Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1430: Control (more than 4100 words)

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In a dark void outside the Little Immortal Realm, two escaping lights flew from a distance and turned into two figures.

"is it here?"

The handsome man at the head glanced around and asked lightly.

"Report to Master, it is here!"

A blue-haired man with a blue pattern on his face replied respectfully.

Then, he pointed to a place in front of him and said, "Master, it's there. We came out of the secret realm and appeared there."

These two are Yu Guihai and Lan Ke. They came here to find the entrance to the secret realm where the Cube of Destiny and the Tablet of Destiny were discovered.

Yu Guihai looked in the direction and saw that there was an empty void.

He looked around, but did not find any places around where there might be an exit from the secret realm, because it was all empty, and only in the extreme distance could you see the small fairyland and some empty stars.

Yu Guihai was a little unwilling. He used the power in his eyes, and his eyes immediately radiated brilliant colors. All kinds of strange fluctuations radiated out. It was he who activated the supernatural powers of his eyes.

Suddenly, his vision changed dramatically, and various distorted pictures appeared around him. This is a variety of existences presented in different perspectives.

Yu Guihai took a look around before accepting the magical power. He did not see any entrance to the secret realm, nor any trace of artificial restraint.

"There is nothing suspicious. You remember correctly." Yu Guihai said lightly.

"Absolutely not. Master, at the beginning, the disciple specially wrote down the coordinates of this place, so he won't make a mistake. It's just that the disciple thought that there should be an exit here, but I didn't expect it to be like this." Lan Ke hurriedly explained.

"Don't be nervous, I don't blame you. This matter has nothing to do with you. The teleportation exit you came out should be teleportation immediately. Can you find the entrance in the endless void?" Yu Guihai relieved a few words and asked again. road.

"No." Lan Ke shook his head, a hint of memory on his face.

"At the beginning, the three of us were also chased by the star beasts and lost our way in the space-time gap, and we didn't know where we were at all. Moreover, there were countless space-time turbulence, and the position and time were even constantly changing. Even standing still , and changes in time and space are taking place all the time. With our strength, it is impossible to determine the position."

"Well. This is normal. After all, in the space-time gap, I am afraid that only the Supreme can accurately locate it." Yu Guihai nodded.

Then, he added: "Forget it, since there is no entrance here, let's go back. When there is a chance in the future, we will definitely be able to find the entrance to the secret realm."

"Yes, Master!" Lan Ke respectfully said.

Afterwards, the two returned to Tainan Realm!

As soon as he returned to the cave in Tainanjie, Nan Yunzi hurried over.

"Master, the last batch of senior brothers is here. We are waiting for Master's call in Tainan City." He said respectfully.

"Well. Let them all come."

Yu Guihai nodded and entered the cave.

"Yes!" Nan Yunzi left immediately.

Not long after, five experts flew in from afar, all of them were experts from the Mysterious Immortal Realm, and even some of them were experts in the middle stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

"Meet Master!" As soon as the five arrived, they immediately bowed respectfully.

They are all masters of the small fairy world occupied by Yu Guihai, forced to apprentice Yu Guihai, and usually call themselves disciples. In fact, I'm afraid I don't think of Yu Guihai as a master.

"Get up!"

Yu Guihai commanded lightly.

"Thank you, Master!"

Everyone said in unison.

"Do you know why you came here this time?" Yu Guihai asked indifferently.

"Disciple doesn't know. Master please express it clearly." The five people pondered for a while and replied one after another.

Yu Guihai stood up, walked beside a few people, and said indifferently: "I conquered your sect before, you have to surrender to me under the general trend, but no one knows what you think in your heart. I also Not sure how faithful you are."

"Master, the disciple has no two hearts."

"Master, the disciple is loyal and loyal, but whatever the master instructs, the disciple will not hesitate to go through fire and water."


The five of them were shocked when they heard the words, and hurriedly expressed their loyalty. They were afraid that Yu Guihai would be detrimental to them.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to punish you." Yu Guihai smiled faintly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, as long as they didn't want to punish them, as long as they went back, they had to think about what to do next. After all, if you don't trust us, we can't trust you.

"Hehe, I'm only here to discuss a solution with you, to ensure absolute trust between us, otherwise, my plan to unify the immortal world will have a lot of trouble." Yu Guihai laughed.

"What?" The five of them sank. They had long seen that Yu Guihai had great ambitions, but they did not expect that he was really preparing to unify the fairy world.

It sounds very good to unify the fairy world, but it is easier said than done to unify the fairy world. The war that led to the destruction of the fairy world was said to be because a certain Supreme had the ambition to unify the fairy world. In the end, not only the fairy world was destroyed, but also the great Supremes disappeared.

The entire immortal world has since fallen, and the price is not too serious.

"Master has such ambitions, and the disciples are willing to contribute to the great cause of the master's unification of the immortal world." A middle-stage powerhouse in the mysterious fairyland said with great excitement.

"Yes, yes, the disciple is also willing to fight for the master in all worlds, and there is no difference in loyalty. If there is betrayal, heaven and earth will punish it!" Another hurriedly expressed the center.

"..." The remaining three also expressed their loyalty.

In fact, in their hearts, they have no interest in unifying the immortal world. It is good for them to control a small immortal world to be the emperor of the earth, and they are not comfortable with a high status under others.

The reason for showing loyalty is to paralyze Yu Guihai, so that he will not turn his face immediately; the second is to encourage Yu Guihai to really unify the fairy world.

After they go back, they will inform the Ten Great Realms of Yu Guihai's ambitions. At that time, the Ten Great Realms will definitely unite all the realms to fight together.

However, they obviously did not guess Yu Guihai's true thoughts.

Yu Guihai chuckled: "What I want is absolute trust. Can you give me absolute trust? You can also ask the same question, do you absolutely trust me?"

"The disciple absolutely trusts the master, and is also absolutely loyal to the master. If the master said a word, the disciple is not afraid of the sea of ​​​​fire." A strong man in the mysterious fairyland said righteously and sternly.

"Yes, the same is true for the disciples." Others also expressed their opinions.

Yu Guihai nodded in satisfaction after hearing the words, and said with a smile: "You are all loyal and trustworthy people, and I have not misunderstood you. Since you trust me, I can't betray this trust."

As he said that, he waved his hand, and an ancient golden book suddenly appeared.

"As long as you put your name on this ancient book, you can get a great chance. Who will come first?" Yu Guihai pointed at the golden ancient book and said lightly.

The five people's expressions changed greatly when they heard the words. This ancient golden book was extremely mysterious. It was a heavenly treasure, and they didn't know what power was hidden in it. How dare they leave a name in it.

"Master, this treasure is so mysterious. Disciples don't need to waste the efficacy of this treasure." A middle-stage powerhouse in the Mysterious Immortal Realm laughed.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry. The power of this treasure will not be wasted. Since you trust me, you can leave your name. It is definitely a good thing to rest assured. This is my covenant. As long as we unify the immortal world, we can discuss the merits. Rewards, when the time comes, you can exchange your credit, whether it is a division of a land, a precious treasure, or even a supreme cultivation technique." Yu Guihai said with a smile.

"This," everyone hesitated after hearing this. Obviously, they couldn't let it go. Otherwise, it may not be possible to leave this place safely.

Then only...

The five secretly exchanged glances, and they all saw the unyielding look in each other's eyes, and they reached an agreement in an instant. They jointly elected the strongest mid-stage Xuanxianjian as the representative and bravely stood up.

The atmosphere in the cave suddenly became heavy, like a dead silence.

Standing next to him, Nagumo clenched his fists secretly, the breath on his body gradually increased, and the whole person became nervous. He stared at the five people sharply, as long as anyone acted rashly, he would immediately do it.

Yu Guihai stood there calmly, motionless, with a slight smile in his eyes.

At this moment, the powerhouse in the middle stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm suddenly took a step forward, and the atmosphere instantly became extremely tense.


The man knelt down on his knees and respectfully said, "Disciple Tian Zhenzi, thank you for the gift from Master, and the disciple is willing to be the first to leave his name."



The other four were immediately stunned, all staring at Tian Zhenzi in confusion.

"Isn't everyone agreed to resist resolutely and not leave a name on the golden ancient book? Why are you kneeling and licking it?" The other four had no idea what the leader was thinking.

Not only him, but even Nagumo didn't think of this person's actions. He thought that Tian Zhenzi was going to start, and he even almost made the first move. Seeing this scene at this time, I almost gave a somersault!

Only Yu Guihai was calm, and seemed to have expected this scene long ago. He smiled lightly and said, "Very good. I will remember your merits. Leave your name."

"As ordered!"

Tian Zhenzi immediately left his name on the ancient golden book. The reason why he did this was not that he did not understand the minds of the other four. But he is not a fool. Yu Guihai dared to call them at this time, so he was absolutely not afraid that they would disagree.

In other words, Yu Guihai has absolute certainty that he can suppress their resistance. If so, what are you resisting? Looking for death?

What's more, he had already inquired about Yu Guihai and learned an astonishing secret. This master is likely to be a supreme being. It is my honor to be counted by this man.

Another point, he didn't think that Yu Guihai would leave something harmful to them on the ancient golden book. Because Yu Guihai wanted them to work for him, not to kill them.

Considering it all, Tian Zhenzi had already made the right choice. Yu Guihai was really satisfied with his performance and gave him a credit directly.

Yu Guihai nodded and said, "Very good! Get up."

"Thank you, Master!" Tian Zhenzi immediately got up and came to the other side of Yu Guihai.

"What about the four of you?" Yu Guihai looked at the other four.

The four looked at each other in dismay, and this was a fart. The strongest one on their side has already surrendered to the enemy and has become a part of the enemy. Once they resisted, they would be suppressed immediately. It would be ugly by then.

"I'm willing to leave a name." The four said one after another.

Then they took the initiative to leave their names on the ancient golden books.

At this point, all the experts in the mysterious fairyland under Yu Guihai have been controlled by the Book of Life and Death, and they will never betray Yu Guihai from the subconscious. He no longer has to be afraid of a fire in the backyard.

"Very good. Go back first. Be prepared and wait for my call at any time." Yu Guihai commanded lightly.

"Follow your orders!" The five strong men said goodbye and left.

Next, Yu Guihai did not continue to expand, but began to retreat and rebuild. He even instructed the disciples to focus on the stable development of the existing territory, tighten the power, and not continue to expand without his orders.

However, some actions are taking place in the dark.


A ray of escaping light was transmitted from the cross-border gate and turned into a super powerhouse in the middle stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

As soon as he appeared, he shouted in a low voice, "I'm Tianyan from Wenxinjie, and I came here to visit Sect Master Lu."

A team of true immortal guards hurriedly said respectfully: "It turns out that it is Senior Tianyan. My Sect Master has already instructed that if the seniors come, they can go directly to Tiansheng Mountain to meet."

"Okay!" As soon as Tian Yan's voice fell, he turned into a fire and disappeared into the sky.

Not long after, a huge and incomparably tall mountain appeared in front of it. There were all kinds of mysteries on this giant mountain, and it was a blessed land in the fairy world.

On the top of the giant mountain, there is a simple courtyard, in which a black-haired old man is waiting for flowers and plants in a leisurely manner.

The red light fell on the top of the mountain and turned into a sky flame. He said loudly: "The eyebrows are on fire, Sect Master Lu is still in the mood to play with flowers and plants!"

"Hehe, don't worry, the sky won't fall." The black-haired old man chuckled lightly, then got up and walked out of the flowers.

"You are not afraid of the Why are you so nervous. Is there something wrong?"

"Sect Master Lu, there is something important. Someone is planning to unify the Immortal Realm!" Tian Yan said anxiously.


The black-haired old man laughed when he heard the words, "Boy Tianyan, what a big deal do I take. Isn't there a few such lunatics before, now? Who has ruled the fairy world?"

"This time is different. The southwestern worlds have been unified by it. And it has also occupied the Tainan world." Tianyan said with a solemn expression.

"It's interesting. So, that's the one called Yu Guihai." The black-haired old man lost his smile after hearing this.

"It's this person. He doesn't know when the worlds in the southwest have been unified. Now most of the forces in the entire west have to submit to him. The movement is much bigger than those of the previous ones." Tian Yan replied.

"I really didn't expect it! It seems that this matter is not something we can solve. We must contact all the forces and start strangling it. Otherwise, let it develop, I am afraid it will be more difficult to deal with." The black-haired old man said.

"This matter still depends on your ten major realms. You Lusheng realm can take the lead and set up a crusade army to deal with this thief together!" Tian Yan offered his advice.

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