Super Plane Traveling

Super Plane Travel Chapter 848

Of course, this move caused a lot of commotion, especially when the roadside camera captured this scene and passed it to the top government officials at a very fast speed.

As for the consequences of his actions, Zhao Ze naturally knew well, but he just didn't care about it. Besides, what would happen if he saw it?

At the same time, Zhao Ze, who had passed through the portal, appeared on the edge of a lake, not far from him, the official military school used by the international fleet to train senior commanders.

Because of inheriting the abilities of the Olympias gods, Zhao Ze's current vision is comparable to clairvoyance. He saw Ander Viking walking on the campus at a glance, that is, the protagonist and hero of the story.

When Ander was unaware, Zhao Ze closed his eyes and squinted for a second, and suddenly knew everything in Ander's mind.

Strictly speaking, the main line of the original plot has not yet begun.

This was not what Zhao Ze wanted, so he immediately found Colonel Helen Graff played by Harrison Ford and several other relevant persons in charge of the school, and through the control of their behavior awareness, he asked them to do it in advance. The decision to send Ande to the space station to study.

Three days later, accompanied by Colonel Hillen, Ander took the first step in his journey to outer space.

Probably because of the rush of time, Ander was on the road alone this time, without the many friends in the original plot.

Watching the rocket spacecraft lift off, Zhao Ze was on the hillside not far from the launch base, eating the burger in his hand, and taking a sip from time to time with a large glass of Coke, and finally did not forget to take a deep breath.

If Ander doesn't go to the orbital space station to study, how can he appear in front of Ander at the right time?

The difference from the original plot is that because Ender came to the space station to participate in learning and training this time, and there are no other companions around him, so he was directly incorporated into the Salamander team-that is the original plot Under the commander Bonsu Madrid, who is as tall as the Hobbit.

For this little boy named Bonsu Madrid, Zhao Ze's disgust is still higher than that of Ender, and he is not as good as others. He even thinks about going wrong. The top of the international fleet is even more cold-blooded and directly regards him as With the same props on Ande’s growth path, in the movie Bangsu survived the conflict with Ande-in a vegetative manner, but in Zhao Ze’s view, he might as well just die, just like As in the original novel.

Without transforming at all, Zhao Ze appeared in the outer space outside the space station-at his current level of life, he no longer needs to use the magic lamp or transform to survive in a vacuum state-a close observation What happened to Ander.

After watching for a few days, Zhao Ze was speechless and found that Ander was just like in the original plot, except that he had a good relationship with the heroine Pecha Akali, and everything else remained the same. He was still the commander of the Salamander Team Bangsu. Madrid's eyes are thorny.

Noting that Ander had no intention of changing this situation, Zhao Ze finally couldn't help it, and simply opened the portal directly, stepped into the space station, and appeared in Ander's lounge.

Of course, this lounge does not only belong to Ender, it also belongs to all other Salamander team members, which naturally also includes the annoying Bonsu Madrid. Right now this team is resting, and Zhao Ze appears. Silently, it didn't wake them up.

"Attention, line up!"

With a sudden shout, the light on the top of the lounge came on first, and a group of people habitually got up from the bed and stood on the side of the bed as quickly as possible.

Only then did all the members of the Salamander team realize that there was a stranger in the room that no one knew.

"Who are you?" Bangsu looked at Zhao Ze with a ugly expression, he felt as if he had been tricked.

Zhao Zecai didn't care what he thought. He woke these people up, of course, not to chat with them, so he ignored Bangsu's fierce gaze, walked up to Bangsu unhurriedly, and suddenly raised his hand. A slap fell on Bangsu's face.


Bangsu turned in a circle and fell backward, fell heavily to the ground, and was directly stunned by the slap.

Chapter 1002

Just a few seconds later, Ander and Pecha broke out in a cold sweat, and they were greatly relieved, feeling sincerely grateful that they had not stepped forward.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Salamander team, except for Ender and Petra, and everyone else including Commander Bangsu, have all fallen to the ground. You can see that they have a bruised nose and a swollen face. They were beaten up just now. awful.

Of course, Zhao Ze didn’t exert any effort, otherwise this would be the scene of a murder case. He just slapped the faces of these people "lightly", but he took care of Bangsu a little bit and made this original plot. The "Hobbit" is so painful that he can't even speak his words-all the teeth in his mouth have been beaten out.

"How about it? Little Hobbit, don't you think it's cool? It's cool. Just say it. If you don't say, how can I know you are cool?"

Zhao Ze squatted in front of the "hobbit" Bangsu, looking at him with a smile, and patted him on his face with a palm that was not light or heavy. The smell of humiliation was so strong that it was aside. Ander is a little surprised at what deep hatred he and Bangsu have, and he wants to treat Bangsu like this.

While humiliating Bangsu, Zhao Ze didn’t forget to take time out of his busy schedule to glance at Ande. He was very satisfied with his knowledge. If this kid dared not to take the initiative to stand up, then he had no choice but to take the initiative and let An De often means "shuang".

After finishing Bangsu and the others, Zhao Ze stood up happily, and did a few chest-expanding movements carelessly, but before he flashed, he heard a rapid sirens above his head.

Needless to say, it must have been discovered by people in this space station. Almost at the same time as the alarm sounded, footsteps were faintly heard outside the door.

Zhao Ze ignored so much, walked straight to Ande, and patted him on the shoulder "lightly". Although he didn't use much strength, Ande was just a teenager after all, except for his stature. Apart from Gao, his body is actually quite thin, so that Zhao Ze patted him directly to the ground with a gentle pat.

The reason for this is that Ander is actually scared, just like he allowed his abnormal brain to insult him in the original plot. In fact, Ander is a relatively weak child by nature.

Zhao Ze dumbfounded and dragged him up from the ground. Before the high-ranking people in the fleet rushed in, he said a long story short: "Boy, remind you, if you don't have the belief and mentality to exterminate a whole race, you'd better clean up. Things roll back to Earth. Do you think the International Fleet asked you to come here for training to train you? Wrong! They are just looking for the cruelest killer. The question is... Do you have the courage to exterminate the entire Zerg?"

After all, Zhao Ze swiped his right hand in front of Ander and Pecha, opened a portal, and disappeared instantly.

When Colonel Graff rushed in with people, all he saw were the wounded on the floor, plus the dumbfounded Ander and Pecha—the two had been stunned by the scene just now.

At the same time, Zhao Ze appeared outside the space station, he raised his left hand and clenched his fist, the magic lamp ring on the middle finger flashed a gloomy light, and his whole body was shrouded in purple-red light in an instant.

When the light dissipated, Zhao Ze had completed his transformation.

The magic lantern ring, which combines the green lantern ring and reality gems, gives Zhao Ze the ability to transform like the Green Lantern man. He rarely uses this ability-mainly because he feels that the transformation is too silly and shameful. percentage!

The reason why Zhao Ze uses the magic lamp ring to transform is mainly because he wants to fly faster than light through the state after transforming. This is also one of the most powerful aspects of the magic lamp ring.

In the space station before, Zhao Ze had quietly stolen all the information in the base, which naturally also included information about the Zerg. After determining the location of the Zerg, Zhao Ze planned to leave.

On the other hand, he originally planned to teach Ande a lesson, just like Bangsu, purely to relieve the depression in his heart, but when he really stood in front of Ande, he realized that Ande was nothing but a The shameless little boy.

With such a thin body and many flaws in personality, what is there to be angry about?

Perhaps Ander's performance in the original plot was very unpleasant, but the truth is... he is actually just a poor creature who can't help himself.

Having figured this out, Zhao Ze no longer struggled with this, but simply let off Ande.

In fact, he can do nothing now, just wait for the time to come, until the day of the final battle, and it will be enough for Ender to destroy the Zerg’s home planet without knowing it, but because he is right What De said made Zhao Ze doubt whether Ande could destroy the entire Zerg in an absolutely calm state of mind as in the original plot.

Although not a bodhisattva, Zhao Ze has always disliked creatures such as insects. Under such circumstances, it was logical to take a trip to kill the entire Zerg race.

More importantly, he will stay in this world for a long time. If he doesn't find something to do, it would be too boring.

In contrast, eating and sleeping to fight insects seems to be a very interesting thing.

Without the people in the space station noticing it at all, Zhao Ze has turned into a streamer and disappeared into the cosmic starry sky.


I don’t know how long it has passed. It seems to have passed countless light years, and it seems that only a short moment has passed. When Zhao Ze rushed to the front line according to the star sign given by the International Fleet, there was only a very inconspicuous standing in front of him. Earthy planet.

This planet is the outpost in the original plot, and it is also the Zerg planet occupied by humans after they defeated the alien Zerg. It is very close to the Zerg home planet.

After falling from the atmosphere to this planet with very thin oxygen content, Zhao Ze took out a golden compass that had not been used for a long time, and began to locate the mother emperor who was killed in the original plot shortly after the victory of the war. The big bug that went.

Although he knew that this big worm died soon, and that the war between humans and the Zerg was just a misunderstanding, Zhao Ze never let go of his thoughts and thoughts, including the remaining egg— —It is still unknown whether the big bug has given birth to offspring, Zhao Ze will not let it go.

The mother emperor is easy to find. It is in a lair not far from the human outpost base. Humans think that there is no living bug here, but they don’t know that the entire Zerg tribe’s leader is hiding here. It is ironic enough to say .

Chapter 1003

"You are the Zerg Mother Emperor? But it's... ugly!"

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