Super Scientist

Chapter 428: Missile technology that lifts everything (Chinese)

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Ye Chen is a fan of the army and is familiar with the situation of the V bomb, like several Jiazhen said.

"Germany has developed two types, one is the V1 bomb, which is a cruise missile." Ye Chen continued: "At the time, due to technical problems, the performance of the cruise bomb was not very good, and it was easy to be intercepted by aircraft artillery. But The cost of this kind of missile is very cheap. Germany made a total of tens of thousands, and most of them were thrown to Britain, causing heavy losses to Britain and huge damage to London. This caused panic to a certain extent, Qiu Fatty had to order war insurance. Qiu Fatty has always been proud of this, thinking that this is one of his great achievements. "

War insurance, this sounds too much trouble. War is destruction, and it will be destroyed on a large scale. Whoever carries out war insurance will definitely lose his pants. But during World War II, Britain did just that. Fat Qiu did this with state guarantees, and he has always been content with himself.

"The other is the V2 bomb, which is a ballistic missile. This kind of missile cannot be defended, causing great panic in the UK." Ye Chen added: "German research on missiles is meant to be defeated by this new weapon. Britain forced Britain to surrender. However, this idea failed to materialize. Many people accused the Germans of delusion. This is wrong. It should be said that such weapons appeared late. If they appeared earlier, the Germans It may not be able to achieve its purpose. "

Germany's use of missiles to bomb London was only started in June 1944. Friends who are familiar with the history of World War II know that Germany's fate has already been doomed this year and will inevitably fail.

In the eastern battlefield, the Red Empire's victorious victory has regained all the land. Millions of troops attacked the west like a tide, and the soldiers pointed directly at the German capital Berlin.

On the western front, British and American allies opened the second war, successfully landed in Normandy, and began to counterattack the European continent.

This is great news for the anti-fascist camp. The morale is high and victory is expected. Not to mention that the bombing of London by Germany meant that London was razed to the ground and Britain would not surrender.

If the missile appears a few years ago and is put into use after the Dunkirk retreat, it will definitely cause great losses to Britain, and it will also damage Britain in morale. It is difficult to say whether Britain can sustain it.

After Dunkel's retreat, British morale was low, and his face was downcast, and there was no determination to resist resolutely. If it is bombarded by missiles at this time, it may become the last straw that crushes the camel.

Of course, at the time, the accuracy of the missile was a big problem. Germany wanted to bomb London, but it turned out that a large part of the missiles fell to other places and did not reach London at all.

If the missiles at that time had the current accuracy, they would be able to perform beheadings and kill the British head and Allied Command. In that case, the consequences would be serious.

"It can be said that missiles are one of the most terrifying and evil weapons in human history. The combination of missiles, radar, satellites, and nuclear weapons has made humanity live in the shadow of nuclear war." Ye Chen commented, "If it were Without missiles, even with nuclear weapons, the threat to humanity would not be so great. "

Zhuang Laozhong emphasized his head and agreed with Ye Chen's statement very much.

Ye Chen's statement is not exaggerated at all. The missile is really one of the most terrifying and evil weapons in human history. Without missiles, even with nuclear weapons, the threat to humanity would not be so great.

If we make an analogy, missiles are guns and nuclear weapons are bullets. Without a gun, what good would a bullet be?

With missiles, nuclear weapons can be used in a variety of ways. They can be launched from space, from submarines, and from land. This makes nuclear weapons invincible.

Of course, you can also throw from an airplane. However, the speed of the aircraft is relatively slow, the penetration capability is not as strong as that of missiles, and the threat is relatively small.

"However, from the perspective of civil scientific research, the emergence of missiles is one of the most outstanding inventions in human history and has made an important contribution to human progress." Ye Chen turned his words and said, "If there is no missile, then There may be satellites in the sky, no space station, no successful landing on the moon, and no detection of Mars. "

The only difference between a missile and a rocket is that with or without a warhead, the missile can do what the rocket can do, and the technology is not much different.

We are now able to make international calls and use navigation systems because satellites are in the sky. But can a satellite go to the sky without a launch vehicle?

Can there be manned space without a rocket? Can you build a space station? Can you reach the moon? Can you do Mars exploration? Can deep space exploration be carried out?

In a word, the invention of the missile is the cornerstone of mankind's rush out of the earth and into space.

From this point of view, the invention of the missile is one of the most outstanding inventions in the history of mankind. It has an extremely significant impact on mankind and made the flying dream of mankind a reality.

"Well, Xiaoye, you are a very good military fan. You are very familiar with the history of missiles and understand them thoroughly." Zhuang Lao appreciated it and said: "Although there were many problems with the missiles used in World War II, people Everyone knows that this weapon has broad prospects for development and its future is unlimited. Both the Red Empire and the United States wanted to master this technology and began to compete for German scientists. "

Speaking of this, Zhuang's tone turned high, saying: "According to the Yalta Agreement, Pinamon, the main location of the V2 missile production factory, was assigned to the Red Empire, and the United States was not reconciled. Operation "Paper Clips". Within 10 days from May 22 to May 31, 1945, the U.S. Army entered the Bavarian area and occupied the area, using 300 train cars and 13 ships, and nearly 100 V2 missiles and related Equipment and semi-finished products were rushed out, and the Red Empire Army saw only empty factories the next day, when it arrived on June 1. "

"More importantly, the United States brought 126 German missile experts to the United States, forcing them to work for the United States. By 1946, the United States had launched its first V2 missile. This is an amazing speed. If the United States does not capture it, With so many German scientists, that is impossible. "

The United States' missile technology has always been the most advanced in the world. After all, that is because the United States has a higher starting point, which was developed from the basis of Germany. Without this foundation, could the United States have such advanced missile technology?

No one can tell.

"The advantage of doing this in the United States is that it skips the basic research stage directly and does not need to conduct preliminary research. It can be used directly." Zhuang Lao is a missile expert and is familiar with missile history. He said: "Germany was in the twentieth century Researching missiles in the late 1920s was not used until 1944, which was more than a dozen years. German research saved the United States for nearly two decades. The United States ’missile technology is not the world ’s best. Is it advanced? "

In the past few years, we often saw a saying in the media that the United States despised the dynasty, and its technology was ten or twenty years behind the United States. After all, it is a generation behind.

No matter how big we are and how fast we are developing, this time is difficult to shorten. The reason is that the development of a new and high technology must have an early accumulation. Without the early accumulation, it cannot be completed. It takes about ten or twenty years to complete the pre-accumulation.

Of course, our country sees this, so our country is not following the Western countries headed by the United States, but has to go out of its own unique road and achieve "curve overtaking."

Otherwise, you can never catch up after others.

"Our country conducts missile research in terms of time. It is many years late." Zhuang Lao shook his head, with a sore face, saying, "If we count the time spent on missile research in the United States, we will be nearly two decades behind. It's not right. It would take another 20 years from the time of German missile research, which is almost 40 years. "

The United States has captured so many German missile experts, including German missile leaders. It is needless to say how high the standard of these German scientists is.

These German scientists not only work for the United States, build missiles for the United States, but also train talents for the United States, which makes the United States have a large number of high-level missile experts at once.

The 40-year gap is not so easy to catch up with. In the past, our country's missile technology lags behind that of the United States. This is normal.

"In addition, our country has a weak industrial foundation, a shortage of talents, and even a shortage of experimental equipment. There are also severe blockades of western countries against our country, and even drugs are not allowed to be exported to our country." Zhuang Lao is proud, saying: "Our country can make missiles, this is a world miracle!"

This is absolutely the truth.

At that time, our country did not have any personnel in missile-related fields. Many college students did not study missile specialty. They could not even reach the missile side. They were given heavy responsibility by the state and required them to participate in missile research and development. For the country and the future of the nation, they have to learn from scratch.

Many people are lamented that when the father of the missile was abroad, his research results were numerous and fruitful. After returning home, he would not be able to do so. In fact, the greatest achievement was achieved by the father of the missile after he returned home. He not only developed missiles for our country, but also cultivated a lot of talents for our country.

These talents, and the talents they cultivate, have become the backbone of our national aerospace industry.

It can be said that the father of the missile is Tao Liman.

"Under the conditions we had at the time, being able to make missiles was victory. As for catching up with Western countries, it was not something that could be accomplished in a short period of time, and that took a long time." Zhuang Lao was very serious and said: "Some people think that Our country ’s missiles are not worse than Western countries. This is wrong. We should face the reality and see the gap. Fortunately, after so many years of hard work, our country ’s missile level has caught up with that of Western countries. , And even beyond. "

"For example, anti-ship ballistic missiles." Ye Chen was very excited.

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