Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1405: explore

The thick gray fog kept rolling, seemingly not much different from ordinary fog.

However, a powerful spiritual sense was attached to the gray fog, constantly trying to enter it, but all failed, unable to penetrate the gray fog at all.

"Master! The disciple is incompetent, unable to see through the details of the gray fog. I also ask Master to clarify!" Yun Zhongyue retracted his spiritual thoughts and said ashamed.

"Hehe, this gray fog restriction is very powerful. It must not come from the hands of ordinary true immortals. It is normal for you to not be able to see through it. The teacher has seen through this gray fog wall, and there is a larger secret area behind it. It should be It is the core area of ​​the ancient Yin Refining Sect." Yu Guihai smiled and explained.

"It turned out to be so! No wonder the place here is so small, which is not in line with the legend of the ancient Yin Sect."

Yun Zhongyue suddenly realized, and then he asked: "Master, can we go over and take a look. Since the opposite side is bigger, there must be more treasures."

"It's natural, but I have to break this gray fog restriction first."

After Yu Guihai finished speaking, he waved and punched.

This punch was mediocre, without feeling any power, it suddenly hit the wall of gray fog.


The terrifying power suddenly erupted at the moment of contact, and the tyrannical impact swept out, and countless gray mists instantly spread and enveloped the surrounding area.

Yun Zhongyue stiffened unconsciously at this moment, even his primordial spirit was suppressed, and he couldn't even move his body up and down.

Just because the explosive power was too powerful, the sense of danger it brought him suppressed him, making him unable to move.


A gust of wind suddenly appeared, blowing away the gray mist, revealing the condition of the wall of gray mist.

I saw a huge hole on the wall of gray fog, and I could clearly see the scene on the opposite side.

Yun Zhongyue was even more astonished in his heart. He couldn't even shake the wall of gray fog at all, but the master punched such a big hole with a fluttering punch.

"Let's go!"

Yu Guihai said casually, and then his body flashed and flew towards the opposite side.

Yun Zhongyue hurriedly followed.


Outside the gray fog wall is a huge world, and it is impossible to see the edge at a glance. Countless mountains undulating and disappearing at the end of the field of vision. Numerous buildings dotted between the mountains, you can see a trace of the original glory.

It is a pity that the world on this side is now desolate, the mountains are dead silent, without the slightest spiritual energy, and most of those buildings are only weathered ruins.

Coming here, Yu Guihai discovered that the small secret realm within the range of the gray fog wall is only a small part of this huge secret realm. Covered by the gray fog restriction like an upside-down big wrist, it seems to be a key part that is protected.

"This place is so huge, it must be the real gate of Yin Yin Sect. Master, we may be getting rich." Yun Zhongyue said with a smile.

"Hehe, when you look back, you can gather people to explore this place. My goal this time is just that mountain."

Yu Guihai chuckled lightly and looked at a giant mountain not far away.

This giant mountain is also the tallest in the entire huge secret realm. Its height and volume far exceed other mountain peaks. One mountain is comparable to a hundred mountains.

The traces of buildings can be seen everywhere on this giant mountain, and there is a powerful forbidden fluctuation within the mountain. This fluctuation is similar to the gray fog restriction here, and it must be the second treasure that has been protected.

Yu Guihai's spiritual sense searched the sky and the earth, and he had already explored the entire huge secret realm, and only found two gray fog restrictions. There are also some small restrictions in other places, but they are far from being on a par with the gray fog restrictions.

Obviously, the treasures stored in this gray fog ban are by no means comparable to other treasures in the ban.

"There is another forbidden and protected place in that valley over there. You can explore it. I can go here by myself." Yu Guihai ordered.

"Follow your orders!" Yun Zhongyue immediately headed towards the mountain that Yu Guihai pointed to.

And Yu Guihai flew to the largest mountain.

He opened Yun Zhongyue, not to avoid anything, but because this secret realm made him feel a little threatened, and it seemed that something extraordinary was hidden.

If Yun Zhongyue followed, not only would he not be of much help, but he might even get in the way. It would be better to let it investigate those low-level restrictions.


Yu Guihai soon came to the top of the giant mountain. All the buildings on the mountain were destroyed. Even if there were any treasures hidden in it, they would have been destroyed in the long river of time.

He came directly to the top of the mountain, where there was a huge stone gate inlaid on the mountain, tightly closed.

Two huge ghosts are depicted on the stone gate. These things are the guardian gate gods of the Lianyin Sect, and they have the powerful strength of the late stage of the real fairyland. Unfortunately, that was back then, and now the two ghosts on this door are just statues, and their bodies have long since been wiped out in endless time.

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Yu Guihai waved his hand at will, and the stone gate shattered, revealing a dark passage leading to the interior of the giant mountain.

Yu Guihai stepped into it, there was a thick layer of dust inside the passage, and the four walls were severely weathered, and the traces of carving could be vaguely seen. Apparently some kind of picture was once carved here.

Yu Guihai waved his hand again, a gust of wind swept out, and all the dust in the passage was rolled up and rushed into the depths of the passage.

He stepped forward, and soon came to the depths of the passage, where there was an exit.

Yu Guihai walked out of the exit, and there was a huge grotto on the opposite side. The grotto has a radius of several hundred meters, and the center of the ground has collapsed, revealing a darker and darker hole.

Yu Guihai shot a bright ball of light and flew into the hole.

The ball of light is like a scorching sun, emitting a dazzling white light, which directly illuminates the space below.

Under the entrance of the cave is a huge space, which is tens of thousands of meters deep, almost as high as the giant mountain. On the stone walls around the space, you can see the caves dug out one by one, as well as some passage entrances.

At the bottom of the space, there is a huge flat ground, and there is an upside-down gray fog barrier.

"right here!"

A smile appeared on Yu Guihai's face, and then he jumped into the space below. A subtle feeling came from the surroundings, as if something was peeping in the dark.

Yu Guihai's heart moved slightly, and he paid attention to the surrounding stone walls. The dense cave dwellings on the stone walls were dead silent, as if something strange was hidden.

This place has been closed for endless years, and even the spiritual energy has disappeared, and only a few tyrannical prohibitions remain. Even if there is a real fairyland powerhouse here, it is impossible to resist the passage of time, and it will inevitably fall here.

Therefore, there can be no living beings here. But where does this eerie feeling of snooping come from?

Yu Guihai went all the way down until he reached the bottom and found nothing unusual.

"It's really evil!"

Yu Guihai secretly said in his heart.

When he got to the bottom, the feeling of being spied on became more pronounced. It's like being spied on by countless people.

He inadvertently glanced above, and suddenly saw that there seemed to be white shadows in the dense cave dwelling on the stone wall above, standing at the entrance of the cave and looking down at himself.

Yu Guihai suddenly raised his head to take a closer look, but found that there was nothing at all in those holes, only dark holes.

He was a little surprised in his heart, he was confident that it was not an illusion just now, and at his current cultivation level, how could there be something he couldn't see through here.

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai moved and flew directly to a hole on the stone wall.

When he came close, and then the light falling from above, he could see the scene inside the cave. Inside is a small cave house, which has long been dilapidated, and the ground is full of dust.

Yu Guihai waved his hand, and a gust of wind swept out, directly swept away all the dust and debris in the cave. The entire cave has become as clean as new.

He flew into the cave, and suddenly his heart moved, and all kinds of light flashed in his eyes. This is his supernatural power. Each kind of light represents a special field of vision, and he can see things that cannot be seen in other fields of vision. .

When his eyes turned white like a blind man, he suddenly saw a white figure floating in the cave.

Yu Guihai's complexion changed slightly, and there was actually something here.

However, he soon discovered that this white figure was an intangible existence at all. In essence, it is a kind of void image. There used to be a monk living here, but he died here, and he never left until he died. In the end, an illusory shadow was left in the void.

This kind of void photo is very special, and it is difficult to see it with ordinary methods. Only the special magical power he is currently using can be seen. He had inadvertently seen it before, and it was estimated that it was also a mysterious feeling in the dark.

Yu Guihai studied the white figure for a while, but found that he couldn't touch it in any form other than seeing it in a special field of vision. So he gave up. Anyway, this thing has not found any danger so far.

Yu Guihai ignored the faint feeling of peeping, and went directly to the front of the gray fog below.

This gray fog restriction is much smaller than the previous one. The radius is only a few kilometers in size. But its sturdiness is far beyond the previous one.

Yu Guihai used divine sense to infiltrate, and it took several times of divine sense to infiltrate with difficulty.

Inside the gray fog is a stone hall, where there is a strong spiritual energy, the spiritual light on the stone hall is flickering, and various restrictions are still in operation.

He tried to continue to explore the stone hall, but was stopped by the prohibition within it. There is a special restriction on the stone hall to prevent spiritual sense from spying. It is very powerful. Even his spiritual sense cannot penetrate after the gray fog restriction has been weakened.

Yu Guihai pondered in his heart, guessing that the gray fog restriction might have the effect of absorbing the spiritual energy outside. It absorbs all the spiritual energy and maintains its internal operation.

Since he couldn't spy on the secrets of the stone palace, he had to go in and see for himself.

Yu Guihai chose a location, which corresponds to the gate of the stone hall.

This time, because the terrain here is narrow and the gray fog restrictions are small, he did not continue to use the method of violent bombardment.

Instead, he pressed a hand on the gray fog, and a trace of tyrannical aura emanated from the palm of his hand. This breath immediately began to consume the forbidden power of the gray fog.

Soon, traces were slowly faded away. Over time, these traces gradually expanded, slowly forming a large hole.

It didn't take long for the big hole to penetrate the gray fog barrier directly.

Yu Guihai walked into the barrier and came to the stone hall.

On the door of the stone hall were also carved two hideous ghosts. Unlike the ghosts at the stone gate outside, the carvings of these two ghosts shone with a powerful aura, and they were obviously still alive. It's just that its strength level has already weakened a lot, barely maintaining the level of the early stage of True Wonderland.

After Yu Guihai came in, the two ghosts didn't move at all, and they could sense the terrifying threat emanating from Yu Guihai.

"So, are you pretending to be dead?"

Yu Guihai laughed dumbly. It seems that these two yin ghosts are very powerful, otherwise they would not do such a good thing and avoid evil, so that they would not perform their duties.

Seeing that the two ghosts couldn't pretend, they had to emerge from the stone gate, and they turned into an illusory black shadow and fell in front of Yu Guihai.


Yu Guihai raised his hand and pointed, and was about to speak. I saw two ghosts suddenly knelt to the ground and kowtowed again and again.

"See the eldest man for the little one!"

"?? Master?"

Yu Guihai was a little caught off guard by the reaction of the two.

"Who are you? What does this mean?" he asked curiously.

"Master Qi, we are the guardian Yin spirits of the Refining Yin Sect. My name is Chong Hei, and his name is Chong Bai. It was the previous master who asked us to stay here." A ghost with a single horn on his forehead replied.

"Then why do you call me Master?" Yu Guihai wondered.

"Because we sensed the eldest master's token from you. So you are the new eldest master!" Chonghe replied.

"Token? What token?" Yu Guihai asked. He didn't remember what token he had on him.

"It's just an The eldest master will use this token when he returns to the Immortal Realm." Chong Hei replied.

Yu Guihai moved in his heart when he heard the words, and when he turned his hand, an object appeared.

"Is it this?"

Chong Hei glanced at it, and immediately kowtowed: "This is it. The eldest master's token."


Yu Guihai was slightly speechless. Immediately, he was a little surprised. He already knew that this thing was a kind of teleportation device, which seemed to lead to some amazing place, but he didn't expect it to lead to the fairyland.

He then cross-examined the two ghosts, and finally determined that this thing really leads to a powerful world somewhere. Although it is not necessarily an immortal world, the level is definitely much higher than this world.

Because the two ghosts both said that the eldest master went to the opposite side to meet with the powerhouse of the mysterious fairyland.

To be able to give birth to a real powerhouse in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, then the opposite world must be much higher than this world.

If this is the case, his chance to break through to the real Mysterious Immortal Realm will be in the opposite world!

In addition to the token information, he also inquired about a lot of ancient secrets. He also finally understood the secret of the demise of the Refining Yin Sect.

The demise of the Refining Yin Sect was indeed due to its own decline, and was later annihilated by other affiliated forces. The survivors isolated the entire mountain gate and escaped into the void to form this secret realm.

Later, everyone died in the secret realm, leaving only a few places of inheritance to remain indestructible. That's how it looks today.

"such a pity!"

Yu Guihai sighed with emotion, and then asked the two ghosts: "Can you open the ban on this stone hall?"

"Master Qi, we can't. Although we are guardian spirits, we can only guard and cannot open the door. However, the restrictions here have been weakened a lot, and the master's cultivation base can be forcibly broken." Chong Hei said.


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