Super Plane Traveling

Super Plane Travel Chapter 869

In fact, Zhao Ze even digs up a villain himself, that is, the death shot played by Emperor Shi. After Zhao Ze promised to let his daughter return to him, help him wash away all the stains, and give him a generous portion. The reward for death shots can only be obediently surrendered.

The biggest difference between the dead shot and other villains is that he is a villain with a fatal weakness. His daughter is his death spot. As long as he mentions his daughter, the dead shot can only be grasped by Zhao Ze.

In addition to dead shot, there is another character who masters magic that interests him-yes, it is a witch, or it can be called a witch.

The witch is a very unpleasant character in the original plot. After the release, she was even more denounced by American audiences, who thought she was just a small character responsible for awkward dance, and did not show the witch's style in the comics at all.

What kind of witch in the comic version Zhao Ze is not clear. He is interested in the witch itself, but he is not cold about the person who plays the witch. Who makes this Carla Delevingne a Lara?In addition, her facial lines are too tough, and there is almost nothing that Zhao Ze can like.

After investigating Amanda Waller, Zhao Ze discovered that the witch had not yet appeared, and the suicide team plan had not yet taken shape.

It doesn't matter if the witch does not appear, anyway, there is a golden compass, Zhao Ze easily found the cave where the witch is located, and took away the statue and heart that sealed the witch and her brother.

After Zhao Ze returned to Los Angeles, he dug a hole in the ground of his home, and placed magic traps on the inside and outside of the house. This crushed the statue of the witch and released her from the sealed state.

The witch just unblocked had only a spiritual form and had to be found and leaned over the human body, but Zhao Ze didn’t give her this opportunity at all. There were magic traps everywhere. The only way for the witch to leave the cave was Defeat Zhao Ze.

"I heard that you are a witch. I happen to be able to do magic. Let's compare the two."

After all, Zhao Ze's hands were radiant, and natural elements such as flame, frost, lightning, storm, etc. kept flashing, before hitting the witch one after another, making her scream in pain.

The witch tried to fight back, but without a body, her magical effect was greatly reduced, and she couldn't pose a threat to Zhao Ze-or even if she had a body, it was impossible to defeat Zhao Ze in the magical realm, because Zhao Ze even scored 100 points. One of the strengths did not show, he was playing with the witch at all.

The witch doesn’t know this. This other-dimensional life form has been completely irritated by Zhao Ze. She is jumping around in front of Zhao Ze with her teeth and claws. She looks like a ghost, constantly flickering, but no matter how she jumps, she only Can be hit by Zhao Ze with magical attacks of various elements.

Chapter 1033

As time passed, the black aura on the witch's body began to diminish, and her figure also began to blur, as if it might disappear at any time.

Seeing this scene, the witch panicked too, and suddenly prostrated on the ground raising her hands and shouting: "Spare me! Please forgive me!"

Zhao Ze looked at her with a faint smile, suddenly raised his hand to draw a circle in the air, and finally drew a palm-sized rune mark, and then pushed forward with his palm to push the mark into the witch's body.


The witch seemed to be suddenly ignited by a flame from within, igniting a raging fire from inside to outside. The strange thing is that she did not scream, but looked at her body with a dull expression.

The flame came and went more suddenly, and it went out automatically in less than a minute, and at this time the witch seemed to have changed a lot.

The witch before looked dirty, like she had been digging coal underground for several years without seeing the sun, so that she was only skinny and skinny, but now the witch has become round and jade, just like she got her own brother in the original plot After supporting the power, he suddenly transformed into the image of a "goddess".

But this is only the appearance. Zhao Ze knows that this woman-let's say she is a woman-is not a creature of this latitude at all, so her appearance is just a disguise. Under her human-like surface, she doesn't know how much she hides. Ugly faces.

Just now Zhao Ze carved a rune mark on the witch, which means that from now on, the witch's life can only be played by him, even if the witch gets her heart back.

In addition, Zhao Ze also gave a part of his own power to the witch, and the result was that the witch had recovered to the strongest state in advance without having to possess him, and it was even worse.

The witch knew that her life and death were all within Zhao Ze’s thoughts, so she acted very respectfully-not respectful, Zhao Ze originally thought she was uncomfortable and wanted to beat her, in case Zhao Ze found a suitable cause , The witch really didn't want to kneel.

"This world doesn't need so many extra-dimensional creatures, you are enough."

In front of the witch, Zhao Ze held the statue sealing her brother and crushed it. A black smoke floated out of it, but was struck by a lightning bolt in Zhao Ze's hand, and a muffled noise came from the black smoke. , The smoke gradually dispersed.

The witch screamed, yelling in a language that Zhao Ze couldn't understand. It seemed that she was distraught for the departure of her younger brother. Zhao Ze looked at her coldly and unceremoniously on her ass. Kick the witch directly to the ground.

"You two are not German orthopedics? It's disgusting... Go and find this woman named Amanda Waller. I want you to be in her body and wait for my call at any time."

Under Zhao Ze's order, the witch dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and held the picture of Amanda Waller, and disappeared like a ghost.

Although he killed the younger brother of the witch, Zhao Ze was not worried about the sorrow of the witch daring to play in private. The imprint he planted on the witch belonged to a master-slave relationship. Simply put, the master and slave, as long as Zhao Ze had a little Thoughts can make the witch survive and die.

Under the coercive effect of the imprint, the witch can only be honest and obedient, absolutely not daring to do anything that violates Zhao Ze's thoughts and actions, otherwise the imprint will immediately let her feel that life is worse than death.

As for why he wants to be possessed by Amanda Waller, it can only be said that Zhao Ze is very upset with the black woman and cannot understand her. It is as simple as that.

Since this servant likes her suicide squad plan so much, when she herself will become a part of this plan, I wonder if she can laugh?

Someone is only a temporary evil taste, but I don't know how painful it taught Amanda Waller.

After solving the biggest unstable factor at this stage, Zhao Ze's life has returned to peace again.

During this period, despite his repeated requests, Wonder Woman Diana rejected his suggestion to move to the United States. The reason was that there were more European countries and a suitable person was needed to guard it. Although Zhao Ze complained about it, Don’t so many countries in Asia need people to guard them?But Diana did not intend to change her mind.

"Or you can choose to return to Asia?" After rejecting Zhao Ze's proposal, Diana smiled and gave him a suggestion in turn.

Of course, Zhao Ze refused without hesitation.

Just kidding, where does Asia need any superheroes?That sacred beast with big pincers is waiting for him to throw himself into the trap...

In his spare time, Zhao Ze simply ran to Paradise Island, trying to get the mother box from his mother-in-law, and Hippolyte also readily agreed to Zhao Ze's request.

The reason is simple. Is this thing safer than putting it in Zhao Ze's hands?

As one of the few people on the plane who knows the true background of Zhao Ze, Hippolyte is very relieved that Zhao Ze will take the mother box. Anyway, the Amazons are not rare for the technology and power contained in this thing, and have persisted for thousands of years. The guard of this thing has long been tired.

Now that Zhao Ze asked for it, Hippolyte was naturally anxious to satisfy his request.

After taking away the mother box of the Amazons, Zhao Ze found the mother box belonging to the human in an underground base of the British. Under the circumstances that Superman is unlikely to die, if Zhao Ze does not appear, the human The mother box will never have a chance to show up.

Two mother boxes were obtained, and the rest was the mother box guarded by the Atlanteans.

Zhao Ze does not have the ability to move Sea King at supersonic speeds underwater, but he has the ability that is not inferior to Sea King, which is the talent inherited from Poseidon, the god of war.

If it is more than destructive power, his control and use of the sea is far more than that of Sea King.

When Zhao Ze found the legendary Atlantis, he descended from the sky into the water in the manner of the sea god Poseidon. Under his divine power, the entire deep sea kingdom was shaking violently.

Playing in such an arrogant way naturally attracted the attention of the Atlanteans, but Zhao Ze did not force it in. Instead, after attracting the Atlanteans out, he did not know it. Slid in and quickly found the last mother box unguarded.

Want to come before the mother box did not respond, the Atlanteans had almost forgotten the existence of this thing.

After finding the mother box, Zhao Ze did not rush to leave. Instead, he merged with the sea, looking for Atlana in a ubiquitous way, the Queen of Atlantis and the sea king Arthur Ku Rui's mother, and the sea queen Mera who made him salivate the most.

What made him regretful was that Atlanta and Mela didn’t seem to be in the kingdom. Zhao Ze searched every corner of the Deep Sea Kingdom. Although he also found a lot of good stuff, psychologically speaking, in the end, Still not as good as the first two.

Chapter 1034

After all, Zhao Ze still remembered why he came, and did not lose his mind in order to find Atlana and Mera. Before the Atlanteans discovered that the mother box was stolen, he quietly left.

After the three mother boxes were undoubtedly taken away from this world by Zhao Ze, he placed them in the Star Wars world most suitable for studying mother boxes.

Only the human resources of the Star Wars world can hope to study the true mysteries contained in these three boxes. As for whether Steppenwolf will be furious because of this, Zhao Ze does not care about it. Who makes Steppenwolf a weak chicken?

If Steppenwolf dared to appear on the earth now, without Da Chao's hands, Diana would be able to beat him one-on-one to find him full of teeth.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Ze also deliberately placed the three mother boxes on three planets. After instructing the person in charge of the relevant research projects, he did not return to the DC world immediately, but turned his attention to the system location. List of new movie worlds displayed.

He does not want to enter the world of Hercules, the son of Zeus for the time being. He is thinking about the factors of maximizing interests. It is not the best time to directly confront the gods, especially the gods of the Son of Zeus world are always hidden in the dark. In the case of the strength of the gods, rushing in may cause losses.

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