necessary. After all, it is not good to have more treasures, but also consider the cost performance.

Now, these treasures of his are all very much in line with his heart, there are attacks, defenses, prohibitions, and illusory and mysterious fates. Enough to handle any situation.

And now it's just as a foundation, first integrate these treasures, and when you are truly promoted to the Supreme, you can continue to refine and fuse other treasures.

In fact, ordinary cultivators need to be promoted to the Supreme before they can merge into the treasure, but Yu Guihai is different. He knows that he will master the power of the Supreme when he is promoted to the tenth floor of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, so is it possible to fuse into the treasure at this time, and then put it What about directly upgrading to the Supreme Immortal Treasure level?

Yu Guihai wanted to give it a try, and he was very sure. Even if it fails in the end, it will not bring any serious consequences.



After Yu Guihai made various preparations, the robbery clouds in the sky were already brewing to the point of fire, and a deafening terrifying thunder sounded.

A strange and dazzling thunder fell in an instant, and in a flash it reached the top of Yu Guihai's head.

Yu Guihai moved and punched out, and a dazzling, sharp golden light burst out from the fist and collided with the robbery thunder.


An earth-shattering terrifying explosion came, and the golden light on Yu Guihai's fist was instantly scattered.

The terrifying colorful thunder also burst on the spot, turning into a torrent of colorful thunder, submerging Yu Guihai.

A layer of colored light network immediately appeared on his body, covering his entire body. The thunderous torrent flowed through, and they were guided by the optical network to evacuate, and the slender thunders were directly introduced into Yu Guihai.

These thunderbolts were strongly suppressed by the optical network, and before they were destroyed, they were overwhelmed by the terrifying vast immortal essence, and they were wiped out and digested in an instant.

The torrent of thunder was rapidly weakened, and it was all introduced into Yu Guihai's body in three moments.

This terrifying thunderbolt, if Yu Guihai was bare-handed, would definitely not be able to take it safely, it is estimated that he would suffer a lot of trauma.

But when he used the Spirit Treasure on his body, he was able to take the Thunder completely with ease and digest it.

This is the advantage of having a treasure at hand!

Yu Guihai was extremely satisfied with this.

With the experience of the first tribulation thunder, he also knew the future tribulation thunder.

Without any danger or danger, Yu Guihai easily survived the calamity that should have been extremely difficult.

He was also successfully promoted to the tenth floor of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

A wave of terrifying power fluctuations emanated from his body, and this fluctuation far exceeded his previous strongest state.

"Supreme power!"

A light flashed in Yu Guihai's eyes.

He felt the power of transformation in his body, and he was a little excited. Although it was expected, it was still hard to hide the joy.

He raised his hand, and a colorful light group appeared in his palm. Don't look at the inconspicuous appearance of this light group, but the power in it explodes, which can instantly kill the top powerhouses at the peak of Xuanxian Realm.

At this moment, there are several other forces in his body rising into the sky.

A golden light, a green light, an invisible wave, and a dazzling light directly enveloped him.

It is those few enlightened treasures, which have completed the transformation of the supreme immortal treasure at this time, but they have not been transformed into the real supreme immortal treasure, and it seems that something is lacking.

When Yu Guihai thought about it, several treasures flew out of his body, swirled back and forth to form a team, and flew directly into the sky.

At this time, the robbery clouds that were about to dissipate in the sky actually gathered together again quickly, and quickly formed a huge cloud of thunder and lightning that was bombarded with the team of several treasures.


The terrifying explosion spread, the powerful impact swept away, and the terrifying power ripped apart the void.

Among the countless thunder lights, a knife, a sword, an ancient book, and a net pocket could be seen indistinctly, and the thunder light was absorbed and destroyed wherever it passed.

In a short time, the thunder and lightning in the sky completely disappeared.

The breath of the four treasures suddenly increased and transformed, making them stronger.

It worked! These four treasures have all been turned into real supreme fairy treasures, completing the final transformation.

Yu Guihai was overjoyed, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, the four treasures suddenly fell, submerged in his body and disappeared.


Yu Guihai laughed heartily. The tyrannical aura on his body quickly converged and disappeared, and soon turned into a normal state.

This time, the calamity was a perfect success, and his cultivation base has been upgraded to the tenth floor of the Xuanxian realm. As long as he has consolidated and adapted for a period of time, he can start to transcend the calamity supreme.

And several of his treasures have all become Supreme Immortal Treasures, and when he is promoted to Supreme in the future, he can continue to improve his rank and become a more powerful Supreme Immortal Treasure.

At that time, Yu Guihai can become the real strongest in this fairyland.


Yu Guihai looked at the surrounding environment, because he crossed the tribulation with unexpected ease, all the tribulation thunders were easily captured by him, but it did not cause too much damage to the surrounding environment.

However, he also felt that this new fairyland could not support his promotion to the supreme realm. He must continue to integrate the world and make this new world stronger.

Yu Guihai immediately opened a temporary cave on a mountain began to retreat and cultivate, and at the same time asked his disciples to plan the site area of ​​the new world as soon as possible, and the next personnel migration, come directly to this new world. The world, and avoid wasting time again.

The current world fusion **** array has been optimized and very stable. The fusion of this big world will not cause major disasters, and even the flying small world will not have a devastating disaster. Therefore, there is absolutely no problem in migrating the population first.

Soon, his disciples completed the planning and began to migrate the population. The first to migrate was the nearest group of small fairy worlds, and these worlds were the first to merge in.

Numerous monks and residents came to the new world and were immediately shocked by the rich spiritual energy and cultivation environment here.


Outside the worlds, outside the desolate and desolate world, the incomparably huge pitch-black monster suddenly moved, and eyes emitting red light suddenly appeared on top of its incomparably huge body.

These countless eyes all looked at a star that had only recently appeared in a far away place.

Then, the monster made a strange scream, and thick tentacles were pulled out from the world below him, and the huge body suddenly bounced up and flew towards the newly appeared star.

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