
I have a cold, and I can sleep too much after taking the medicine. I only woke up in the afternoon, and I am about to cry~~.

Chapter 23: Brother Lu's Handsome Shot

Yun Tian and the others did not stop, and continued to rush towards the opposite side of the river cave, trying to get out of here as soon as possible.

As they continued to enter, they saw some thick wooden pillars nailed to the rock walls on both sides, and there were crystal coffins on them.

"There is a crystal coffin over there." Yun Jie said, pointing to the wall on the right.

Hearing him say this, the others turned their heads and looked at the crystal coffin, and found that there was still a corpse lying inside.

Hei Shao's eyes turned, and he came to the left, and saw that there was also a crystal~coffin on the wall on the left.

However, there is no body in the crystal coffin, and I don't know where it went.

What is surprising and disturbing is that the lid of the crystal coffin is still tightly closed, and there is no sign of being opened.

If there were no corpses in the crystal coffin, the ancients would definitely not be bored and put the coffin on the rock wall, it would simply be full of food.

If the corpse is removed by others, then there is no reason to open the coffin lid and then help to cover it back, which would be too good, who would do that.

If neither of these two situations are true, then where did the corpse in the crystal coffin go?

Thinking of this situation, the expressions of Yun Tian and others became solemn, and Young Master Hei was even more worried, worried that a ghost or zongzi would appear.

Nothing has happened now, and Yun Tian and the others will not look for trouble by themselves, and continue to rush towards the depths.

They went all the way, and there were many crystal coffins on the rock walls on both sides, and there were corpses lying in them, but the crystal coffin that Young Master Hei had discovered before had no corpses.

Yun Tian felt that there must be something wrong with this.

After turning another corner, a wet beach appeared about [-] meters in front of Yun Tian and the others, and the area was not large.

On this beach, there are still carrion and skeletons piled up, looking very scary.

The most frightening, disturbing, and even frightening thing was that there was a "woman" with long black hair and white clothes standing on the beach.

In this kind of corpse field, besides Yun Tian and others, there will be no living people.

The woman in white who appeared in their sight was obviously not a living person, but a female ghost

"Ghost!" Seeing the female ghost in white in the distance, Young Master Hei couldn't calm down.

If it wasn't for Yuntian to pull him, he would really become a chicken in the soup again, drinking two mouthfuls of turbid water soaked by carrion corpses.

Seeing this situation, Yun Jie was also quite frightened. He was a little bit better than Hei, so he didn't jump up like a rabbit and wanted to avoid it.

"Third uncle, wouldn't that be a zongzi?" Yun Jie asked indifferently, and the cold sweat was frightened.

When Yun Shanxing saw the woman in white, he was also very uncertain, and he was a little apprehensive.

Biaozi and Lu Xiaoge all stood up and prepared for battle.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, even a kind of depression.

Seeing such a "woman" in white, Yun Tian was also a little startled, and his expression became awe-inspiring.

However, he didn't panic, and he quickly calmed down, turning on the strong light of the flashlight.

When the strong light of the flashlight shone on the woman in white, there was a sudden movement, and some dense black things fell from the sleeves of the woman in white.

These dark things are the corpses that Yuntian and the others have encountered all the way down.

It's just that so many corpses fell from their sleeves at once, and that kind of picture made people feel creepy and frightened.

Yuntian didn't know whether the woman in white was standing there, and was hollowed out by the corpse, leaving only a pair of skins. .

Now, he didn't have time to think about this kind of problem, because after countless corpses fell from the woman in white, they quickly rushed into the water and swam towards the wooden boat, and the speed was very fast.

The number of these corpses, just looking at it, it is estimated that there are thousands of them, gathered together, it is too scary.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Obviously, even if these corpses were not summoned by the corpse king's voice, they still had a strong purpose, rushing towards the wooden boat, preparing to attack the Yuntian six.

If these corpses are allowed to rush over and attack them, it is estimated that these people will not be able to feed these corpses.

Seeing such a situation, Brother Lu didn't wait for Yuntian to act, but he had already acted. He put his right hand on Biaozi's shoulder, his body drew an arc in the air, and quickly came to the bow.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the long sword on his back and slashed the palm of his left hand with the blade, and blood spurted out immediately.

Brother Lu sprinkled the blood into the water, just in front of the area where the corpses rushed over.


After his blood fell into the water, these corpses were like encountering a nemesis, not daring to rush forward, and collapsed toward the sides and rear.

Seeing that Brother Lu's blood was so powerful, Yun Tian was immediately awe-inspiring. He didn't expect that Brother Lu had such a means, but underestimated the latter.

"Little Brother Lu, your blood can still deal with these corpses. It's too powerful to make them afraid." Hei Shao exclaimed, a little moved, he didn't expect this to happen.

After Little Brother Lu spilled blood, he used his fingertips to pop out a drop of blood, but it just hit the middle of the eyebrows of the white-robed female ghost.

When the blood ran through the hair and fell between the eyebrows of the white-clothed female ghost, a gray smoke suddenly rose, making a zizi sound, which was harsh to the ears.

At the same time, the white-clothed female ghost didn't seem to have the slightest bit of strength, so she slumped down and knelt on the ground, with many corpses emerging from her body.

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